Lin Fan used precise control over everything, locking in pieces of flesh and blood.


Under his control over everything, the escaped flesh and blood fragments suddenly exploded, and all the cells in these flesh and blood fragments exploded under his control.

The member of the Flesh Sect who had just escaped into thousands of clones let out screams. His clones were destroyed one by one by Lin Fan, making it impossible to escape.

In the blink of an eye, almost all the flesh and blood fragments that had just escaped were destroyed by Lin Fan. Only a few successfully escaped 100,000 meters away and escaped Lin Fan's sight.

Lin Fan couldn't see where he was running. Lin Fan didn't receive any news that the experience points had been received, which made him interested.

Then he locked several cages nearby, and all the clones of the flesh and blood sect members just escaped into these cages.

He prepared to go in one cage after another. As long as he got close to 100,000 meters, he could see where the opponent was hiding.

He walked into the first cage on the left. After walking in, he found that it was an ocean world. There was only water in this world, and the water was also very deep, hundreds of meters deep, but there was nothing in it. Any living creature.

After entering this ocean world, Lin Fan saw some corpses floating on the sea. He sucked all these corpses into his domain world, and then quickly flashed in this world a few times, and then completed a circle of this world. The world is ten thousand meters in diameter, and he can see it clearly at a glance.

There is no living person, he exits this world and enters the second cage.

This second cage world was a desolate Gobi Desert without any living creatures. It was 20,000 meters in diameter, and he could see through it at a glance.

There was no living creature, and he also exited this world and came to the third cage.

This third cage looked very gloomy, like a doomsday scene. Here, he saw the hiding figure.

Under an abandoned ruin, a figure was lying on the ground, like a puddle of mud. Most of his clones had been destroyed by Lin Fan, and he was now very weak.

Lin Fan could tell at a glance that this man's health bar only had 20% left. Lin Fan instantly used Time Stop. The man lay on the ground blankly, unable to move, and panic flashed in his eyes.

He knew that the enemy was coming, but he now had no strength to break free from the stillness of time.

With time standing still, this person was easily controlled by Lin Fan.


This person was instantly wiped out by Lin Fan. He was seriously injured and was no match for Lin Fan at the same level. After killing this person, 10 billion experience points were instantly received.

Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief. The experience points were received, which meant that this person was dead.

Looking at the man's body, Lin Fan hesitated, and finally did not suck him into the realm world, but took him out of the cage and threw him in the corridor outside.

There was some zombie virus permeating the corridor. Soon, the zombie virus entered his body from the air.

Entering his brain again, he slowly opened his eyes, stood up from the ground, and turned into a Six God Realm zombie.


He instantly turned into a bloody afterimage and disappeared into the corridor. Lin Fan had already left this place and continued to harvest the lives of creatures in the dark world while absorbing the corpses in the cages one by one.

Most of the corpses in the cage were mutilated, and their heads were basically destroyed.

Those whose heads are not destroyed will be infected by the zombie virus in the air and become zombies. The corpses that have not turned into zombies will become nutrients for the world in Lin Fan's domain.

His domain world is also becoming more and more powerful. Every time the diameter of the domain world increases, the domain world becomes unstable.

It is necessary to use corpses to make the domain world stable and powerful. Only by laying a solid foundation can one's domain world become stronger.

Since there was no living reference, he could only use these cages for comparison. At this moment, he had determined that these cages were the domain worlds of fallen true gods.

These cage worlds all have a common feature, that is, they are lifeless and lifeless, which indicates that the owners of these worlds are dead.

They had become ownerless, transformed by the Night's Watch into a cage for prisoners.

The cage world on the sixth floor is relatively large in area, almost all with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters, and many even reach tens of thousands of meters in diameter.

Lin Fan even saw a domain world with a diameter of 100,000 meters, which was the largest domain world he had ever seen so far.

In this domain world, there were originally dense forests, but now they have all disappeared, leaving only some rotten tree roots piled on the ground.

When he walked into this realm world, he felt the smell of blood lingering in the air. There had been a battle here, and there were many corpses on the ground, including creatures from the dark world and zombies.

He did not hesitate to suck all the corpses on the ground into his domain, not even sparing the blood in the ground.

After absorbing all the corpses in this world, his domain world became more powerful again.

At this moment, his expression changed, and he felt Bashu coming nearby, just in the corridor outside.

He hesitated and did not go out immediately.

After Bashu came outside, he wandered around, and finally he walked into the world where Lin Fan was.

After he came in, he directly blocked the entrance and did not come in. Instead, he coldly inspected the world.

Lin Fan was hiding at the end of the world. In his invisible state, Bashu could not see him.

He didn't understand what Bashu meant and why he wanted to block the exit of this world?

After Bashu's eyes hesitated in this world for a while, he finally carefully looked back at the entrance behind him, and then, he dug out a large piece of soil nearby.

He shaped this large piece of soil into the shape of a round stone, and then directly blocked the entrance. After blocking the entrance, he carefully searched the world like a thief.

He would always suddenly dig into the earth. He dug out some thousand-year-old tree roots. These tree roots had rotted. After he dug them out, they quickly decayed in the air, and then turned into a pile of fragments and fell to the ground. on the ground.

"What do you mean? What are you digging for!"

Lin Fan was completely confused by Bashu's confusing behavior.

If he doesn't kill zombies outside, why would he go digging in this world?

He seems to be digging up tree roots!

There are a lot of tree roots in this world. He dug out a root, but in the end he shook his head regretfully, as if he didn't find what he wanted.

Lin Fan became interested. He entered this realm and took a closer look at the world.

He didn't observe the ground carefully, but now that he saw Bashu digging tree roots, he became interested. He was curious about what Bashu was digging.

Bashu dug out the trees one by one. He was 700 meters tall and very big. He dug his hands into the ground and pulled out a tree in one go. The roots of these trees were buried deep in the ground, even reaching hundreds of meters. meters deep.

But he pulled them out arbitrarily. Fortunately, these tree roots had long since rotted, so he dug them out easily, but he was not satisfied with them.

Lin Fan's eyes were fixed on the ground, searching for tree roots one by one. However, he could only see roots that were long dead.

He didn't see anything that interested him at all. So, what on earth was Bashu digging for?

Wherever Lin Fan could see it with his naked eyes, the health bars of everything were 0, including those tree roots, Lin Fan could see the health bars of everything.

He mainly looked at the health bar value of those tree roots. As long as he saw the health bar value showing 0, it meant that these tree roots were dead and had no vitality. He was no longer interested and continued to look down.

He has looked at all the tree roots, and the health bars are all zero. He is much faster than Bashu. Bashu needs to dig out these roots one by one to know what these roots look like.

But Lin Fan didn't need to dig out, he could see the appearance of these tree roots underground.

At a glance, basically everything was zero, and there was nothing with a health bar at all. This made him wonder what on earth this Bashu was digging for.

Lin Fan watched patiently. He looked at almost every inch of the world carefully, because although he could see everything within 100,000 meters, he needed to concentrate on staring at a certain place. Only in this place can we see the situation of this place.

Just like a person's eyes, he can only see the situation in front when he looks forward. If he doesn't look back, he can't see behind.

Although he can take a rough look at the world, if he really wants to search carefully, he needs to be patient and stare at the details.

He stared at the tree roots one by one. There were really too many of them. Fortunately, he looked faster. As soon as he saw that the health bar was zero, he looked down. Finally, he saw a strange The place.

He saw a dark hole 500 meters deep underground. He couldn't see clearly what was inside the hole.

This made him feel strange. He could see clearly within 100,000 meters. This was the first time something could shield his eyes and prevent him from seeing.

There was something inside the dark hole that attracted his attention, and he instantly entered the ground and shuttled directly towards the hole.

Soon, he came to the entrance of the cave and stood at the entrance. He stared directly inside, but he still couldn't see anything inside.

He was instantly excited. There must be something inside, maybe it was what Bashu was looking for. He was also an expert and bold man, so he got into the entrance of the black hole without hesitation.

After entering, he found that the space inside was not large, only a hundred meters of space, and there was a small tree inside.

This small tree was very energetic and had not died long ago like the tree roots outside. Lin Fan also saw this small tree and his health bar was actually 1%.

This made Lin Fan even more interested. Everything in this world was dead, but there was a small tree hidden here that he couldn't see through.

The health bar of this small tree was only 1%, and it didn't look very tall. It was only one meter tall. Lin Fan couldn't tell what kind it was because it only had one branch with a bud growing on it.

Lin Fan tried to dig out the small tree, but when he reached out to dig, he found that he could not dig it out. The small tree seemed to be only one meter high, but its roots were completely underground.

Lin Fan looked carefully and found that the roots of this small tree underground were just the tip of the iceberg. Under the ground, there was a very complex root. This root was very large, at least ten thousand meters. Lin Fan was stunned.

The root of this small tree was ten thousand meters long, directly occupying one tenth of this world. What a terrifying tree it is.

It is understandable to say that he is the tree king of this world.

He has sprouted now, as if he has regained a trace of vitality, or he is not dead yet, and there is still 1% of his health!

Lin Fan didn't know whether he was not dead, or he was resurrected and had a certain vitality.

But he felt that Bashu must be looking for this tree king.

The moment Lin Fan saw this tree king, he thought of an idea. He wanted to transplant this tree to his own domain world.

His domain world is basically composed of various elements, and nothing from the outside world has ever entered.

If he transplanted this tree to his own world, then what changes would happen?

Can this tree be saved?

Or will it die!

After all, this tree only has a 1% health bar and may die at any time.

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