Theoretically speaking, when the world trees mature, they will extend from the earth to the highest point of the entire world.

In other words, it can directly penetrate his world, and even grow outside the world.

Legend has it that the World Tree in the real world is like this. Some World Trees grow directly from the real world, grow to the top of the world, and then penetrate the barrier of the world and grow outside the world.

But that situation is too far away, and Lin Fan doesn't expect his world tree to grow like that now.

He just wants this World Tree to be resurrected and grow healthily. In addition to swallowing up a lot of life energy in the early stage, the growth of the World Tree can also feed back the entire world later.

If this world tree can grow normally and healthily, it will also feed back his domain world and make his domain world become more and more powerful.

Perhaps in the later stage, he no longer needs to absorb a large number of corpses, and can slowly make the domain world stronger by relying solely on the feedback from the World Tree.

The help of the World Tree to the realm world is very terrifying, which is why so many people want to get the World Tree.

In addition to being able to feed back the entire domain world, on the other hand, obtaining the World Tree can also allow the domain world to evolve into a real big world. This is the most important thing!

Lin Fan stared at the World Tree. The seeds of this World Tree continued to grow, from two meters to three meters, then to 4 meters, and finally to 5 meters.

At the same time, its 800-meter-diameter roots slowly came to life. The roots, which were originally rotten and would break at the touch of a touch, suddenly became vigorous and powerful, and appeared full of vitality.

But his domain world is now withered. The domain world that was originally full of vitality now has deserts and hot weather in many places.

Even if he controls various elements to repair it, there is nothing he can do.

Now, he needs to replenish his vitality, but now that he is trapped in the cage world, he has no way to absorb corpses to replenish his vitality.

He could only watch the life energy of his domain world being crazily devoured by the World Tree. The more than 100 night watchmen in the domain world also felt the changes in the domain world.

The world in this domain suddenly became withered, and they were also shocked. They didn't understand what happened in this world.

They did not see the World Tree. When the World Tree was transplanted, Lin Fan blocked these people's perceptions.

Let them not know about the World Tree.

Lin Fan didn't trust these people either. After all, he had saved more than 100 night watchmen along the way.

Although they were all members of the Night Watch and were part of the same system, Lin Fan didn't know much about them. He didn't know whether these people were sincerely fighting for the Federation.

He couldn't rely on these people to keep his secrets secret.

After all, the World Tree has so much to do with it that even the true gods will come down and snatch it away if they know it. Even the stronger gods, if they know about the World Tree, will come out and snatch it away.

The matter was so important that he must not let others know about the existence of the World Tree.

"Is Lin Fan's life in danger? Is he going to die?"

All the night watchmen were frightened. The domain world suddenly withered. There was only one possibility, that is, the master of the domain world was in danger.

If the master of the domain world dies, then the domain world will become ownerless, and then the vitality inside will disappear, and then it will completely become a withered world, and become a cage like a cage world. .

It can only be used to hold prisoners and has no function.

Now, the world in this domain suddenly withered quickly, and they could only think that Lin Fan was in danger, which meant that Lin Fan was now very likely to die.

Once Lin Fan falls, then the night watchmen in the domain world will also be killed. Because Lin Fan falls, the passage to the domain world will be opened, and people from outside can easily come in and kill them.

"what to do?"

"Let's call Lin Fan. We can't let him fight outside alone. If he really encounters an invincible enemy, let's go out and fight alongside him!" Ma Long said.


Ma Long's proposal was approved by all the night watchmen, and then they loudly called Lin Fan's name together.

This is Lin Fan's domain world, and Lin Fan can feel everything in it.

When they called Lin Fan's name together, Lin Fan naturally heard it, and he instantly appeared in front of a group of night watchmen.

After seeing him appear, Ma Long immediately asked him with concern if his life was in danger and if he needed their help.

They don't have to hide here, they can go out and fight with him. Even if they fall outside, it'll be fine.

"Don't worry, everyone, this is the natural evolution of the domain world, and my life is not in danger!"

Lin Fan randomly found a reason to let them put down their worries, and everyone felt relieved after hearing his explanation.

Afterwards, Lin Fan left here and continued to observe the World Tree.

As the vitality of the domain world continues to be absorbed, the roots of the world tree become stronger and stronger.

Now, they are no longer rotten tree roots, but have turned into normal tree roots, 800 meters in diameter, rooted deep in the earth, absorbing the vitality of the entire domain world.

The entire domain world has become more desolate, and the land has completely turned into a desert.

The original flowers, plants and trees have completely disappeared. Those towering trees have now withered and begun to break. They fell to the ground and turned into ashes. Then the original forest slowly turned into a desert.

The temperature of the entire domain world also suddenly increased, exceeding 50 degrees. A group of night watchmen stood in the desert, dumbfounded.

The world that was originally full of life suddenly turned into a desert world, exuding terrible high temperatures. Fortunately, everyone was strong, and the high temperature of more than 50 degrees was nothing to them.

If Lin Fan hadn't explained to them before that this was a normal situation in the evolution of the domain world, they would have been worried that Lin Fan had died.

Of course, fortunately, none of these people are true gods. They have not understood their own domain world. If they had a domain world, they would understand that this is not a normal evolutionary situation at all.

It's a very strange situation. Fortunately, everyone doesn't have much knowledge and doesn't know that the evolution of the world in this field is related to the World Tree.

The vitality of the World Tree swallowing up the entire domain world is beyond Lin Fan's control.

Although he wanted World Tree to stop and stop swallowing it, World Tree was not under his control at all.

It is devouring crazily, and every minute and every second, the vitality of the domain world is being absorbed.

The domain world between 3 kilometers has turned into a desert world.

The terrifying high temperature has reached hundreds of degrees, and the night watchman inside is already thirsty, but Lin Fan has nothing to do now. He can't stop the world tree from being devoured.

In the cage world, Bashu's health bar has dropped to 60%. By continuously reinforcing the soil rules, he has reached his limit, and more and more creatures from the dark world are gathering outside.

Although there are some zombies nearby who will often come to harass them, with so many creatures from the dark world attacking together, they can definitely kill those zombies.

Under normal circumstances, the number of zombies is small and they are no match for the creatures in the dark world, unless Lin Fan takes action.

But Lin Fan now relies on these dark world creatures to help break up the soil. How could he help the zombies kill the dark world creatures?

Sometimes he even has to kill the zombies to prevent them from affecting the creatures in the dark world.

As more and more creatures from the dark world appeared, more and more powerful people from the Six God Realm were among the creatures from the dark world. When they took action together, the cracks in the soil increased.

Something is wrong with Bashu now. His health bar has almost dropped by half, and his condition is not at its peak.

He is very weak now, but he doesn't want to give up just like that. He has been gritting his teeth and persisting. He doesn't want to give up until the last moment.

He has been thinking about countermeasures, but he still can't find a way.

In this case, he had no other option but to reinforce the soil, and he didn't want Lin Fan to escape.

But if this continues, sooner or later the soil will be broken up and the passage will be opened, then the creatures from the dark world outside will come in.

"Time stands still!"

Lin Fan couldn't wait any longer. The vitality of his domain world was about to be sucked dry. If the vitality was not replenished, he could not guarantee what his domain world would become.

Maybe it would be swallowed directly by the World Tree, and the entire domain world would be shattered. He didn't want this to happen, so he took action decisively.

Although he could not have any influence on Bashu, he was now trying to create pressure on Bashu. When time stopped acting on Bashu, he broke free instantly.

But it also had a slight impact on him. When he was stopped, the cracks on the soil would increase, and he would need to expend more energy to repair Lin Fan who had just appeared, which would speed up his consumption.

What Lin Fan has to do now is to speed up Bashu's consumption and let his health bar continue to drop. It is best to let Bashu's condition decline until a certain moment, the soil can no longer block it, and the creatures from the dark world outside will directly break the passage. .

At that time, he can take the opportunity to travel through space and escape directly.

As long as he stays away from Bashu, he can add life energy to his domain world.


There were more and more cracks in the soil, and Bashu knew that he couldn't hold on anymore. Now his health bar was only 50% left.

Lin Fan used Time Stop to affect him again and again, making him affected and unable to strengthen the soil with all his strength.

Every time, Lin Fan would increase in number on the soil, requiring him to expend twice as much strength to reinforce it.

His consumption accelerated, and his health bar value dropped rapidly. Soon it was only 40%, and he realized that he could not go on like this.

"Let's discuss it. If you give me the seeds of the World Tree, I can give you whatever you want, even if you think I'm an undercover agent of the Federation!"

Bashu really couldn't hold on any longer. For the World Tree, he would give up everything, even if he betrayed the creatures of the dark world and became an undercover agent of the federation, he would not hesitate.

He was even willing to sign some contracts with Lin Fan. Such contracts were very vicious. Once anyone violated the contract, they would be counterattacked and obliterated by the rules and contracts.

However, Lin Fan did not respond to Bashu at all. He knew that Bashu could no longer hold on any longer. If he waited a little longer, he would be able to escape successfully.

Therefore, he doesn't care at all about contracts or federal undercovers and doesn't believe them.

Chapter 279 Demon Mirror, Blocking the Sixth Floor

"Control everything and time will stand still!"

Lin Fan ignored Bashu and used time stop again and again to make Bashu pause.

Because Bashu's health bar dropped seriously, the effect of time stop on him became stronger and stronger. He broke free in an instant before, but now he needs a few tenths of a second to break free.

In this level of confrontation, a few tenths of a second is already very fatal.

"Ah, I am so frustrated!"

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