Lin Fan saw that Bashu's health bar finally dropped by one percentage point after so many people self-exploded.

Now it was only 99%. Feng Da saw so many members of the Serpent's Hand self-exploding to attack Bashu for him. Although he still didn't understand, he was touched in his heart. So many people died for him.

If he didn't do anything, it would be disheartening. Besides, he also wanted to know what treasure Bashu wanted to get.

Now, he knew that as long as he caught the night watchman, he could get the treasure. He and Bashu had completely torn their faces.

"Bashu, each of you depends on your ability!"

Feng Da looked at Bashu coldly. At this time, a group of members of the Serpent's Hand came outside. After they came in, they expressed their loyalty to Feng Da and expressed their willingness to fight Bashu for Feng Da.

Bashu looked ugly. He was a stone man, 700 meters tall. Because his body was too huge, when the members of the Serpent's Hand approached him, once they self-exploded, they would also cause some damage to him.

Seeing these people trying to get close to him and self-destruct again, he attacked without hesitation and wiped out several people in an instant. With one hammer, several members of the Serpent's Hand were smashed into meat patties by him.

Feng Da saw Bashu attacking the members of the Serpent's Hand, and he was angry. After all, these people were for him.

Bashu attacked these people, and he had to stand up for them.

"Bashu, you are looking for death!"

Feng Da attacked Bashu at the first time, and Bashu did not indulge him and counterattacked instantly.

The two fought in this cage world.

At this time, a group of stone men also squeezed in from outside.

These stone men were very tall, five or six hundred meters. After entering, they roared and rushed towards Feng Da.

"Lord Bashu, we are here to help you!"

This group of stone men rushed straight towards Feng Da, with their swollen bodies, running in big strides, and came to Feng Da in the blink of an eye.

The diameter of this cage world is only 100,000 meters. Even if Feng Da is fast, it is difficult for him to escape from the encirclement of these stone men.

When these stone men approached him, they exploded instantly, and the terrifying explosion shock wave shook in all directions.

In this cage world, no matter how you run, you will be impacted.

Because the area of ​​the self-explosion shock wave of these stone men exceeded 100,000 meters. Although it is not in the core area, as long as it is in this cage world, it will be impacted.

Even the six-god realm powerhouses nearby were affected. They protected themselves one by one and ran to the edge of the cage world to avoid the explosion shock wave as much as possible.

In the entire cage world, even Bashu was affected. Although the self-explosion of these stone men was not aimed at him, the terrifying explosion shock wave covered the entire cage world, which also affected him.

This is a cage world carefully selected by Lin Fan. The diameter of this cage world is 100,000 meters. He controlled those people to come over and self-explode.

No matter where these people exploded, the shock wave of the explosion could instantly cover the entire cage world, and everyone inside would be affected, including Lin Fan.

Lin Fan ran directly into his own domain world. The domain world was under the shock of the explosion shock wave, and nothing happened at all. After the explosion ended, he reappeared.

"Bashu, what do you mean!"

Feng Da saw that someone from the stone man's side also came in and blew himself up. He angrily questioned Bashu. He didn't really want to fight Bashu to death. After all, Lin Fan hadn't been found yet.

"You ask me? I want me to ask you what you mean."

Bashu took a deep breath and wanted to calm himself down, but at this moment, a group of Serpent's Hand members and stone men rushed in from outside the cage world.

These people, led by several people controlled by Lin Fan, rushed in.

They were divided into two camps. As soon as the two sides came in, they fought each other, and even rushed directly towards Bashu and Feng Da.

"Master Bashu, we are here!"

"Master Fengda, victory belongs to us!"

Under Lin Fan's guidance, the war between the members of the Serpent's Hand and the Stone Man was directly detonated, and hundreds of people came in from both sides.

As soon as these hundreds of people came in, they fought together.

Bashu and Fangda Fengda were all confused, and then they vented their anger on each other.

The battle between the Serpent's Hand and the Stone Man was very fierce, and both sides were fighting for each other's leaders.

As leaders, Bashu and Fengda could not explain it clearly now. Both sides were fighting for them. As the leaders here, they could not stand aside and watch.

"Bashu, I want you to die!"

"Fengda, give me your life, I have been unhappy with you for a long time!"

All new and old grudges are now settled together. Bashu has long been dissatisfied with Fengda. If Fengda had not deliberately sabotaged last time, he would have caught Lin Fan, and he would not have not caught Lin Fan until now.

Therefore, under this rage, he also wanted to kill Feng Da. He had long wanted to find an opportunity to kill Feng Da and take the World Tree alone. Now the opportunity came.


The two sides fought fiercely in an instant. Bashu wanted to kill Feng Da. Now the opportunity came, he naturally had to seize it.

Feng Da wanted to kill Bashu. He was sure that Lin Fan was now blocked in this cage world by them. As long as Bashu was killed, he could catch Lin Fan.

"For Master Feng Da!"

At this time, several members of the Serpent's Hand shouted loudly, and then they rushed to Bashu frantically and blew themselves up directly.

These people were naturally controlled by Lin Fan. Lin Fan deliberately sabotaged and secretly controlled the people on both sides to self-destruct, increasing the hatred value of both sides.


The sudden self-destruction of these people directly enveloped the entire cage world. Their explosion shock waves submerged the cage world, and all the people on both sides of the battle were affected.

Bashu, who was closest, was affected the most. The battlefield was very chaotic. He was fighting with Feng Da now. Although he was always alert to the surroundings, he had no way to stop it.

After all, this cage world was so big. He was directly affected by the self-destruction of these people. His blood bar dropped by several percentage points instantly. Now his blood bar is only 93%.

Others were also more or less affected. The blood bar of those with low strength dropped by more than ten points, and even Feng Da was affected.

Although those people were not targeting him, he was also in this cage world, and his blood bar also dropped by two percentage points.

But seeing that Bashu was more seriously injured, Feng Da also held back. After all, this was inevitable. No matter who blew himself up, others would be affected. It was just a matter of who was more seriously hurt.

"Lord Bashu, we will fight for you!"

One wave had not subsided, and another wave rose. At this moment, several stone men strode over, and their huge bodies directly surrounded Feng Da.

Feng Da was terrified. These stone men were 500 meters long. They were several five-god realm masters.


After these stone men surrounded Feng Da, they blew themselves up without hesitation. Feng Da knew that these people were going to self-destruct, but he had no way to avoid it.

He could only stay away from Bashu and escape to the edge of the cage world. The self-destruction of these people still affected him, and his blood bar dropped by 5 percentage points in an instant.

As for the others, they were more or less affected, and even Bashu's blood bar dropped by two percentage points.

Although it was not aimed at him, everyone in this cage world would be affected, and no one could escape.

Bashu frowned as he watched several stone men self-destruct. He wanted to say no more self-destruction.

Because in this cage world, self-destruction means hurting the enemy by 1,000 and yourself by 800. Although it can cause damage to the enemy, your own people will also be affected.

Even his health bar dropped by two points, and the other stone men were also more or less affected. Everyone's health bar was dropping.

Of course, the blood bar of the Serpent's Hand dropped more. This is not a solution. If both sides continue to self-destruct, the final result will be a lose-lose situation, and no one will be happy.

What Bashu is most worried about is that the self-destruction of both sides will kill Lin Fan. After all, Lin Fan is not as strong as them.

Bashu really doesn't want anyone to self-destruct again. Even if the two sides have a deep hatred, they have to catch Lin Fan first.

Just when he wanted to tell Feng Da not to self-destruct, at this time, several people rushed towards him and self-destructed without hesitation, causing his health bar to drop by a few percentage points again. He was so angry that he vomited blood.

Even if he could control the stone man from self-destructing, he couldn't control the Serpent's Hand from self-destructing.

Bashu's anger was completely ignited, and he couldn't care less. In this way, Lin Fan secretly controlled batches of Serpent's Hand members and stone men to self-destruct, and the two sides went back and forth.

Every time, several people self-destructed, which directly increased the hatred value of both sides to the maximum.

In such a crazy self-destruction environment, everyone was injured, even Bashu's blood bar dropped to 72%, Fengda's blood bar was similar, and his was more serious, only 68%.

As for the other stone men and Serpent's Hand members, many of them had less than 50% of their blood bars, and those six-god realm strongmen holding the magic mirror now all ran to the entrance of the cage world and hid, and dared not stay inside.

Although they did not participate in the battle, as long as they were inside, they would be affected by the shock wave of the explosion.

Their blood bars also dropped a lot, and many people even fell below 50%, and had to escape outside the cage world.

Outside the entrance of the caged world, there were many dark world creatures, at least thousands of them, and now everyone was watching the show outside.

Watching the Stone Man and the Serpent's Hand fighting inside, they were all confused, not understanding what had happened that would lead to a battle between Bashu and Fengda, two Seven God Realm powerhouses.

Some people speculated that this was the hatred between the two organizations, which broke out at this moment, although the dark world creatures united to attack the Federation.

But they were not friendly to each other, and many were even feuds.

The hatred between the Serpent's Hand and the Stone Man was not too deep, but now the two sides fought.

Soon, they also figured out that it was because there was a night watchman inside, and the night watchman had a treasure on him, and Fengda and Bashu had a battle for it.

A bloody battle broke out between the two sides, and many dark world creatures outside had flickering eyes. There were treasures inside that could make Seven God Realm like Fengda and Bashu jealous, and they were also very excited.

"Wealth and honor are sought in danger, I want to go in and take a look!"

At this moment, a member of the Flesh and Blood Sect in the crowd suddenly said something, and he rushed into the caged world.

"What's the point of just standing outside and watching? Let's go in and find the night watchman and steal his treasure!"

Another person couldn't help but go in, and all those who went in were controlled by Lin Fan!

Everything was planned by Lin Fan!

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