In the blink of an eye, they came to a strange space. This space contained various elements. There was even a piece of land on the ground, which was only a hundred meters.

It was like a huge stone floating in the air, and they just stood on this stone.

"What is this place?"

They looked around cautiously, not understanding how they entered a strange space. This space was not big, but it made them feel threatened.

At this moment, a lightning bolt fell from the sky and struck them directly.

Dense lightning appeared, and their scalps numbed. The attack power of these lightning bolts was very terrible. After being struck, several people were struck by lightning and their bodies were charred by lightning.

"Not enough!"

Lin Fan has been trying to find a balance, wanting to make the power of his space reach a maximum value, at least to kill those in the three-god realm and the four-god realm in seconds.

He tried various combinations, summoned various elements, and arranged and combined these elements. Finally, he found a rule. The more ordinary these elements look, the stronger their power is, and the more fierce they are, the weaker their power is.

Then, in his space, an ordinary land appeared. This land looked like a barren grassland with some newly sprouted grass growing on it.

The surrounding space also became very stable, not as bad as before, and the lightning that attacked the water tribe people also disappeared.

Even, some blue sky and white clouds slowly appeared. This was simulated by Lin Fan according to the real world. He wanted his space to look like a normal little world.

He found that when developing in this direction, this world would become very stable. Although the attack power might be weaker, it was very stable, allowing him to expand the area of ​​the space on this basis.

Before, he encountered a bottleneck when expanding to 100 meters. Every time he broke through one meter, the space would suddenly break, just like a bubble that was blown to the limit. If you blow it again, the bubble will break.

But now the space has become stable, which can support him to expand the area of ​​the space again.

There are a total of three water tribe people in the space. Except for the attack at the beginning, they were not attacked later. They watched the space in front of them constantly changing.

From the harsh environment at the beginning, it suddenly became sunny and windy, which made them a little unable to adapt. They didn't understand what was going on in this space and why it suddenly became so quiet.

At this time, the grass that had just sprouted on the ground suddenly grew vigorously, and their growth cycle accelerated countless times.

Because Lin Fan used the power of time on them, which accelerated their growth countless times, these grasses began to sprout, grow into grass, and then continue to grow taller, and finally become towering trees.

The branches of these towering trees suddenly grew and turned into vines, and began to entangle the three water tribesmen.

The three water tribesmen witnessed everything, and they dodged in fear. However, in this world, the space was only a hundred meters in diameter, and they couldn't dodge at all.

When the vines were wrapped around them, they were directly dragged to the big tree, and then the vines began to poke into their bodies, absorbing their blood and life energy.

"This is..."

They felt the blood and life energy in their bodies draining away, and their health bars were dropping madly. Lin Fan's eyes lit up, and he finally found a way to balance.

Although this world looks ordinary, every flower, grass, and tree can launch a fatal attack on the enemy.

At this moment, the vines transformed from the grass into the big tree can make the blood and life energy of these water tribesmen drain quickly.

In less than a few seconds, their blood bars dropped by half.


Finally, their blood bars were cleared, and their blood and life energy were directly absorbed by the big tree. At the same time, their bodies were buried under the roots of the big tree.

Energy was still being absorbed until their bodies were sucked clean and turned into ashes.

After killing these three water tribesmen, Lin Fan also gained 120 million experience points, and his eyes looked outside again.

The bubbles outside were on the verge of breaking, and finally, accompanied by a burst of breaking sounds, the entire bubble instantly shattered.

The magma spread over and directly swallowed up the dark world creatures and the water tribe people inside.

The dark world creatures were attacked by the magma and melted directly, without any resistance at all.

No matter how strong they were, they would be swallowed up by this terrible magma. Only the water tribe people could survive, because their water element could support them to swim in the magma.

However, there was nothing but magma in all directions, and each wave was more terrible than the other. Their only way was to swim towards the exit.

It was only more than a hundred meters away from the exit, but this more than a hundred meters blocked them, because there was a hundred-meter space here, blocking their way forward.

At this time, cracks appeared above the hundred-meter space, and they instinctively rushed into these cracks, and then they entered an ordinary small world.

"What is this place?"

All the surviving water tribe members ran into this 100-meter space. As for the other dark world creatures, they had long been swallowed by the magma. Lin Fan looked at these water tribe members in his world and decided to continue to experiment with them.

He must find a way to make this world more stable.

In this ordinary small world, there are big trees, and some of them even have fruits on them. It looks very peaceful.

There are even blue sky and white clouds. Although the space is small, everything is there. Lin Fan suddenly thought that this world has everything, but it still lacks the sun.

The next second, a sun appeared in the sky. Seeing the sun suddenly appear, all the water tribe members were stunned.

Although this world is small, it has everything. It even has the sun. When the sun appears, the sunlight shines on these water tribe members, and their bodies make a hissing sound.

The sun belongs to the fire element, and they belong to the water cloud element. Water and fire are incompatible. When the two meet, they naturally collide.

These water tribesmen hated the sun, so they were going to run under the big tree to cool off and avoid the direct sun. They came under the big tree, some standing and some sitting.

Standing under the big tree, they avoided the direct sun and felt better. At this moment, the big tree next to them suddenly shook, and then vines spread towards them.

Seeing the big tree suddenly attacking them, these water tribesmen were also shocked. Everything seemed so normal, but who would have thought that these big trees were hidden so deeply.

As the vines spread over, they also took action.

One by one, the water tribesmen hid in the bubbles, and the vines pierced through the bubbles in an instant and continued to entangle them. Some people were accidentally entangled.

Or the vines wrapped their bubbles and dragged them under the big tree.

The water tribesmen whose bodies were entangled by the vines could not resist and could only watch themselves being dragged under the big tree.

Then, the vines of the tree began to absorb their life energy and blood. They could not resist and could only watch their lives slip away and their health bars drop.

Those who were wrapped in bubbles by vines were holding on. Their bubbles were very strong and the vines could not penetrate them. They could only increase their strength and compress them little by little.

Feeling the huge pressure, cracks appeared on the bubbles around them.

The greater the pressure, the more likely the bubbles are to break.


Those water tribesmen whose blood and life energy were absorbed by the vines eventually died and turned into experience points.

Lin Fan calmly controlled all this. He had been trying to arrange and combine. After the sun appeared, he found that the world became more stable, but it was still a little short.

Finally, a moon appeared in the opposite position. The sun and the moon corresponded to each other, but Lin Fan always felt that something was missing.

The sun and the moon generally cannot exist at the same time.

The sun and the moon generally exist separately, but the space of this world is so small. The sun and the moon shine on the only land below at the same time, and he is also very helpless.

Who said that the space of this world is so small? When the moon appears, the world does become more stable. At the same time, the attack power of the big tree becomes more and more powerful.

They compressed those bubbles. Some bubbles could not bear it and broke directly. The water tribe people inside fought desperately, but they were pierced by the vines and taken under the big tree. Their blood and life energy were absorbed, and their blood bars were decreasing.

At this time, the oxygen in the whole world suddenly became less. This world was controlled by Lin Fan, so he could naturally control the oxygen concentration inside.

When the oxygen concentration dropped, the water tribe people in this world felt suffocated and they couldn't breathe.

No matter what kind of creature it is, it can't live without oxygen. Now there is no oxygen, they are short of oxygen and feel suffocated.


While the vines absorb blood and life energy, and they are short of oxygen, the blood bars of these water tribe people are decreasing crazily.

The weak water tribe people eventually have zero blood bars, are killed, and become experience points, which are absorbed by Lin Fan.

As the water tribe people were killed one by one, Lin Fan's experience points were increasing.

At the same time, this world has become more stable. He has figured out more things and found a pattern.

This world needs more elements to be combined together, and most of the elements are composed of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. As for the arrangement and combination, there are many ways, which requires him to explore alone.

Just like a real world, this world contains all elements, however, these elements are in a balanced state, very balanced.

He is now simulating a real world, combining various elements together to make them reach a balance, but this balance is not easy to grasp, just like the sun and the moon, he can't make them like the real world.

One side appears and the other disappears, because his space is too small.

But after exploring until now, his world has become stable and his offensive power has become very strong.

Everything in this world can be turned into an offensive weapon, and the surviving water people are being killed continuously.

No matter how strong they are, they will eventually be solved, and there is no way to survive.

At this time, his experience value exceeded 1 billion, and two choices suddenly popped up in his mind.

[Do you want to consume 1 billion experience points to upgrade the talent of Destruction Thunder]

[Do you want to consume 100 experience points to draw a random talent]

He spent 1 billion experience points without hesitation to upgrade the talent of Destruction Thunder.

The next second, Destruction Thunder was upgraded from level 8 to level 9, and the attack range was increased from 10,000 meters to 20,000 meters.

In a flash, dense Destruction Thunder appeared in this world. He was like a thunder god. When Destruction Thunder appeared, the world became unstable.

Because Destruction Thunder broke a certain balance, he quickly put away Destruction Thunder. When Destruction Thunder disappeared, the world became stable.

When he summoned Destruction Thunder and the world became unstable, the surviving water tribes were terrified. They felt that the world was about to break at any time, just like the end of the world, which made them feel panic.

When Destruction Thunder disappeared, the world became calm again, making their mood switch between heaven and hell at any time.


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