He was locked by a terrifying force. He could not move and could only bear the blow.

The closer the distance, the more terrifying the music.

After the samsara blade energy approached three meters, most of the remaining blade energy was destroyed.

But there was still a large piece of blade energy slashing towards him.

This blade energy was enough to kill him.

He had to block it. He tried his best to fire an energy shell, and the mechanical speaker was also used to the maximum.

In the end, there was still a palm-sized samsara blade energy that flew towards him in an instant. He moved his body with difficulty, and this palm-sized samsara blade energy instantly pierced his chest and slashed a big hole in his chest.

His mechanical body was severely damaged in an instant, and the gears and wires inside were destroyed. He felt like his body was short-circuited.

Cracks appeared on his body, and his extremely hard mechanical body seemed to be broken...

He paused in hitting the mechanical speaker, and his hands seemed to be out of control. The palm-sized samsara blade destroyed the core strength of his mechanical body, paralyzing him in an instant.

He fell on the mechanical speaker in an instant and could no longer start it.

The music disappeared in an instant, and the world returned to silence.

The eight members of the mechanical sect who were holding the mechanical speaker looked up at Long Yi falling on the mechanical speaker in the sky, and they were also very anxious.

One of them flew to the mechanical speaker and helped Long Yi up. Looking at the huge hole on Long Yi's chest, he took a breath.

These holes cannot be healed because they contain the terrifying power of reincarnation, which is preventing Long Yi's body from healing. Otherwise, his mechanical body has the ability to heal itself.

As long as it is not broken into pieces, he can slowly recover bit by bit.

However, now the power of reincarnation prevented his body from healing. Long Yi was severely injured and had lost his ability to fight. He could no longer activate the mechanical horn.

The eight members of the mechanical sect were worried that the mechanical horn would be taken away. They carried the mechanical horn and returned to the dark world army without hesitation.

The dark world army was silent. Looking at the mechanical horn that was carried back, many people had different ideas, but more people were anxious.

Unexpectedly, the last effort failed. After all, the reincarnation was too terrible. He almost killed Long Yi with one knife and prevented the mechanical horn from continuing to attack the seventh prison!

"The reincarnation is too strong!"

Looking at Long Yi's miserable appearance, especially the big hole on his chest, which could not be healed at all under the prevention of the power of reincarnation, Long Yi had basically lost his fighting power.

Now he is very weak. If someone wants to kill him, he will be easily killed.

After Long Yi was carried back, the members of the mechanical sect present surrounded him and looked at the dark world creatures around him warily.

Everyone is only temporarily united in this area, and many of them are enemies. Now that Long Yi has been severely injured, many people's eyes flicker, and they want to take this opportunity to kill Long Yi.

After all, Lei Yu is the commander of the Mechanical Cult here. If Long Yi is killed, then the Mechanical Cult will be leaderless here, and they are also eyeing the mechanical horn. Everyone has seen the power of this mechanical horn.

If they can master the machinery, then they will sweep the battlefield.

However, many people think that they have no way to activate the mechanical horn, so they can only give up.

After all, it takes a method to activate the mechanical horn, and only a few people in the Mechanical Cult know this.

With Long Yi seriously injured, it seems that no one in the Mechanical Cult can activate the mechanical horn.

However, Long Yi did not die. He lay weakly in the crowd. Then he called several powerful members of the Mechanical Cult to his side and told them the method of activating the mechanical horn in secret without hesitation.

"You continue to activate the mechanical horn on my behalf. If anyone dares to snatch the mechanical horn, activate the mechanical horn and kill them!"

After Long Yi finished speaking, he secretly told the three members of the Mechanical Sect how to activate the mechanical horn.

These three people were the strongest members of the Mechanical Sect present except him. They listened carefully and learned how to activate the mechanical horn.

Then, they looked coldly at the dark world creatures that surrounded them from outside.

Several dark world commanders took the lead and surrounded them with a group of people. They looked at Long Yi on the ground, and many people had murderous intent in their eyes.

Among them, the commander of the Flesh and Blood Sect strode over.

"Long Yi, you are seriously injured now and can't activate the mechanical horn. Why don't you tell us how to activate the mechanical horn and let us destroy the Seventh Prison!"

Chapter 240 Mechanical Array, Killing Prisoners

"I'm not dead yet, are you so impatient?" Long Yi looked coldly at the commander of the Flesh and Blood Sect who stood up first.

The Mechanic Cult and the Flesh Cult are enemies. The supreme gods they each worshipped perished together in ancient times, causing their body fragments to be scattered in different worlds.

There is also a deep blood feud between the two sects.

This time, the dark world temporarily united together, and he was severely injured. The Flesh Cult was the first to jump out. This was also within his expectations, but he did not expect it to happen so soon!

He was still alive when these people came. In addition to the Flesh and Blood Sect, many commanders from other organizations and races also came, all of whom were very interested in the mechanical horn!

"Long Yi, although you are still alive, it is no different from being dead. Your mechanical body has been destroyed. Unless you return to the Mechanical Sect to change a body now. But that will take too long. By the time you come back after changing your body, the war will be over. You should teach us how to activate the mechanical horn so that we can quickly break through the Seventh Prison and not miss the big event!"

The commander of the Flesh and Blood Sect looked righteous.

"Yes, Long Yi, don't forget what our joint goal is this time. We all want to destroy the Seventh Prison. The mechanical horn is the only weapon to break through the Seventh Prison. You can't start the mechanical horn now, so you should pass the method to us!"

"Don't worry, when we break through the Seventh Prison, we will definitely return the mechanical horn to the Mechanical Sect!"

"Besides, what are you worried about? Cain, the founder of your Mechanical Sect, is here. Are you afraid that we will snatch your mechanical horn?"

Long Yi calmly looked at the Dark World commanders talking to each other. The goal of these people is to obtain the method of using the mechanical horn.

They may not dare to rob the mechanical horn blatantly.

But what they want most is the method to start the mechanical horn. This time, Cain is here, they dare not snatch it, but they can snatch it later.

As long as you master the method to start the mechanical horn, you can snatch the mechanical horn at any time!

"Don't dream. The method to start the mechanical horn is the core secret of my Mechanical Sect. How can I tell you!"

Long Yi spoke calmly and refused at once.

But these commanders did not give up, but continued to surround Long Yi, and some of them had strong murderous intent in their eyes, as if they would take action if you don't tell us.

The members of the Mechanical Cult around Long Yi were nervously alert to the Dark World commanders around them, and were ready to fight at any time!

"Are you trying to rob them?"

Long Yi sneered, not afraid of these people at all.

The method of starting the mechanical horn is the core of the mechanical structure. How could he tell outsiders, not to mention that Cain, the founder of their Mechanical Cult, was on the battlefield.

He didn't believe that these people dared to take action. Although Cain couldn't spare his hands now, it would be enough for Cain to be here.

"You misunderstood, we are allies now, we are doing this for the overall situation, don't you, the Mechanical Cult, want us to break through the Seventh Prison?" The commander of the Flesh and Blood Cult said with a smile.

"Long Yi, don't delay the important matter. Now we can use the mechanical horn to destroy the gate of the seventh prison and release the people inside."

"Yes, if the best opportunity is delayed and we fail, can your mechanical sect bear the consequences? The elders of the alliance will definitely sanction you!"

The other dark world commanders spoke coldly, with a threatening tone.

But Long Yi is a soft-hearted person. The more these people threaten him, the more he disagrees, not to mention that he can't tell anyone how to start the mechanical horn.

"I will send someone to restart the mechanical horn and won't delay the opportunity!"

Long Yi said coldly, and then the three mechanical sect members around him took the initiative to express to the dark world commanders around them that they would also start the mechanical horn. Next, the three of them will start the mechanical horn together to attack the seventh prison.

"The three of them are too weak to bring out the true power of the mechanical horn. Tell me how to activate the mechanical horn. If we do it, we will definitely be able to destroy the Seventh Prison with overwhelming force." The commander of the Flesh and Blood Sect looked at the three members of the Mechanical Sect coldly, with a strange look in his eyes.

"Yes, they are too weak to bring out the power of the mechanical horn. Only we can bring out the stronger power of the mechanical horn!"

Long Yi looked at the people around him coldly. These people looked like they wanted to get the method to activate the mechanical horn.

He ignored them directly, and the members of the Mechanical Sect all came over and surrounded Long Yi.

Eight members of the Mechanical Sect carrying mechanical horns came over, and the three members of the Mechanical Sect immediately jumped on the mechanical horns, looking like they were ready to activate the mechanical horns at any time.

Seeing them do this, the commanders of the dark world around them took a step back at the same time, looking at the mechanical horns with fear.

"I'm giving you two choices now. The first choice is...get out of here, and the second choice is to continue attacking the Seventh Prison!"

Long Yi's murderous voice echoed around.

The dark world commanders around him looked grim, but they could only retreat obediently. Once the mechanical horn was activated, then no one here could stop it. They didn't have the skills of a virus doctor.

"You're so cruel!"

The commander of the Flesh and Blood Sect glared at Long Yi unwillingly.

"Just wait and see!"

After leaving a harsh word, the other dark world commanders also turned around and left. If they didn't leave, the three mechanical sect members would really activate the mechanical horn.

Because one of them had his hand on the mechanical horn, and the mechanical horn had already made a buzzing sound.


Long Yi snorted coldly. These people just wanted to take advantage of the situation, but no one could benefit from him.

Although he lost his fighting ability, as long as they had the mechanical horn, they would not be bullied by anyone!

Besides, Cain, the founder of the Mechanical Cult, was still here. If it really came to the last moment, they could also ask Cain for help. Although Cain was unable to spare his hands now, he could definitely help them solve the trouble here.

"Commander, what should we do now?"

"Continue the attack!"

"What about you? What if we leave and someone comes to assassinate you?"

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