As for the Crimson Son next to him, he was also suppressed by Cain. Cain's strength was even more terrifying than Abel, giving the Crimson Son a huge pressure.

Four people were fighting in the sky, and they couldn't pay attention to the battlefield below.

The jailers of the Seventh Prison can only rely on themselves at this moment. With more and more cracks on the rule wall and the door of the Seventh Prison, they know that it is only a matter of time before the door is broken.

Eventually, they began clearing Prison Seven of its prisoners.

The most ordinary prisoners were originally held for experiments, but now they must be killed.

Some jailors entered the prison and began to kill ordinary prisoners. These ordinary prisoners had long been weak and weak after being detained there for a long time.

Many of them were lying dying in their cells with only one breath left, and were easily killed by the jailers.

As each prisoner is killed, the number of abnormal creatures in the seventh prison is also decreasing crazily.

Although many of them have research value, they have to be killed now, otherwise, when the gate of the seventh prison is breached and the creatures from the dark world come in, these creatures will be rescued.

At that time, it will be a huge burden!

Chapter 241 The gate of the Seventh Prison is broken, and you enter the Seventh Prison


A burst of beautiful music vibrated, and the ripples of music vibrated on the gate and regular wall of the seventh prison.

The door is shaking, more and more cracks are appearing, and many of the god-level rules in the rule wall have been erased...

"If you can't stop it, kill the prisoner as soon as possible!"

Many of the guards on the walls of the Seventh Prison turned around and entered the depths of the Seventh Prison and began to slaughter the prisoners, not planning to release them!

"Kill them as soon as possible before they can be rescued by creatures from the dark world!"

There were screams from the seventh prison, and abnormal creatures were killed one after another.

In the sky, the Reincarnators and the Crimson Sons also saw the situation in the Seventh Prison, but they really had no way to support them now.

They really wanted to take the time to give them a knife or a shot, but Abel and Cain, who were fighting with them, seemed to understand the situation below. They were entangled crazily, leaving the two of them unable to support...


There were more and more cracks on the door of the Seventh Prison, and it was about to be broken open. The music was vibrating crazily, and the three members of the Mechanical Cult were beating the mechanical horns frantically.

Eight members of the Mechanical Cult carrying mechanical loudspeakers were constantly approaching the gate of the Seventh Prison.

"Keep them from getting closer!"

The guards on the seventh prison wall saw that the mechanical loudspeaker had entered their attack range.

The two sides are separated by a regular wall, which blocks the music for them. They are fine for the time being. They can attack the mechanical speakers outside.

Suddenly, the jailers launched an attack one by one. However, as soon as their attacks left the regular wall, they were immediately shattered by the sound of music.

No one's attack could get close to the mechanical speaker. The moment they left the regular wall, they were shaken into pieces by the terrifying sound of music.


All the jailers looked at the mechanical loudspeaker outside in despair. So many of them took action together, but they were all shattered by the music of the mechanical loudspeaker.

This made them realize something terrible.

Once the wall of rules is broken, then they have no protective cover, and everyone may be killed by the sound of music.

Seeing more and more cracks appearing on the rules wall, many jailers turned around and began to escape into the Seventh Prison, trying to use the environment deep in the Seventh Prison to resist the mechanical speakers.

"walk into!"

The jailer on the city wall had to turn around, give up resistance, and enter the seventh prison.

Once the rules wall and the seventh prison door are broken, they will all be shocked to death by the sound of music.

In this case, they had no choice but to pray for passerby to come over quickly.

Only passerby A can snatch the mechanical horn over, and then they can make a comeback!


All the jailers entered the depths of the Seventh Prison. Not long after they left, the door of the Seventh Prison opened with a click.

The sound of music vibrated in from the cracks, and the door was broken into pieces in an instant.

The rule wall above also cracked tremblingly, covered with countless spider web-like cracks, like broken ceramics. With a click, the rule wall shattered in an instant.

The Seventh Prison was completely exposed to the mechanical loudspeaker. The mechanical loudspeaker continued to vibrate, not only shattering the gate and regular walls, but even the buildings inside the Seventh Prison were shattered by the sound of the music.

The entire building on the ground of the Seventh Prison slowly turned to ashes amidst the sound of music, and a large pit appeared on the spot. In this big pit was the real cage of the Seventh Prison.

A passage leading to the underground came out, and a gloomy atmosphere came from the passage. There were also terrifying sounds, wailing, and screaming...

"The gate of the seventh prison has been broken down, everyone can go in!"

The three members of the Mechanical Cult also stopped beating the mechanical horn. Now there is no need to use the mechanical horn anymore. They need to fight in manually.

Only in this way can the people imprisoned inside be rescued. If you continue to use the mechanical loudspeaker, although the Seventh Prison can be destroyed, those imprisoned in the Seventh Prison will also be killed by the sound of music. They are here to save people!


After the music from the mechanical loudspeaker stopped, the Dark World army from behind rushed in directly.

The dense army of the dark world poured into the original location of the Seventh Prison, entered the pit, and began to follow the passage to enter the real Seventh Prison!

The cells in the Seventh Prison are all built deep underground. The buildings on the surface are only for the jailers to rest and are the jailer's living area.

But just now they were all shattered into pieces by the mechanical loudspeaker, so the Dark World army needs to go underground and enter each cage to rescue those imprisoned!

Three members of the Mechanical Cult control the mechanical loudspeakers, suspended in the sky above the Seventh Prison. Sitting here can allow the Dark World army to smoothly enter the Seventh Prison!

The dense army of the dark world entered the seventh prison.

The depths of the Seventh Prison seemed to be endless. No matter how many Dark World creatures entered, they could be accommodated. When the Dark World army poured into the Seventh Prison, Lin Fan and others on the outermost edge also saw it, and their faces turned pale.

The Seventh Prison was finally breached. The Dark World army entered and the creatures imprisoned inside were about to be released.

This made them feel despair. Many people thought of the most terrible consequences. If the seventh prison was destroyed, then the final measures would be initiated to detonate the entire barrier and destroy everything inside.

People like them will also be wiped out!

No one wants to die, but that's the reality.

"We can't let them destroy the Seventh Prison, let's stop them!"

They all know that if the Seventh Prison is destroyed, they will die as well.

That being the case, they went to fight.

The people who were ambushing here all moved out and headed towards the Seventh Prison. They were also preparing to enter the Seventh Prison and fight the creatures of the dark world.

At this moment, the mechanical loudspeaker is no longer activated, and the only way to survive in the seventh prison is to fight bloody battles.

As long as you enter, everyone is equal and needs to fight with your own force.

It's just that the number of creatures in the dark world is much greater than theirs. They are at a disadvantage even if they enter.

However, they must go. They and the Seventh Prison will both prosper and suffer!

Lin Fan and others quietly shuttled across the battlefield. At this moment, all the Dark World troops poured into the Seventh Prison. There were no Dark World creatures staying outside, so they could pass through unimpeded.

When they came to the vicinity of the Seventh Prison, the army of the dark world was lining up to enter the Seventh Prison. Most of the people had already entered, and the remaining people were also entering quickly...

"How big is the seventh prison?"

Lin Fan was shocked when he saw thousands of creatures from the dark world entering the Seventh Prison.

The seventh prison must be large to be able to accommodate so many people.

According to his idea, the Seventh Prison is just a prison. How big can a prison be?

But now it's okay for so many creatures from the dark world to enter. This seventh prison is bigger than he imagined!

"Actually, we don't know how big it is. We are only responsible for a certain area..."

The jailers next to him told Lin Fan some news that surprised him. These jailers were guarding the Seventh Prison. However, they did not know how spacious the Seventh Prison was.

"We are responsible for the cage in one area. Other places are guarded by other jailers. We can't just enter the area guarded by the other, so we don't know how wide it is!"

After hearing this, Lin Fan finally understood why it could accommodate so many creatures from the dark world. According to what these jailers said!

The Seventh Prison is not like those prisons in the traditional sense. A prisoner can be held in any room. The prison inside is very complicated, and you can only truly understand it after entering it.

Lin Fan was a little curious about this, what was going on in this seventh prison!

At this time, all the creatures from the dark world outside also entered the seventh prison. After the three members of the Mechanical Cult who controlled the mechanical speakers stayed outside for a while, they also turned and entered the seventh prison.

After they enter, Lin Fan and the others can enter the seventh prison. Of course, they have to be careful.

There might be creatures from the dark world waiting at the entrance of the passage, waiting for them to enter.

Everyone arrived at the entrance of the Seventh Prison in an instant. After arriving here, Lin Fan stared down. He saw that deep in the passage, there was indeed a group of dark world creatures guarding there.

These dark world creatures are ambushing them. If the dark world creatures come in, they can let these people in.

If the night watchmen and jailers come in, they will kill them immediately.

Lin Fan's eyes saw these people in advance, and he also told the night watchmen and jailers around him that there was an ambush inside, and everyone had to find a way to get in.

"Wait a minute, the virus doctor is here!"

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