Seeing Bashu again, they still instinctively felt scared.

But this time they had thought of a way to deal with Bashu. They mixed in with the dark world creatures. If Bashu wanted to kill them, he would kill the dark world creatures around them.

They tried to break up as much as possible and mixed in with the dark world creatures, so that Bashu could not accurately distinguish their identities.

Bashu came here in big strides, but as soon as he came, he frowned, because the dark world creatures and zombies were completely mixed together, and there were zombies near almost every dark world creature.

If he wanted to kill the zombies, then the dark world creatures nearby would also be killed by him.

This time the zombies were more cunning than the last time. Last time, the zombies were all crowded together, and he could step on a large group of them with one foot.

But this time, he couldn't do that. Once he killed the zombies, he would kill the dark world creatures as well. He would hurt the enemy by a thousand and lose eight hundred. This was unwise!

"Back off!"

He ordered all the creatures of the dark world to retreat and keep as much distance from the zombies as possible. However, when the creatures of the dark world moved backward, the zombies followed them.

Now, the zombies have completely integrated into the creatures of the dark world. Wherever the dark world lives, they will flow.

Just like the flowing water, they are completely integrated together, which makes Bashu very headache. He has no idea where to start.

In the end, Bashu could only focus on the zombies of the six gods. Since he couldn't kill a large number of zombies, he would kill the strongest zombies.

As long as the strongest is killed, it is only a matter of time for the remaining zombies to be eliminated.

Bashu locked onto a zombie of the six gods in the crowd. This zombie was rampaging among a group of dark world creatures, constantly infecting dark world creatures one by one.

The infection of the six-god zombies to the dark world creatures is very terrifying. They are like phantoms, passing through the crowd, and countless dark world creatures are scratched and bitten by them, and then quickly transformed into zombies.

Where the six-god zombies passed, dozens of dark world creatures were quickly transformed into zombies.

Bashu raised his foot and stepped down, directly crushing the dark world creatures that had just turned into zombies into pieces, but the six-god zombie cunningly escaped from under his feet and was not crushed to death by him.

Bashu's giant hammer in his hand hammered down fiercely, and the six-god zombie felt that he was locked by a terrifying binding force. Under the giant hammer, he felt like he was trapped in a swamp, and his speed instantly slowed down countless times.

He couldn't break free from this terrifying bondage, as if he was about to be smashed to death by that hammer.

He roared, frantically grabbed the dark world creatures and zombies around him, threw them back, and tried to use these people to resist the hammer.

But when these people's bodies touched the hammer, they were smashed into pieces in an instant, and the giant hammer continued to smash it at an unreduced speed.


The six-god zombie screamed madly and tried his best to dodge, but the giant hammer still smashed down from the top of his head, and finally he had nowhere to hide. The body swelled.

Then, with his own flesh and blood, he carried the giant hammer hard. When the giant hammer came down, he was still smashed into pieces by the hammer without any resistance.

He had no power to resist, and a large area of ​​dark world creatures and zombies around him were also smashed into pieces by the hammer.

Bashu killed a six-god zombie with one hammer, and Lin Fan in the dark also took a breath of cold air. The six-god zombie was so fragile in front of Bashu that it was killed by one hammer and could not escape at all.

This also made him realize that the gap between the six-god realm and the seven-god realm is very huge. Now, he is also equivalent to the six-god realm, but he also feels the pressure.

It seems that the gap between each realm is extremely terrible.

After Bashu beat a six-god zombie to death, he locked onto the second six-god zombie again.

When this six-god zombie felt Bashu staring at him, his scalp tingled and he instinctively ran away, trying to avoid it.

However, Bashu's huge body shook the earth and mountains and walked towards him. With one step, the zombies and dark world creatures around him would dodge in fear and dare not be stepped on by him.

He could kill many people with one foot. Wherever he walked, everyone made way in fear. Those who did not make way in time would be stepped into meat patties by him.

This second six-god zombie wanted to avoid Bashu, but he couldn't hide at all. Bashu came to his side in one step.

He felt very uncomfortable when the hammer in his hand locked him. He couldn't run away at all. He was about to be beaten to death by Bashu.

Lin Fan was not calm anymore. Bashu continued to slaughter. If he killed all the six-god zombies, everything he had done would be in vain!

He couldn't let Bashu kill all these six-god zombies, so he attacked without hesitation.

"Control everything, time stops."

The next second, Bashu, who was holding a hammer and smashing the zombies, suddenly paused.

Although he broke free from this time stop in an instant, he was also affected.

The six-god zombie also broke free from the restraints in an instant, ran madly into a group of dark world creatures, and temporarily escaped from Bashu's pursuit.

"Who is it!"

Bashu clearly felt that time had stopped and someone had taken action against him, but when he raised his head and looked around, he did not feel anyone's presence.

Lin Fan was 20,000 meters away from Bashu, which was just a safe distance so that Bashu could not see him and he could take precise shots.

Lin Fan did not answer Bashu's question, and Bashu could not find out who was taking action. He could only angrily continue to chase and kill the Six God Realm zombie that escaped.

He strikes again.

Lin Fan continued to use Time Stop, still making him pause, allowing the zombie to escape accurately.

This made Bashu angry. Every time he wanted to kill the Six Gods Realm zombie, he would be affected by the stasis of time. He would pause and let the zombies escape, making it impossible for him to accurately kill the Six Gods Realm zombies.

"Who is it, get out!"

Bashu roared angrily, and the sound from his huge body was like rolling thunder, resounding throughout the battlefield. Everyone could feel Bashu's anger, but no one knew who was taking action.

Lin Fan still calmly took action in secret to prevent Bashu from killing the Six God Realm zombies. Bashu came to the battlefield and did not cause too many casualties except for trampling some shrimps to death.

Zombies are mixed with the creatures of the dark world. He is now accurately killing the Six God Realm zombies, but he has not succeeded. Except for the first success, he has never succeeded again.

At every critical moment, Lin Fan would take action to stop him.

Lin Fan also tested and found out that he could only influence Bashu now. If he wanted to fight against Bashu, it would be difficult.

Bashu can break free from his time freeze in an instant.

"Control everything and turn back time!"

Lin Fan tried to use time reversal to return Bashu to his previous position, but the impact was very small. He only made Bashu take three steps back, and there was nothing he could do, which surprised him.

Using such a powerful skill like reversing time on Bashu, it only made him take three steps back.

"Space turbulence!"

Lin Fan controlled a large area of ​​spatial turbulence, which spewed down from Bashu's head and cut into his body. However, it only made him close his eyelids and did nothing else.

When time went back and scratched his body, even his skin couldn't be broken, his skin was too hard.

"So strong!"

Lin Fan realized that Bashu was probably a super strong person even in the Seven God Realm. Otherwise, the average Seven God Realm would not be able to withstand such an attack from him.

However, his power had little impact on Bashu.

Bashu was attacked again and again, but he didn't know who was attacking. This made him so angry that he seemed to be messy in the wind, swinging the giant hammer crazily. This time, he no longer cared about the creatures in the dark world.

He strode across the battlefield, trampling a large number of dark world creatures and zombies to death.

A large number of enemies and his own people were trampled to death by him. He was frantically chasing after the Six God Realm zombies. He didn't believe that the other party could stop him with all his firepower.

When he went completely crazy, Lin Fan really felt the difficulty. His time stopped and he was instantly broken away by Bashu. He wanted to protect the Six God Realm zombies.

However, it can't be done.

When Bashu hammered down, a Six God Realm zombie was almost killed by the hammer.

He narrowly escaped from Bashu's attack, but was blown hundreds of meters away and was almost killed.

"go to hell!"

Bashu roared angrily, swung the giant hammer in his hand, and attacked randomly on the battlefield like a madman. Countless dark world creatures and zombies were killed by him.

He is red-blooded and does not distinguish between friend and foe. Anyone who stops him in front of him will be killed by him.

Wherever Bashu walked, all the creatures and zombies from the dark world fled away in tacit agreement, not daring to appear in front of him.

Once it is determined that he is going to run forward, the people in front will immediately disperse and never dare to appear in front of him.

Now, he can no longer distinguish between friend and foe, and everyone will be killed by him.


Bashu went on a rampage alone, and the battlefield was bloody, and many of them were killed by him.

Those Six God Realm zombies are now terrified and constantly evading his pursuit. The only way is to escape into the creatures of the dark world. In this case, Bashu can be guided to kill more creatures of the dark world.

The creatures in the dark world are also suffering terribly. Bashu has caused more casualties to them than zombies!

They have to fight zombies back and forth, and they can pay some price and kill some zombies.

Now being attacked like this by Bashu, it was a direct massacre. Not many zombies died, but a lot of their people died, because Bashu kept trying to kill the Six God Realm zombies.

And those Six God Realm zombies slyly ran toward the creatures in the dark world. They would run wherever there were more creatures in the dark world.

As soon as Bashu chased after him, he killed countless innocent dark world creatures, causing them heavy losses.

"Lord Bashu, calm down!"

"You must control yourself!"

"You have killed too many of our people!"

Some dark world creatures in the Six God Realm shouted loudly, hoping that Bashu would wake up and stop chasing the zombies in the Six God Realm. Otherwise, if the zombies were not killed, all their people would be killed by Bashu.

A large number of creatures from the dark world were trampled to death by Bashu. Bashu quickly came to his senses. When he looked at the corpses at his feet, he also woke up and no longer frantically pursued the Six God Realm zombies.

He looked back coldly at the zombies living in the dark world. This gave him a headache. He couldn't kill them and there was no other way. In the end, he could only find ways to kill the zombies on the battlefield.

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