There were many people inside. He did not see the imprisoned jailer. However, after seeing that there were many people in this cage world, he was sure that Niu Peng was not lying. This should be the place where the jailer was imprisoned.

This cage world was transformed into a place like a military camp, and many dark world creatures set up camp inside.

You can see that many dark world creatures are training, and some are resting, and tents are lined up one by one.

Lin Fan also saw many strong men, nine-god realm strong men, and he also saw several people. Niu Peng said that the guards here are only nine-god realm.

He thought there was only one nine-god realm, but he didn't expect to see several when he came here, so he didn't dare to be careless, although the ability of the Thousand Faces Man was very abnormal.

But he didn't know if the strong men in the nine-god realm could see his disguise after seeing him.

He carefully disguised himself and headed towards the entrance of the cage world. Along the way, there were many dark world creatures guarding the checkpoints and checking everyone.

Of course, Lin Fan had already made preparations, and he passed these checkpoints easily.

He came to the entrance of the cage world unimpeded. After arriving here, he found that there were more powerful people here.

Eight God Realm powerhouses also saw more than a dozen people. These people were scattered in different places. This place was like a dragnet. Anyone who came here would be in trouble.

Even if a Nine God Realm powerhouse came, he would probably die here!

There were still many Nine God Realm powerhouses wandering in the dark. Their mental power was exploring around. Once any abnormal situation occurred, they would be known at the first time.

Lin Fan took a deep breath and passed by as low-key as possible, preparing to enter the cage world.

In this process, he was also very careful.

At this time, he felt a strong mental power that stayed on his body for a second. His heart trembled. This was a Nine God Realm powerhouse. The other party's mental power stayed on him for a while, as if he had discovered something.

However, when Lin Fan was nervous, this mental power also left, as if he did not discover his disguise.

Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and then he walked into the cage world calmly.

Entering it, he saw the military camp. There were dark world creatures setting up camp everywhere, and many dark world creatures were training.

This place was like a military base, with all kinds of dark world creatures here, they came from different organizations and races.

After a short rest here, at the deepest part of this place, Lin Fan's eyes were fixed on the distance.

In the deepest part of this cage world, there was a cage, in which hundreds of jailers were imprisoned. These jailers were tortured beyond recognition at this moment.

The dark world creatures tortured them and tried to pry some information out of their mouths.

Some jailers had already breathed a breath, but their mouths were very hard and did not reveal any news.

Even if the dark world tortured them to death, they still clenched their teeth, but some people still couldn't stand it and said some information.

It can be seen that in this cage world, many dark world creatures have left. They got some information from the jailers and were preparing to go out to perform their tasks.

Now, there are still many jailers hiding in the cage world outside, and the dark world creatures are trying to find out where those people are hiding from the mouths of these captured jailers.

The jailers are all connected. Before hiding, they have communicated with each other and roughly know where each other is hiding.

However, most people still don’t know where others are hiding. No matter how the dark world creatures ask, they can’t answer.

At most, they will say some false information to make the dark world creatures go in vain.

Lin Fan looked at the location of the cage. The cage is in the deepest part of this cage world and is also the most heavily guarded place. Nearby, Lin Fan saw several Nine God Realms.

He was not sure whether these people could see him.

He moved carefully towards the direction of the cage. During this process, many people stopped him and asked him what mission he was performing.

Lin Fan responded fluently. He had finally learned some basic information from Niu Peng. It was still no problem to pass these general sentries. However, after reaching the depths, there were more people questioning him.

Moreover, many people asked him to leave directly. This was not a place he could come.

Facing some tough dark world creatures, he had no way to get in, so he could only go invisible.

In the invisible state, he easily passed by these people, but he had to be extremely careful not to be seen by those Nine God Realm strongmen.

After passing the last level, he came to the outside of the cage, but he didn't dare to go in outside the cage.

Because there were many Nine God Realms nearby, once he got close, the other party would also be able to see his invisibility.

He had to leave temporarily and think about how to get in. At this time, he saw a group of dark world creatures escorting more than 20 jailers, walking towards this side.

After seeing these people, his eyes lit up, and he came behind these people invisibly, looking at the last dark world creature, he directly controlled this person with his eyes, and this person was affected by his illusion and walked to his side.

He was sucked into the domain world by him, and then he became the appearance of this person, followed the dark world creature in front, and escorted the group of jailers to the cage in front.

He turned into a creature from the dark world and blended perfectly into the group of people. He followed them and escorted more than 20 jailers in.

Lin Fan observed that the jailers were very strong. The worst were all in the Seventh God Realm. The leader was a middle-aged man in the Eighth God Realm. They were captured alive and brought here. Everyone was desperate.

They knew what would happen to them if they were not captured alive.

These people were torn and covered in blood. Before being captured alive, they had experienced a fierce battle, and each of them had a health bar value of less than 30%. They were severely injured and lost the power to resist and were captured alive.

There were several people whose conditions were not right. Their health bars were only more than 10%, and they looked like they could die at any time.

But they were rudely caught and thrown into the cage in front.

Lin Fan followed a group of dark world creatures and took the jailers with him into the cage in front. There were rooms in the cage.

Each of these rooms held a jailer.

At this moment, these jailers were lying on the ground in the cage, dying.

Seeing these jailers being tortured like this, Lin Fan frowned. After bringing the jailers in, the group of dark world creatures were ready to leave.

But Lin Fan did not leave, but randomly turned into the appearance of a dark world creature guarding inside and stayed.

Chapter 301 Rescue

There are hundreds of jailers in this cage, and each jailer is placed in a separate room.

In the corridor outside the room, some dark world creatures are patrolling. At the same time, some dark world creatures occasionally grab jailers from the cells and take them to the deepest part of the cage for interrogation.

Lin Fan looked at the jailers in the cages. These jailers had handcuffs on their hands, and their whole body strength was imprisoned by the handcuffs. They were like ordinary people, except that they were a little stronger.

There was no fighting power, and most of them were already dying and could die at any time!

Seeing the miserable appearance of these jailers, Lin Fan quietly came to the outside of a cage, which was protected by the power of rules.

There was no way to get in by ordinary methods. Once the rules were violated, it might trigger the alarm and attract more dark world strongmen.

There were many Nine God Realm strongmen in this cage, and Lin Fan did not dare to expose himself, so he carefully disguised himself as a dark world creature.

He had killed a dark world creature before, disguised himself as the other party, and also got some cage keys. Then he took the key, opened a room, and walked in.

The jailer on the ground took a breath, opened his eyes, glared at Lin Fan fiercely, and then closed his eyes, looking like he was waiting to die.

Seeing that there was no one around, Lin Fan summoned the domain world, sucked the man in, and then quietly left the room.

He continued to go to the second room, opened the door with the key, and sucked the people inside into the domain world.

Without breaking the rules, he quietly took away the jailers one by one. These jailers he brought into the domain world were taken care of by a group of night watchmen. After eating some meat of the immortal lizard, their injuries recovered quickly.

The immortal power of the immortal lizard accelerated the healing of their injuries and allowed them to quickly recover to their peak.

Lin Fan opened the cages one by one without anyone noticing and took away the jailers one by one. In the blink of an eye, dozens of jailers were taken away by him.

But there is nothing that can't be leaked in the world. He was discovered in the end even though he did it so quietly.

Some creatures from the dark world came to the outside of the cage, looked at the empty inside, opened the cage and found that the jailers inside disappeared without a trace, and they immediately sounded the alarm.

In the entire cage, all the creatures in the dark world quickly reacted, and those Nine God Realm strongmen also explored their mental power.

They saw that the jailers in dozens of cages disappeared without a trace. These creatures of the dark world also immediately began to inquire about the situation, wanting to know what exactly happened.

After the incident was exposed, Lin Fan did not continue to release people, but disguised himself in the crowd and followed everyone to explore everything.

He looked at the jailers in the room in a corner and fell into deep thought. He could not release these people by himself and had to ask others to help him.

So, his eyes instantly looked forward.

The next second, several creatures of the dark world looked at him together, and he used the illusion to directly control these people.

Then, he ordered these people to open the cage and release the jailers inside.

After these people were controlled by him, they used the key to open the door of the cage next to them, and then brought out the jailers inside.

After the jailers came out, Lin Fan passed by them and directly sucked these jailers into the domain world, and then asked these people to continue to release the jailers.

In the chaos, these people brought out the jailers one by one, and were sucked into the domain world by Lin Fan.

Unnoticed, dozens of people were released again.

Soon, these people were also discovered, and a group of dark world creatures came to their side and controlled them immediately.

After these people were controlled, Lin Fan also retracted his eyes.

The next second, these people woke up, but they didn't know what happened at all. They were in a fantasy and didn't know what happened in the outside world.

"I don't know anything!"

These people were confused. During the time they were controlled by Lin Fan, their brains were blank and they didn't know what happened in the outside world.

The dark world creatures around them said that they released the jailers, and then the jailers disappeared. They were asking them where they hid the jailers, but how could they know.

"We don't know..."

These people really didn't know, but other dark world creatures saw it with their own eyes and thought they were lying.

An angry dark world strongman directly ordered to kill these people.

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