Their will also died in an instant, and when they fell into the magma in a daze, they were doomed to die.

One by one, the dark world creatures were roasted and then killed by the magma.

When Lin Fan saw that all the dark world creatures had died, he closed his eyes, and the magma around him fell back to the ground and returned to silence.


When the night watchmen on the stone saw that all the dark world creatures had disappeared, they all took a breath of cold air.

Then, they looked at Lin Fan in shock. Among the dark world creatures, there were even several five-god realm masters, but they still couldn't escape the killing of the magma.

"Too strong!"

Everyone was stunned. Of course, they all knew that all this was because the magma was terrible, not because of Lin Fan's terrible power.

Lin Fan could control the magma, and he was invincible in this world of fire.

With Lin Fan's protection, they were completely at ease, and everyone was able to quickly recover their strength on the stone.

They had recovered most of the damage they had suffered when they rushed in before, and they already had the strength to fight.

However, there are still some people who have not recovered, and they decided to continue to recover here.

After recovering to normal, they will slowly find a way to kill out. It is not safe to stay in this flame world.

If the other party comes with a few terrifying existences, then they will be trapped in a jar and will be directly killed by the other party.

Of course, ordinary strong men can't kill them. After all, Lin Fan can control this flame world, and this is his home court.

If they come in, they will be killed by the magma.

At least for now, even the five gods can't stop the killing of these magmas.

After all, this is the cage where the Water Emperor is imprisoned. The strong men of the level of the Water Emperor can't move in it. If ordinary strong men come in, they will naturally die.

Lin Fan stood on the stone, he was thinking, he looked at this flame world, is there a possibility that he can also control such a world to appear.

He seemed to have found some kind of feeling, he was thinking.

If he can control a flame world, or a world like this, then he can really control everything.

He lowered his head and thought, and a space appeared in his palm. This space was a circular world composed entirely of spatial forces.

Everything in this world was controlled by him, and he controlled this world to slowly expand. This world was a closed space composed of space.

Looking at the flame world, he found an inspiration. His control of everything, in theory, should also be able to control his own world.

However, this world needs to be combined with space. This flame world is 10,000 meters in size. Can Lin Fan also control such a large space, and then control something like magma to appear in it?

At that time, the enemy will be trapped in this world of his by him...

The circular space in his palm slowly expanded, from a few centimeters in diameter at the beginning, and slowly changed to 10 centimeters.

Then it was still changing rapidly. Lin Fan found the right idea. His control of everything is now very powerful, which can make this space continue to expand.

Slowly, the diameter of this space became one meter, and it was still expanding.

The night watchmen around him were stunned when they saw a circular space appear in his palm.

All eyes were fixed on him, and the diameter of the space gradually increased, and finally became 10 meters.

Lin Fan held a circular space with a diameter of 10 meters, and he was happy in his heart. His idea was correct.

He continued to control the space and made it bigger. In this process, he needed to control everything in the space all the time.

Keep it stable, just like blowing bubbles. If the bubble is not well controlled, it will break with a snap.

At this moment, the space exploded with a bang, forming a whirlwind that swept everything around. Several night watchmen nearby were blown away by the explosive force.

They all took a breath of cold air. The power formed by the shattering of the space could actually knock them away.

"Are you okay?"

Lin Fan looked at the night watchmen who were blown away with concern. The night watchmen shook their heads. They were just blown away and were not injured. However, the power was also very terrible.

They looked at Lin Fan like a monster.

Lin Fan was thinking. When he was controlling the space just now, there was an unstable place, and then the space exploded.

When the space exploded, the blast wave formed was also very powerful. He found another idea.

He could summon a world. If the space in this world was unstable, a sudden explosion could also cause terrible damage to the enemy.

Of course, the best way was to form a stable world, trap the enemy in it, and then slowly control something like magma to kill the enemy in it.

As for the last thing that can't be killed, let this world explode. The power formed by the explosion of the world should be more terrible than the power in the world, enough to kill the enemy.

He continued to study beside him, and he summoned another world. This time, the world he summoned appeared directly on the original basis. A world with a diameter of 10 meters appeared, because he had tried it before, and he didn't need to start from scratch.

He guaranteed that every expansion would make this world reach the most stable state, so that he could directly summon a world at will in the future.

This world can also be said to be invisible, or a domain.

The night watchmen around saw him studying the world space beside him, and they were all stunned.

"Domain, he is actually studying the domain!"

A jailer took a breath, domain, that is the level that only true gods can do!

"Only true gods can touch the domain, how did he do it!"

The night watchmen around were stunned. Only the strong in the realm of true gods can touch the domain. However, Lin Fan is only in the realm of four gods now. He can actually do this step, which is really shocking to them.

However, Lin Fan is on their side. The stronger Lin Fan is, the better. Only when Lin Fan becomes stronger can they survive better.

Only in this prison can more creatures of the dark world be killed, so all the night watchmen stood quietly by and recovered their strength.

As for those who have fully recovered, they stood by and admired Lin Fan. Perhaps they could also get some inspiration by watching Lin Fan comprehend the domain.

Unfortunately, this is too profound, and they can't understand it at all. Many people looked at it for a long time, confused, and finally shook their heads.

"Forget it..."

They gave up. This is a domain that only true gods can touch. Their current realm is still too low and they can't comprehend it at all.

And Lin Fan quietly controlled it by the side. At this moment, the spatial diameter of the world he can control has reached 100 meters, which is a very powerful domain.

In this 100-meter domain, he is invincible. Of course, this world is not stable yet and needs to be slowly reinforced.

He took every step very carefully and must ensure that this world reaches the most stable state. At a certain moment, this world suddenly exploded, but Lin Fan threw this world out like a football in time and exploded in the distance.

When this world exploded, a large area of ​​magma around it was evaporated.

The night watchmen on the stone took a breath of cold air. If Lin Fan had not thrown this world out in time, this world would have exploded next to them, and many of them might have been seriously injured.

The power of the explosion of this world was very terrible, at least many of them could not stop it.

"Too strong, is this the power of the domain!"

Many night watchmen looked at Lin Fan with envy. Lin Fan was so young, but he actually touched the domain. They had no idea yet.

But this was not something to be envied. Lin Fan took a deep breath. He was thinking about which link had gone wrong just now.

Then he moved his mind and summoned another world with a diameter of 100 meters. This time, he was more careful.

Because once this world exploded, the power was very terrible. Not only could it injure other people, but even he himself might be injured. Therefore, he must ensure that this world was very stable.

However, after reaching 100 meters, this world became very difficult. He needed to ensure that there were no mistakes in every link.

It's like blowing bubbles. When the bubble gets bigger and bigger, it will be more dangerous and the possibility of the bubble bursting will be higher.

Now, he is in this situation. After he controls the world to become a hundred meters in diameter, the risk of the world exploding will increase with each meter of diameter increase.

It's like blowing bubbles. The bubble has been blown to the limit. If you blow it in, the bubble may burst. This is the situation now.

He did not continue to expand the diameter, but tried to make the world stable, at least it would not break suddenly.

While he was studying the domain world inside, the dark world creatures outside the exit were thinking about countermeasures.

The two groups of people they sent in successively disappeared inexplicably, which made them realize that the people inside might have died.

The previous sniper and the dark world creatures who went in to find the sniper were all wiped out, which made them realize that this flame world is extraordinary and there may be unknown dangers in it.

They did not see the process, nor did they know how these snipers and dark world creatures died.

Therefore, they could only attribute it to the unknown dangers in this world of fire. As for the night watchers on the stone, they simply ignored them.

They thought that these night watchers could not kill the snipers and dark world creatures. If the night watchers could do this, they would not be blocked in this world of fire.

Therefore, they felt that this world of fire had unknown dangers, and they had to find out the hidden dangers.

At the same time, they tried to kill the night watchers on the stone.

"They are standing on the stone. Maybe the stone is the only safe place. Other places are full of dangers. We must be careful after we go in."

Finally, a group of dark world creatures decided to kill again.

This time, they became very careful. They were not far from the exit, so they asked a group of people to look around to see if there were any hidden dangers.

Even, they approached the magma and threw some weapons into the magma. When these weapons entered the magma, they were melted.

Some people, holding a big knife in their hands, inserted it into the magma, and the body of the knife began to melt. When they pulled the knife out, the knife had been half melted.

They took a breath of cold air. These knives were very strong. Even they could hardly break them, but the knives were instantly melted by the magma, which gave them a clue.

These magmas are very dangerous. Those dark world creatures and snipers may have died in these magmas.

"Be careful of the magma!"

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