More than 100 night watchmen attacked together, and several of them were in the Five God Realm. They attacked together, and the attack landed accurately on the invisible man, directly beating him to spit blood.

Even in his peak state, he could not withstand the full-strength attack of so many people, not to mention that his health bar was only 30% now.

After a round of attacks, his health bar directly became 28%.

Then, everyone continued to attack, and the invisible man felt completely desperate. He was hopeless.


Lin Fan calmed down and attacked the imprisoned invisible man with the night watchmen. The pressure was not very great.

Just keep attacking for a while. After the night watchmen next to him attacked with all their strength several times, everyone was a little tired.

Then they rested on the side, and after their state was adjusted to the peak, they continued to attack the invisible man.

Chapter 266 Upgrading the Talent Shadow Realm, Level 10 Shadow Realm

The poor invisible man, after being attacked again and again by the night watchmen and Lin Fan, his health bar dropped madly.

In just a short while, he dropped to 22%, which was already very low.

The invisible man was very desperate. He was beaten to death by a group of people with lower realms than him.

He had never felt this kind of pain in his life. Those who cultivated to the Sixth God Realm were all brilliant geniuses. However, he was beaten to death.

Under the attack of the Night Watch, the health bar of the invisible man quickly dropped to 15%. Lin Fan was watching from the side. He wanted to make the final kill.

This invisible man in the Sixth God Realm could bring him 10 billion experience points. He would never let him go!


In the end, a large part of the invisible man's body was broken. He survived tenaciously, and his health bar was only 5%.

Lin Fan also took action at this time. He asked all the Night Watchmen to stop attacking. He wanted to deal with the invisible man himself.

"You guys take a rest on the side, let me kill him."

All the Night Watchmen were silently recovering on the ground below. Lin Fan came to the invisible man. The invisible man was only alive with one breath.

His health bar was dropping.



Lin Fan also made a move without hesitation, stretching out his hand and grabbing the air.

The next second, the invisible man's head was directly crushed by him, and Lin Fan also gained 10 billion experience points.

Several choices instantly popped up in his mind.

[Whether to consume 10 billion experience points to upgrade the talent shadow world]

[Whether to consume 10 billion experience points to upgrade the talent destruction thunder]

[Whether to consume 10 billion experience points to draw a random talent]

"Upgrade the talent shadow world!"

He chose to upgrade his talent shadow world without hesitation.

[Talent shadow world is being upgraded...]

[Talent shadow world is upgraded successfully]

The next second, the talent shadow world is directly upgraded from level 9 to level 10. After the talent shadow world is upgraded to level 10, the distance he can see is expanded from 50,000 meters to 100,000 meters.

In other words, within 100,000 meters, he can see clearly, and no one can easily get close to him again.

He looked around. He could see everything clearly within 100,000 meters, including some dark creatures patrolling outside. He could see clearly that these dark creatures were looking for him everywhere.

He seemed to have the eyes of God. He could really see where these people were and how far they were from him.

However, these people could not easily sense him. Even those dark creatures in the Six God Realm could not clearly know his location.

After the Shadow Realm was upgraded to level 10, the benefits to him were too great. He could know the enemy's location 100,000 meters in advance. Whether it was chasing the enemy or avoiding the enemy, it was a good ability.

Especially after the Shadow Realm reached level 10, he also developed a new function.

He could also make the enemy fall into an illusion. Anyone who looked at him would be instantly affected by the illusion and directly enter the illusion, unable to distinguish between reality and illusion.

He looked at a group of dark creatures tens of thousands of meters away. These people were looking for cages in the corridor.

At this moment, Lin Fan used illusion on them, and several people in the group happened to look in his direction.

They couldn't see Lin Fan, but Lin Fan's eyes could see their eyes, and the two sides looked at each other in an instant.

The next second, these people were stunned in place, they were attacked by Lin Fan's illusion.

They were trapped in an absolute illusion at this moment, and they thought they were still looking for the night watchman with others.

Their bodies were stunned in place, and the people on both sides looked at them in confusion, not understanding why they suddenly stood there in a daze.

"What's going on?"

"They seem to be in an illusion, someone is controlling them!"

"Be careful, everyone be alert around to see if there are night watchmen ambushing us nearby!"

Other dark world creatures were scattered in all directions, looking for, trying to find the enemy in the dark, but they never thought that the people who attacked them were tens of thousands of meters away, using illusions on them in the air.

Those people who were trapped in the illusion suddenly moved their bodies, and then they walked towards the people next to them.

"Wake up!"

The people around them tried to wake them up, but at this moment, a strong murderous intent suddenly flashed in their eyes, and then they attacked without hesitation and killed the people around them.

Several people who were close to them were killed on the spot. Some people's heads were chopped off, some people's hearts were crushed by them, and some people's bodies were split in half by them. Several people were killed on the spot.

"What's going on? Why are you killing people!"

"No, they are controlled. Now it's not their consciousness that controls their bodies. Wake them up quickly."

The dark world creatures around them also quickly realized that they were controlled. Now it's not their consciousness, but they are controlled by people in the dark to attack them.

They tried to wake these people up, but no matter what method they tried, whether it was mental skills or physical methods, they couldn't make these people sober.

These people were like killing machines, with bloodshot eyes and murderous intent, launching a destructive attack towards them. They were completely desperate, with no defense at all, and they charged towards them desperately like wild beasts.

These people were so crazy that the people around them were restrained because they didn't want to hurt them. They knew they were controlled and wanted to find a way to wake them up, but now they couldn't do it.

"They are no longer good, they have been completely controlled. Kill them, otherwise we will lose more people!"

"Go ahead, don't show mercy, otherwise we will die!"

The dark world creatures around them could only kill them with pain. They knew that these people were controlled, but if they didn't kill them now, they would cause more casualties.

Several people were already injured nearby. If they didn't act, there would be more casualties.


The dark world creatures around them could only kill them with pain and kill these dark world creatures controlled by the illusion on the spot.

Although these people were very crazy, there were only a few of them after all. The surrounding dark world creatures attacked together and killed them on the spot.

After all, they were desperate and had no defense, so they were easily killed.

After dealing with these people, all the dark world creatures breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the matter was over.

But they still didn't find the enemy in the dark, which made them realize that there was a terrible enemy who could control them. They must be extremely careful, otherwise, the fate of these people would be their fate.

"Everyone, be careful next time. The enemy may be ambushing next to us. Don't let the situation just now happen again!"

The remaining dark world creatures looked around vigilantly, their eyes staring in all directions, and at this time, several people's eyes looked in Lin Fan's direction.

Just happened to look at Lin Fan's eyes in the air, and the next second, Lin Fan used illusion on these people, and their bodies instantly stagnated in place, and then, they continued to pretend to be calm and searched.

In fact, they had been affected by Lin Fan's illusion and had been controlled.

In their illusion, they found several night watchmen nearby, and they were quietly walking towards them.

In reality, they were walking carefully towards several dark world creatures nearby. They did not make any sound and were very quiet.

Those people had their backs to them and were looking for them, and did not find anything unusual about them.

At this moment, they suddenly launched an attack, and those dark world creatures with their backs to them were attacked and killed on the spot.

The sudden scene also scared the other dark world creatures. Everyone turned around and found out that those people were abnormal.

Seeing their eyes fall into a sluggish state, they knew that they should also be controlled. The situation just now still happened, and they were unable to defend themselves.

"No, they are also controlled. Get rid of them quickly!"

These people sneaked and killed several people, which made others feel dangerous. At this moment, no one was soft-hearted. If they were not killed, they might be killed.

At the same time, they were also wary of the people around them, because no one knew who would be the next person to be controlled.

Anyone could be controlled and suddenly attacked.

They kept a distance of several meters between each other, and everyone kept a safe distance, worried about being attacked.

Now everyone was unsafe, and anyone could be controlled. While keeping a safe distance, they quickly took action and solved the controlled people.

These people had no power to resist and were killed by everyone.

Looking at the horrible corpses on the ground, everyone fell into silence, and then looked up at each other warily, no one trusted anyone, and they were worried that the other party would be suddenly controlled.

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