The creatures in the dark world hate the virus doctor to the extreme, however, no one dares to kill the virus doctor, because the virus doctor is a legendary figure!

Chapter 235: Sweeping the enemy with one's own strength

The virus doctor invaded the real world with the dark world two hundred years ago. At that time, the virus doctor was at his peak and killed countless federal masters!

In particular, his ability to kill the living and revive the dead directly caused many people in the federation to suffer great sins. Even the residents of cities were killed and resurrected by him!

It can be said that the virus doctor was one of the most threatening existences to the federation more than two hundred years ago. It would be a disaster for ordinary people to meet him!

The virus doctor's terrifying resurrection method alarmed the top leaders of the federation. The reincarnationists personally hunted him down. Three reincarnationists hunted him down together, chased him to the ends of the earth, and severely injured him.

Under the pursuit of the three reincarnationists, he finally escaped. For the past two hundred years, he has been hiding until he suddenly appeared in Qucheng some time ago.

He went to Qucheng to save Guhuo Mask, who was his friend, but he eventually exposed himself and was seen by the reincarnationist Yan Qi, who chased him. In the end, he was not a match for the reincarnationist and was caught in the seventh prison.

At this moment, he appeared outside the gate of the seventh prison, cursing. He reached an agreement with the reincarnationist that he could be free as long as he could help the night watchman to defend the seventh prison.

"Damn reincarnationist, I am a virus doctor, but you forced me to sign an unequal treaty. I don't accept it!"

The virus doctor was angry, but his work did not stop. He sewed the corpses very diligently. Then, all the corpses were resurrected and stood by his side.

Some corpses guarded the seventh prison, and some attacked the dark world creatures.

In the eyes of the virus doctor, all living people in the world are sick, and he wants to treat them!

His philosophy is to treat people all over the world and eliminate the viruses in their bodies.

Whether it is the night watchman or the dark world creatures, they are all patients in his eyes, so he does not distinguish between good and bad!

Two hundred years ago, he came to the real world with the creatures of the dark world. He was not on the side of the dark world. He just wanted to come and destroy them because he saw too many viruses here.

At this moment, although he reached an agreement with the reincarnationist, he looked at the dark world creatures on the other side as viruses one by one.

According to his idea, he wanted to destroy all viruses. He did not think that what he did was wrong!

Although he reached some agreements with the reincarnationist, there was a suspicion of being forced, but he wanted to do this well from the bottom of his heart.

Just like now, although he cursed, he felt excited to sew these corpses.

After each corpse was sewed, there was an invisible black line directly connected to him.

One corpse after another was connected to him, and he could see dense black lines connected to his body. He closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he felt different.

Every time he resurrected a corpse, he could recover some of his injuries!

The black lines connecting him and the corpses are absorbing the viruses in the corpses, and then these viruses enter his body and can repair the injuries he suffered two hundred years ago.

For the past two hundred years, he has been hiding from XZ.

He dared not make a big fuss to eliminate the virus, because he was worried that he would be exposed. Once he was discovered by the Federation, he would be finished.

He was really afraid of the reincarnationists. He had always been a wretched development and did not dare to be too arrogant.

Like now, he can sew these corpses openly. He has never encountered such a situation in the years of the Federation.

So, rather than saying that the reincarnationists forced him to do this, it is better to say that he wanted to do this himself.

High-end hunters often appear in the form of prey.

Even if the reincarnationists did not force him, he would find a way to sew these corpses.

Because sewing corpses can make him stronger and recover from his injuries, but all this must be done quietly and cannot be discovered...

At this moment, his heart is very excited, but he must remain calm and sew these corpses calmly.

Moreover, he had to act reluctantly and cursed in front of the reincarnationist. He wanted to do it for the reincarnationist to see.

But secretly he was recovering from his injuries. As more and more black lines were connected to him, his injuries were recovering faster and faster!


But he had to do the whole show and control many corpses to attack the dark world creatures. When these corpses were close to the dark world creatures and exploded, the black lines connected to him would break.

Every time a black line was broken, he would feel heartbroken, because once the black line was broken, his recovery speed would slow down.

But he had to do it. If he didn't do it, the reincarnationist would find out and would definitely find clues!

The only thing he could do was to sew the corpses one by one frantically and let them stand up. He had to make the black lines appear faster than they broke. Only in this way could he keep the black lines increasing at a balanced speed.

Only then could he quietly recover from his injuries.

At this moment, he felt that the injuries he had suffered in the Federation years ago had healed a lot.

Even reached the sum of his wretched development in the past two hundred years.

In the past two hundred years, he dared not attack ordinary people.

The Federation protects ordinary people too well. Once a large number of deaths or strange events are found in any place, the Federation masters and night watchmen will immediately go to investigate. He has been hiding in the dark and dare not show himself.

At most, he goes to some cemeteries or mass graves to mend some dead bodies and quietly develop himself.

His injuries. Ordinary people cannot recover.

Even if he sews up ordinary people in a city now, it is difficult to recover his injuries, because his injuries require superpowers, just like now, the superpowers outside the gate of the seventh prison are all masters.

Only by sewing up the bodies of these people can his injuries recover quickly.

However, in the past two hundred years, he simply cannot find so many masters. The lowest who appear on the battlefield is the three gods.

This level of master is the top existence in the Federation world. Normally, it is difficult for him to meet one, let alone kill him.

Once such a person is killed, there will be a lot of investigations. Therefore, in the past two hundred years, he has actually lived a very depressed life and it is difficult to find so many masters to recover his injuries.

Now, he seemed to have come to heaven. He could sew up these powerful corpses unscrupulously and recover his injuries quickly.

"Damn reincarnation, damn federation, when I recover to the peak, I will definitely destroy your virus!"

The virus doctor was rebellious, cursing, and had already thought of a way to retaliate against the federation.

He quietly developed himself, and after his injuries recovered, he would sew up all the night watchmen in the seventh prison and destroy their viruses!

"Viruses should not exist, destroy them, I'm tired!"

The virus doctor cursed and resurrected more corpses. Except for those guarding the seventh prison, all the others rushed towards the dark world creatures.

With the self-destructive fighting method, the dark world army was directly blocked outside the gate of the seventh prison and did not dare to approach at all.

The battle in the seventh prison also fell into silence for a short time because of the appearance of the virus doctor.

On the gate of the seventh prison, the jailers can finally rest in peace. They have been fighting for too long and dare not rest for a minute. Now they finally get a short rest time.

They have to seize the time and restore themselves to their peak as soon as possible.

As for the back of the gate of the seventh prison, the jailers are seizing the time to repair those god-level rules, and want to repair all the cracks on the gate as soon as possible to welcome the next war!

Although the virus doctor used the corpse to explode and blocked the pace of the dark world army, this is not a long-term solution!

"We must find a way to destroy these corpses, and we can't let them get close. Find the virus doctor and kill him. We can't let him help the night watchman resist us!"

On the side of the dark world army, some dark world strongmen are also discussing countermeasures. The corpses sent by the virus doctor exploded and caused them great harm.

But this is nothing. As long as you think about it, you will definitely think of a way to deal with it.

The problem now is to find a virus doctor, who can sew corpses continuously and revive them.

The last thing on this battlefield is corpses.

Once the virus doctor resurrects all these corpses, that would be the biggest disaster.

So, they must stop the virus doctor, and continue to attack the seventh prison.

They have finally fought until now, and they can't stop because of a virus doctor!

"I'll go find it!"

A master of the Flesh and Blood Sect turned into a sea of ​​blood and spread directly to the battlefield in front.

Suddenly, the battlefield in front turned into a vast blood-red sea, which roared and spread towards the gate of the seventh prison.

Along the way, the corpses resurrected by the virus doctor were also submerged by the sea. They sank in the sea, fell into the bottom of the sea, or rolled with the waves of the sea.

They also exploded in the sea, but these corpses exploded, at most, they would blow up and evaporate a piece of sea water, which was not a big deal for the sea.

The sea rolled forward, directly sweeping these corpses that rushed over, and drifted towards the seventh prison, so that these corpses could not get close to the dark world army.

The dark world army stood quietly behind, waiting for the sea to blow those corpses over!

As the sea appeared on the battlefield, all the corpses were blocked by the sea. They were trapped in the sea and had no way to get close to the dark world army, and could no longer pose a threat to the dark world army.

At the same time, the sea quickly spread towards the seventh prison and soon submerged the entire area.

Everything outside the gate of the seventh prison and the corpses standing outside the gate were also submerged by the sea.

The virus doctor looked ugly, and he was also submerged by the sea, but the sea water spreading around him did not appear next to him. A vacuum was formed within a hundred meters around him. The sea water did not know what was going on. Once it approached him, it would be cut off.

There were many powerful corpses standing densely around the virus doctor, and these corpses protected the virus doctor from the attack of the sea.

"Damn Flesh and Blood Sect, it ruined my plan!"

The virus doctor cursed, and the corpses submerged by the sea exploded crazily, and a large area of ​​the boundless sea was evaporated in an instant.

A muffled groan was heard from the sea. The members of the Flesh and Blood Sect turned into the sea. Although a large number of corpses were submerged, the crazy explosions of these corpses also caused him great damage.

Most of the sea water evaporated, and more corpses appeared in the sea. They swam out of the sea, exploding while swimming, causing great damage to the sea.

In the end, this sea disappeared, and the members of the Flesh and Blood Sect were severely injured. After all, many of these corpses were very powerful when they were alive. The power formed by their explosions was naturally very terrible, and he was seriously injured.

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