While these Snake Hand members were searching, Yuan Kui's eyes were also staring at the surroundings.

Everything seemed to be transparent before his eyes.


At this moment, a big tree in the distance suddenly cracked, and Yuan Kui's eyes locked there instantly.

But he didn't see anyone appear, and the big tree split suddenly.


More big trees were cracked, and big trees were cracking open in all directions. Yuan Kui could see the situation there for the first time.

"Are you making a fuss in the east and attacking in the west?" A hint of smile flashed in Yuan Kui's eyes.

Lin Fan was controlling everything and controlling the splitting of big trees. He used this method to attract the attention of the members of the Snake Hand so that he could take the opportunity to escape.

He has used this trick before.

Using it again at this moment, this group of Serpent's Hand members were still fooled. Whenever a big tree cracked, they would arrive at the scene immediately.

But they only saw big split trees, and they didn't see anyone staying here, so they knew they had been fooled.

As the big trees around them cracked, they were deceived again and again.

"Ignore the trees and keep searching!"

Yuan Kui spoke calmly.

His voice rang in the ears of each Snake Hand member. The group of Snake Hand members obeyed his words and continued to move towards areas that had not been searched.

As for the places they searched behind them, once a big tree cracked, they didn't pay much attention.

Lin Fan soon discovered that his trick didn't work, and the group of Snake Hand members stopped paying attention to them.

However, he had now fled to the edge of the forest and was about to escape across the forest. He did not use this move of making noises in the east and west again.

"Want to leave?"

Yuan Kui sneered, and then his figure flew directly from the ground to the sky. He was directly over the forest and began to fly towards the opposite side of the forest. He seemed to be very sure that Lin Fan was about to leave the forest!

Chapter 248 Yuan Kui vs. Ying Wuji

Lin Fan had just escaped from the forest and was about to leave, when he suddenly felt a terrifying aura coming from behind him.

He decisively tore open a space channel and appeared ten thousand meters away.

As soon as he entered the space channel, a big illusory hand fell from the sky and almost caught him.


Yuan Kui looked at the place where Lin Fan escaped in surprise. He didn't expect that his catch would actually fail.

Although his health bar had not fully recovered, his move was not something that an ordinary Four God Realm person could withstand. Unexpectedly, Lin Fan slipped away in an instant.


Yuan Kui looked at Lin Fan 10,000 meters away with interest, and then he rushed forward. Lin Fan continued to tear open space passages and appeared 10,000 meters away.

At a certain moment, he tried to lengthen the distance of the space channel, because his control of everything has been upgraded to level nine, and the attack distance is 20,000 meters.

Theoretically speaking, the distance of the space channel he can tear can reach 20,000 meters. It just needs to be tested and familiarized first.

He decisively tore open a 20,000-meter-long space channel. This was the first time that the space channel was lengthened, and he was a little unfamiliar with it.

The space channel after 10,000 meters is a little unstable, but it can be passed.

He plunged decisively into the space channel and appeared 20,000 meters away in an instant.


Yuan Kui had just chased down and was about to take action when he discovered that Lin Fan appeared 20,000 meters away, doubling the distance. This made him shocked.

Because the distance of Lin Fan's space channel suddenly doubled to 20,000 meters, he was caught off guard and let Lin Fan slip away again.

Lin Fan tore open the space passages again and again, because after the space passages were torn open, where exactly Lin Fan would appear was not fixed, so Yuan Kui had no way to pinpoint Lin Fan's location.

He could only watch helplessly as Lin Fan tore open space passages one after another, getting further and further away from his position!

"Want to leave? It's not that simple!"

Yuan Kui watched Lin Fan getting further and further away from him, and he pursued him decisively. Although his health bar had not recovered, his speed was still very fast.

He coldly pursued Lin Fan.

Unfortunately, Lin Fan appeared elusively 20,000 meters away every time. He could not lock Lin Fan's position in advance and could only passively follow behind Lin Fan.

Lin Fan turned around and saw Yuan Kui following him, and he also felt uneasy.

Yuan Kui continued to chase him. He was no match at all. He had to find a way to deal with Yuan Kui.

However, with his fighting power, he was no match for Yuan Kui.

There are no night watchmen around to help him, so he can only find a way to save himself!

He could only think hard while running away.

When Yuan Kui was chasing Lin Fan, the Snake Hand members behind him quickly lost track of him, and they were unable to pinpoint Lin Fan's location.

The speed was not as fast as Yuan Kui's. Naturally, Lin Fan and the two of them soon lost track of where they were.

However, they all had great confidence in Yuan Kui. Yuan Kui escaped from trouble and it was easy to hunt down Lin Fan who was in the Four Gods realm.

They just had to wait silently at the rear for good news about Yuan Kui. Therefore, after these members of the Snake Hand chased for a while and found that they could not find Lin Fan, they gave up and went back, preparing to wait for Yuan Kui's return.

Yuan Kui chased Lin Fan for hundreds of miles in one breath, but never caught up with Lin Fan.

Lin Fan could avoid him every time through the space channel, appearing in different locations mysteriously, making it impossible for him to accurately judge where Lin Fan was.

Lin Fan was also looking for a way out. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Then, he ran back the way he came. He remembered that he had encountered a powerful invisible man before!

If his feeling was correct, the invisible man should still be controlled by the chains and was not out of trouble yet.

Now, we can only lure Yuan Kui over to see if there is a possibility of a fight between the two people, and then he can take the opportunity to escape.

He couldn't resist Yuan Kui, and no one could come to help him. If he hadn't been able to tear open the space channel and appear 20,000 meters away, Yuan Kui would have been killed long ago.

"You can't run away!"

Yuan Kui looked at Lin Fan's back coldly and chased him coldly.

In the process of chasing Lin Fan, his health bar also began to drop. After all, he had not recovered yet. This kind of super-intensive pursuit still had a great impact on him.

His health bar was decreasing little by little. After chasing Lin Fan for a while, his health bar dropped to 40%, losing 5 points.


An illusory big hand hit Lin Fan's body and just passed by Lin Fan's body. A huge handprint was printed on the ground below, and the ground was sunk several meters.

Lin Fan narrowly escaped Yuan Kui's blow again. He desperately ran forward. At the same time, he was also looking for the invisible person...

At the same time, in a certain place, in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, an iron chain locked a man's left foot, preventing him from leaving this place.

He has broken free of four of the five iron chains on Ying Wuji's body, and with only the last one left, he can leave this cage.

The invisible people around him constantly brought him batches of dark world creatures, so that he could devour the flesh, flesh and life energy of these dark world creatures to restore himself.

At the same time, he was also trying to figure out how to break free from the last chain.


There were some small cracks on the last chain on his left leg, but it was still a long way from being broken.

He needed to swallow more flesh and blood and life energy. While breaking free from the iron chains, the aura on his body was also increasing.

At this moment, he has rejuvenated, and has recovered from his old state to look like a young man.

His long hair is shawl-black and looks very smooth. His body is also very strong and he looks handsome.

Sometimes, his figure will suddenly disappear in place, and sometimes he will suddenly appear again, just like the signal is not good, sometimes appearing and sometimes disappearing.

The iron chain on his foot entangled him, making it impossible for him to leave, but as each invisible person brought batches of dark world creatures, the iron chain on his left leg shuttled underground, accurately moving from They fought out of the ground, pierced the bodies of the creatures in the dark world, and drained their blood and life energy.

"Not even close!"

Ying Wuji looked into the distance excitedly, expecting more creatures from the dark world to be sent over. He was still a little bit close to breaking free from the last iron chain.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed a terrifying aura coming from the distance, and his eyes lit up.

Now he needs a huge life force to break free from the last iron chain.

Now, he suddenly felt a terrifying aura, and a crazy idea flashed in his eyes.

No matter who comes, if the person is not as strong as him, then he will find a way to kill him. As long as he swallows the opponent's life energy, he will definitely be able to break free from this last iron chain and gain freedom.

He was low-key invisible and disappeared directly on the spot. There was only an iron chain connected in the void, locking his left leg.

The surrounding ground was filled with corpses that had been drained of blood and life energy, looking like mummies.

Their blood was sucked clean by Ying Wuji.

Ying Wuji was invisible in place, silently waiting for the other party's arrival. At the same time, a group of invisible people also quickly left here. They received Ying Wuji's order to go out and trick more creatures from the dark world into coming.

In the blink of an eye, only Ying Wuji was left here, waiting silently for the other party to come to his door.

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