The night watchmen around also understood the current purpose of these dark world creatures. They had not come back to their senses at this moment, and were shocked by the previous air-blast bomb behavior.

From their evolution to the present, they have experienced countless battles in their lives, big and small, but they have never seen such a strange battle.

Ma Long looked at Lin Fan beside him. He was very curious about how Lin Fan did it, why he could detonate the bodies of these dark world creatures and make them explode on their own initiative!

Every superpower, their bodies actually gather terrifying energy, but these energies can't be detonated by outsiders except themselves!

When they are desperate, everyone can actively detonate the energy in their bodies to form a self-explosion to kill the enemy.

But outsiders can't do this!

Ma Long really wants to ask Lin Fan how he did it, and he also wants to learn this method, but he doesn't dare to ask, this involves Lin Fan's secrets, everyone has their own secrets, this may be Lin Fan's trick.

No one is willing to tell others about their trump cards and tricks, so he can only suppress his thoughts.

The other night watchmen and jailers were shocked and curious about this method. If they could master this method, they would be confident that they could destroy all the creatures in the dark world in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"Lin Fan, how did you do it?"

A jailer couldn't help it.

He really wanted to know this method, and his words also represented the voices of others.

Lin Fan naturally understood that if he showed such a hand, it would arouse everyone's curiosity. Someone asked him, this was an inevitable event!

"This method can only be used by me, and I can't teach you, because I have a special ability to control other people's bodies. I can control the energy in these people's bodies, let their energy gather together, form a critical value that is about to explode, and then detonate..."

Lin Fan calmly told the truth.

"So that's it..."

Everyone is smart, and as soon as Lin Fan said it, they understood what the principle was.

They had to shake their heads and sigh. This method was indeed only available to Lin Fan. They had no choice. They couldn't control the energy in other people's bodies like Lin Fan.

They envied Lin Fan's control ability.

Unfortunately, everyone's abilities are basically very different. In addition to the similar basic abilities, everyone who can cultivate to this level has his own unique abilities.

"Unfortunately, the more powerful the ability, the more difficult it is to copy. The copy we master can only copy the basic abilities."

A jailer shook his head.

He just thought of a question. Lin Fan's control ability is so powerful. Can it be copied to the federal laboratory? Let the federal copy laboratory copy Lin Fan's skills to other people.

However, he thought of another point. Every powerful ability is basically difficult to copy.

Except for some basic abilities, such as the familiar power ability and speed ability, which can be easily copied to other people.

Those special and powerful abilities cannot be copied in the laboratory. For example, Lin Fan's control ability is beyond the scope and there is definitely no way to copy it!

However, he still mentioned that if Lin Fan has the opportunity to return to the federal laboratory, he can consider copying his control ability in the laboratory to see if he can copy it successfully.

If the copying is successful, some geniuses with control abilities can be created for the Federation. If it cannot be copied, forget it.


Lin Fan agreed, but he was the only one who knew what he was thinking.

It was impossible for him to copy his abilities to others casually. Along the way, controlling everything brought him great benefits. If others had control over everything, he would not have much advantage. Although he had more than one ability to control everything, he did not have the spirit of selfless dedication.


With the efforts of everyone, the array base in front of them was destroyed. Not long after they destroyed the array base, Xue Wuya came with people.

Looking at the destroyed array base, Xue Wuya was extremely angry. He could sense the position of the night watchman, but he could not intercept him.

Many creatures in the dark world did not listen to his command.

"You bunch of trash!"

In the sea of ​​blood, many creatures in the dark world received Xue Wuya's orders, but when they knew that the night watchman was coming, they not only did not stop him, but left directly.

They are not fools. Dozens of night watchmen gathered together. If they rushed forward rashly, they would probably be killed.

Moreover, the night watchmen mastered a terrible way of attack, which made them even more afraid.

Unless they were many, they would not dare to go up alone!

In the sea of ​​blood, Lin Fan was looking for the array base while looking for the dark world creatures that were alone. Whenever he saw some dark world creatures alone in the sea of ​​blood, he would quietly approach them with people, severely injure these dark world creatures, and then capture them!

Soon, they had more than a dozen dark world creatures in their hands, which made them feel relieved.

Each of these dark world creatures is a grenade that can tear open the encirclement for them at a critical moment and let them escape successfully.

So far, the creatures of the dark world have not found a way to crack the air-blast bomb. Every time they encounter an enemy, they use air-blast bombs to clear the way, and the enemy will be helpless.

"Come here, follow me to hunt them down!"

Xue Wuya passed the message to the sniper.

The sniper was leading people to besiege the two jailers, but the two jailers were too strong. The sniper received the message from Xue Wuya, and his face changed. The two jailers in front of him were already injured. If they continued to hold on, they should be able to get rid of the two jailers.

But now Xue Wuya was in a hurry to let him go quickly.

"If you don't come over, the array base will be completely destroyed by them!"

After the sniper understood the seriousness of the matter, he asked the remaining dark world creatures to continue to attack the two jailers here. Even if they couldn't kill them, they had to ensure that they couldn't destroy the array base and entangle them here.

He turned around and shuttled through the sea of ​​blood alone. This sea of ​​blood formation was arranged by him and Xue Wuya together. Naturally, he could also sense the position of other people in the sea of ​​blood.

He locked the position of the night watchman, and then killed in the direction of the night watchman. He was very fast in the sea of ​​blood.

In addition, he could shuttle in space. He intercepted the night watchman from another direction, and Xue Wuya chased behind.

The two of them, one in front and one behind, planned to form an encirclement to surround the night watchman in the middle.

Lin Fan didn't know that the sniper was about to encircle him from the front. His eyes could only see the situation within 10,000 meters.

He couldn't see the situation beyond 10,000 meters.

So, when the sniper surrounded him, he didn't expect it at all. He just took the night watchman to look for the array base everywhere.

"Found it!"

They found an array base again. Everyone surrounded this array base and attacked together. This array base trembled wildly. Facing the attack of dozens of night watchmen, the array base did not last long before it was broken.

When this array base was destroyed, the power of the entire blood sea array dropped again. Even the pressure on Lin Fan from the blood sea around him became much smaller. He breathed a sigh of relief and didn't need to control the channel with all his strength.

Even some powerful jailers, even if they run into the blood sea now, the blood sea can't pose a threat to their lives, at most it can have a little impact on them.

They can resist the invasion of the blood sea by themselves.

"Soon, we can leave this formation soon, I hope there is enough time!"

Lin Fan is not afraid of the dark world creatures such as Xue Wuya at all now, he is afraid of the black hand in the space crack!

They have been in this formation for too long, and the black hand may come out at any time!

If they are still trapped in this formation when the black hand comes out, the black hand will grab them all and it is very likely to catch them to death!

He has seen the horror of the black hand countless times, even those powerful jailers will be killed in an instant!

When the black hand comes, none of them can survive!

"Hurry up!"

He felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart, and he shuttled madly in the blood sea with the night watchman, trying to find other formation bases.

He felt it carefully, and the pressure of the blood sea on him had been reduced a lot. Before, he needed to use all his strength to control everything in order to control a channel and protect everyone from harm.

But now he can use only 70% of his strength, which indicates that the power of the blood sea has dropped by at least 30%. As long as it reaches a certain critical value, they should be able to directly break through this blood sea formation and kill out!

"No, someone is coming!"

Lin Fan's eyes saw a group of figures suddenly appearing 10,000 meters ahead. The sniper in the lead, Lin Fan knew, and he was very afraid of this sniper because this sniper was powerful!

The sniper had already prepared.

Seeing the night watchman appear, he raised his hand without hesitation and fired three shots in a row.

In the crowd, three night watchmen were threatened by three bullets at the same time. They wanted to resist, but these bullets ignored the space distance and came to their hearts and eyebrows in the blink of an eye.

It was difficult for them to dodge.

"Control everything!"

Lin Fan decisively used the control of everything to affect the three bullets. Although he could not stop the three bullets, as long as the three bullets paused for a moment, the three night watchmen could survive.

The three bullets were almost not affected by Lin Fan's control of everything. Of course, this also bought time for the three night watchmen.

One of the night watchmen moved his body to the left, and the bullet flew past his heart by two centimeters, which only caused him a slight injury but did not die.

But the other two night watchmen were not so lucky. Although Lin Fan helped, the bullets still pierced their eyebrows, and the two bodies fell directly into the sea of ​​blood.

"Be careful of the sniper!"

All the night watchmen felt a little panic. This sniper was too scary. He killed two of them in an instant, and almost killed three people!

Except for a few powerful jailers who could resist the sniper's bullets, the other night watchmen were almost unable to resist.

Because they are either not as advanced as snipers, or their realm is the same as snipers. Snipers at the same level can almost kill instantly!

Unless they are particularly powerful masters of the same level, most of the night watchmen at the scene cannot resist the sniper's bullets!


Lin Fan decisively asked the two night watchmen next to him to throw out the dark world creatures in their hands. The two night watchmen quickly threw the dark world creatures in their hands, like two grenades, and instantly threw them to the sniper and others.

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