Seeing that these three forces were the most lethal to zombies, he decided to attack these people and not let them continue to slaughter.

Otherwise, the zombies would soon be wiped out here.

The snipers who posed the greatest threat to the zombies had been beaten by him and hid in the back. It was time to clean up these people.

He first attacked the members of the Mechanical Cult. The gears in the bodies of these members of the Mechanical Cult were controlled by him at the critical moment. They suddenly broke, causing their mechanical bodies to suddenly freeze.

Chapter 273 The Powerful Seven God Realm, the Power of Despair

Members of the Mechanical Cult rushed around, constantly attacking the zombies, and blowing up the heads of the zombies one by one.

In addition to using mechanical gun barrels and energy shells to smash the heads of zombies, their mechanical hands also turned into mechanical hammers or mechanical long knives to violently chop the heads of zombies.

A member of the Mechanical Cult held two mechanical hammers in his hands and hammered the two zombies in front. The heads of these two zombies were smashed into pieces by their mechanical hammers.


The zombie's head was like a piece of tofu, and he easily smashed it. He continued to kill the zombies.

At this moment, the mechanical hammer he raised high suddenly got stuck. The mechanical gear at the shoulder joint suddenly broke, causing his mechanical hammer to lose its reaction force.

He raised two mechanical hammers and was about to hit the zombie in front of him, but the mechanical hammer suddenly did not react. He was stunned for a moment, not understanding why his hand lost its reaction.

At this moment, two zombies rushed up, threw him to the ground, and tore his mechanical hammer off his body with force, and at the same time, they used their claws to smash his head.


He screamed before his death, but the zombies easily smashed his head into pieces, and he died on the spot.

The members of the mechanical sect next to him were originally killing zombies violently. They could not feel pain. Even if the zombies scratched them, they could not infect them into zombies.

However, at this moment, they were all inexplicably stuck. Some key gears in their bodies suddenly broke, causing their bodies to lose response, just like a dead machine, suddenly stagnating in place.

Then, the zombies next to them pounced on them, crushed their heads, and killed them.

The key gears in the bodies of the mechanical sect members were broken by Lin Fan.

Under the control of everything, it was too easy to break the gears of these mechanical sect members.

Once these key gears were broken, the mechanical bodies of these mechanical sect members would freeze.

In theory, they were just a group of robots, and robots were made of machinery. Once some key components inside had problems, they would freeze like machines and could not start.

The mechanical sect members were horrified to find that their bodies had no response, and some key gears were broken, so that they could no longer make fighting movements.

Many members of the Mechanical Cult kept fighting, some raised their hands high, some jumped high, but suddenly their bodies froze, and they froze in place, or fell from midair.

Then they were drowned by the zombies around them, who tore their bodies into pieces and crushed their heads, and the members of the Mechanical Cult died with their eyes wide open.

Under Lin Fan's control of everything, almost most members of the Mechanical Cult could not escape. Lin Fan only needed to destroy their mechanical gears with a casual move, causing them to freeze.

Once they freeze, they will become sculptures with zero combat power. Like sculptures, they stand in place and are knocked down by zombies.

The Mechanical Cult members who were knocked down by zombies were greeted with death, and no one could escape this fate.

Their mechanical bodies were torn into pieces by zombies, and the Mechanical Cult members died one by one.

The Mechanical Cult members who were originally rampant among the zombies suddenly lost a group of people.

The remaining people retreated in fear, not daring to rush among the zombies. They felt something was wrong.

Why did their people suddenly freeze in place?

This was very wrong. Some people felt uneasy and withdrew from the zombie group at the first time and retreated to the dark world creatures, barely saving their lives.

The surviving members of the Mechanic Cult no longer dared to go out. They hid among the dark world creatures and gained safety for a short time.

Lin Fan looked at the members of the Mechanic Cult and did not continue to attack. He did not target the members of the Mechanic Cult, but turned his eyes to the Invisible.

In addition to the members of the Mechanic Cult, the Invisible was the most terrifying threat to the zombies.

After the Invisible was in the invisible state, the zombies around them could not see them at all. They could use the Death Scythe accurately to chop the heads of the zombies into pieces.

The zombies could not stop them at all. A large number of zombies were harvested by them, just like harvesting leeks, falling down in rows. The Invisible was invincible.

If this group of invisibles continue to kill like this, many zombies here will be killed by them.

Except for those zombies in the Sixth God Realm, zombies below the Sixth God Realm cannot resist their killing.

This is a scene that Lin Fan does not want to see. He still needs to rely on zombies to open the way and help them reach the upper floors.

His eyes calmly stared at the invisible people. Maybe others couldn't see these invisible people, but in his eyes, these invisible people were transparent.

He could clearly see the bodies of the invisible people, and then he took action.

He clenched the sickle of death in his hand and slashed at one of the invisible people.

The sickle of death ignored the distance and instantly appeared in front of the invisible person. The invisible person had no power to resist at all, and his head was directly chopped off by Lin Fan.

After the head of the invisible person was chopped off, his invisibility ability disappeared, and the headless body appeared outside. A group of zombies rushed over and tore it into pieces and swallowed it alive.

In addition to scratching people and infecting them into zombies, zombies like to eat the flesh and blood of living people.

Lin Fan calmly locked the invisible people one by one. These invisible people shuttled among the zombies, and each of them could kill a large number of zombies with tricky moves.

But at this time, disaster fell on their heads. An invisible person was swinging the Grim Reaper's sickle and had just chopped off a zombie's head. A Grim Reaper's sickle appeared in front of him.

He was like he had bumped into it himself. The Grim Reaper's sickle easily cut his head and he was killed on the spot.

On the other side, an invisible person was behind a zombie and stabbed the back of the zombie's head with a knife. A Grim Reaper's sickle also pierced his head from the back of his head at the same time.


On the battlefield, the invisible people suddenly disappeared from the invisible state. Their bodies appeared outside and were pounced on by a group of zombies and torn to pieces.

As the invisible people were killed by Lin Fan one by one, the remaining invisible people also felt uneasy. Their people were being killed inexplicably.

They didn't know who was attacking, but they saw their people appearing from the invisible state one by one, and then being torn into pieces and eaten by zombies. In such an occasion, their lives were like grass.

Not many people noticed their death. Only they themselves sensed that they were disappearing and being hunted.

"No, someone is hunting us. We are being treated as prey by him!"

Some invisibles reacted and immediately issued an order to retreat. They were too deep behind the enemy.

Because the invisibles relied on their invisibility, they killed the zombies directly from the front.

Now, all the invisibles are among the zombies, constantly attacking and killing zombies one by one.

They are deep behind the enemy and have completely integrated into the zombies.

As Lin Fan continued to attack, the invisibles among the zombies were killed. As soon as their bodies appeared, they would be torn apart by the surrounding zombies in an instant. No one could survive.

Lin Fan did not leave them with complete bodies. He directly pierced their heads and killed them on the spot.

Anyway, once they died, they could not survive. Among the zombies, no one's body could be intact.

Unless there are other living people around on the chaotic battlefield, they can attract the attention of the zombies.

Otherwise, if a living corpse suddenly appeared in the zombie group, it would be eaten by the zombies.

As the invisibles were killed by Lin Fan one by one, the remaining invisibles also felt uneasy and retreated quickly.

The invisibles were very disciplined. They were like ghosts, moving back and forth among the zombies. Their retreat was silent.

In the invisible state, no zombies could see them at all, unless the zombies of the Six God Realm happened to be nearby.

Some unlucky invisibles who encountered the zombies of the Six God Realm would be hunted down and eaten alive.

Most invisibles were able to withdraw from the zombies safely, but they still had to get through Lin Fan.


Lin Fan kept shooting, ignoring the distance in space, and the Death Scythe accurately killed the invisibles one by one.

These invisible deaths also brought Lin Fan a lot of experience points. In such a short time, Lin Fan once again gained 10 billion experience points.

He killed the invisibles calmly, and the invisibles retreated frantically among the zombies, leaving a pile of corpses on the ground in the process of retreating.

In the end, only a small number of invisibles retreated safely to the dark world creatures. When they hid behind the dark world creatures, they were like the snipers and members of the mechanical sect before, and they dared not go out casually.

They were all targeted, and whoever stepped forward would be killed.

The snipers, members of the mechanical sect, and invisibles were beaten by Lin Fan and dared not step forward.

As soon as they retreated, the dark world creatures suddenly lost a group of main forces, and it was difficult to resist the zombies' attacks.

The zombies also successfully killed into the dark world creatures, causing even more terrible damage to the dark world creatures.

The lethality of invisibles, snipers, and members of the mechanical sect to zombies is the most terrifying, and they also rely on them as sharp knives to tear the zombies' front line, but now that they are hiding in the back, no one can stop the zombies.

Dense zombies swarmed into the dark world's biological group. The snipers hiding in the back did not dare to attack casually. They were afraid that if they attacked, they would be targeted, so they could only retreat.

Lin Fan's eyes were on the black-robed man again. The black-robed man was a spiritual energy body, and he did not have a substantial body.

Therefore, zombies can do little harm to them. There is no other way except to kill them with psychic powers.

Moreover, their lethality to zombies is also very terrifying. They emit a terrible psychic power that can instantly shatter the zombies' brains.

A man in black robe floated in front of a group of zombies. Then, he emitted a strange psychic power, which vibrated in all directions like ripples. All the zombies within 10 meters around him suddenly had their heads exploded.

Like a broken watermelon, it suddenly exploded into pieces, and the headless bodies fell to the ground.

The black-robed man was invincible. In the zombie group, he could shatter the heads of zombies one by one with his psychic skills.

Their lethality to zombies was very terrifying. When the zombies grabbed their bodies with their hands, they could only shatter their black robes and could not cause any harm to their bodies.

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