On the 9th floor, all the living creatures of the dark world left, either to the 10th floor, or to the 8th floor or the 7th floor, etc.

Most of the human-faced spiders were wiped out. The human-faced spiders were the incarnations of the spider queen. They stayed on the 9th floor and were originally going to slaughter the creatures of the dark world. However, because the zombie king appeared, they became prey instead.

At this moment, a large number of human-faced spiders were infected by the zombie virus and eventually became spider zombies. They crawled on the 9th floor, constantly looking for living creatures.

As most of the human-faced spiders were infected and became zombies, the breath of the spider queen was also extremely weak. Originally, she wanted to enter the 9th floor, but was tightly entangled by Zhan Kui.

The two were fighting wildly on the 10th floor. The battle between the two was earth-shattering. Many caged worlds on the 10th floor were directly blown up by their powerful strength.

The spider queen became weaker and weaker. Zhan Kui saw the hope of killing the spider queen, and the spider queen's breath became weaker. He could not let the spider queen return to the 9th floor.

Once the Spider Queen returns to the 9th floor and absorbs all her clones into her body, her strength will soar.

At that time, it will be difficult for him to kill the Spider Queen, and he may even be killed by the Spider Queen.

However, at this moment, the Spider Queen's breath is extremely weak, and coupled with the erosion of the power of reincarnation, she is no longer Zhan Kui's opponent. She is blocked by Zhan Kui in a cage world, and the two fight madly here.

The entire cage world is constantly breaking, unable to withstand the attacks of the two, and there are huge cracks. This cage world cannot withstand the power of the true gods of the two, and it is broken into pieces, and it may explode at any time.

The Spider Queen feels aggrieved. She transforms into a thousand-meter-long human-faced spider, constantly roaring and making a piercing scream. These screams contain powerful mental power that can kill other people's spirits.

But Zhan Kui is immune to this. The Spider Queen is too weak. If she is in peak state, this kind of mental attack is likely to be a fatal threat to Zhan Kui.

However, now Zhan Kui can resist this mental attack very well and effectively attack the Spider Queen.

Two of the Spider Queen's eight legs had been broken, and she looked very miserable. How could she have suffered such humiliation?

A person weaker than her actually forced her into such a desperate situation, which made her very upset!

"Spider World!"

The Spider Queen summoned her own domain world, which was like a Pansi Cave, with spider webs densely covered in it, and at the same time, powerful human-faced spiders were in it.

This was not the Spider Queen's clone, but a real individual human-faced spider. They had a strong breath. In the Spider World, they crawled on those spider webs, waiting for the Spider Queen to take the enemy in.

The Spider Queen summoned the domain world and tried to suck Zhan Kui in. Zhan Kui also released his domain world.

The two domain worlds collided in an instant, just like two comets, colliding together, and a shocking explosion occurred.

This cage world was torn into pieces by the collision of the two domain worlds, and was torn apart in an instant.

The two blew up another cage world again, and the two returned to their own domain worlds to avoid the explosion.

Afterwards, they controlled their own domain worlds and collided with each other, wanting to blow up each other's domain world.

The two domain worlds collided wantonly on the 10th floor. Many cage worlds on the entire 10th floor could not withstand their attacks and were directly blown up.

Just like bubbles exploding, many creatures inside were killed.

On the 10th floor, many dark world creatures wandered around, and even these dark world creatures were still looking for the hidden jailers.

As the two powerful men fought, many cage worlds were blown up, and the dark world creatures inside were torn into pieces in an instant, and the entire 10th floor was full of grief.

Countless dark world creatures were killed in the battle between the two. At the same time, when the spider queen saw the dark world creatures, she did not hesitate to fly out spider silk, which pierced the dark world creatures one by one.

The spider queen entangled these people, flew around her, and then she opened her mouth and ate them in one bite.

She kept throwing dark world creatures into her mouth and eating them. Eating dark world creatures can make her breath stronger.

As more and more dark world creatures were eaten, the Spider Queen's breath became stable!

The dark world creatures on the entire 10th floor fled frantically as if the world was about to end. Some people wanted to escape to the 9th floor.

However, a group of zombies on the 9th floor suddenly killed them. They had no way to go to the 9th floor at all, and could only passively break through in the direction of the 11th floor.

Many living dark world creatures successfully escaped to the 11th floor, but there were still a large number of dark world creatures that could not escape in the first place.

Because the battle between the two powerful men was too fast, they could go from here to another place in an instant, and all the dark world creatures along the way were killed by them.

Especially after the dark world creatures were eaten by the Spider Queen, the breath became stronger.

The Spider Queen didn't care whether she would offend the true gods behind these dark world creatures. She was in danger of her life now and had to quickly restore her strength.

Only by eating these dark world creatures as food can her breath become stronger!


The entire 10th floor instantly turned into a Shura hell. There were spider webs everywhere. These spider webs were densely covered in countless places. In the process of escaping, some dark world creatures were entangled in the spider webs and adsorbed on them, like a Like a mosquito, it accidentally hit a spider web while escaping.

Then, they were stuck on it, unable to come down at all. When the Spider Queen came over, these dark world creatures were easily eaten by the Spider Queen like mosquitoes.

Zhan Kui looked at the Spider Queen, constantly devouring the dark world creatures one after another. His breath was gradually recovering, and he also felt that the situation was not good.

If the Spider Queen continues to eat, she will recover sooner or later. Therefore, Zhan Kui roared and told all living things in the dark world to go to the 11th floor as soon as possible and not stay on the 10th floor.

Even, when necessary, he will take action to directly blow up those dark world creatures to prevent them from being swallowed by the Spider Queen.

"you wanna die!"

The Spider Queen was completely angry. Her words were no longer soft and soft, but very cold and biting. She regarded Zhan Kui as her biggest enemy, and she must find a way to kill Zhan Kui.

Zhan Kui had put him in such a desperate situation. She had never suffered such a big loss, especially now that the power of reincarnation was having an increasingly terrifying impact on her.

Originally, she could recover by eating Zhan Kui, but now the power of reincarnation has corroded her too deeply. Even if she eats Zhan Kui, she may not be able to recover. At this moment, Zhan Kui is still stopping her!

"go to hell!"

The Spider Queen frantically summoned her domain world, and rushed towards Zhan Kui frantically, looking completely desperate. Zhan Kui was also frightened.

When the domain worlds collide with each other, they will inflict one thousand injuries to each other and eight hundred losses to themselves. Once the domain worlds are collided, it will be almost impossible to understand the domain worlds in the future.

In the Realm of True God, whose domain and world is destroyed, then the future path will be cut off.

Although it is the realm of a true god, without a domain world, it will be one level weaker than others. Therefore, every true god's domain world is well protected.

Unless absolutely necessary, they would never use the domain world to fight easily, but at this moment, both of them were showing real fire.

They control each other's realms and worlds to collide, and both want to blow up the other's realms and worlds.

Their domain world is very powerful, but there are also some cracks on it, especially the explosions caused by the explosion of some cage worlds by them, which will also cause damage to their domain world.

After all, these cage worlds were once a real realm world, but because of the death of their masters, they became ownerless.

At this moment, these cage worlds were exploded, and the shock wave formed by the explosion shook the two realm worlds, causing more cracks to appear in their realm worlds.

Both of their domains and worlds suffered huge damage.

But now both of them want to kill each other, so they can only collide crazily.

At the same time, the zombie king came to the 10th floor with a large number of zombies.

The ninth floor has been completely occupied by the zombie king, and countless dark world creatures and human-faced spiders have become members of his zombie army.

When he reached the tenth floor, he sensed the battle between the two powerful men. The Zombie King's pupils locked and he did not dare to be too arrogant.

He was worried that these two strong men would attack him in turn, so after reaching the 10th floor, he kept a low profile.

He hid deep in the air of death and watched the battle silently. At the same time, he ordered his zombie army to infect as many zombies as possible.

The Zombie King himself was also ready to escape. He had been besieged by several true gods before and almost died. He was still frightened.

Therefore, after reaching the 10th floor, he kept a very low profile and would never be besieged again. Once these two strong men came to attack him, he would immediately run to the 9th floor and hide again.

He also summoned his powerful zombies into the realm world, leaving only most ordinary zombies outside.

His elite zombies are in his domain world, and the zombies outside are all infected by him. Even if they are killed, there will not be much loss to him.

He watched the battle between the two powerful men, and saw that both of them were very weak, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

If he infects these two people, he will have two powerful zombie assistants!

The Zombie King watched the battle between these two strong men coldly. The two were fighting madly, and suddenly felt a strange aura coming to the 10th floor!

Chapter 311 The Four True Gods

"Zombie King!"

Zhan Kui had fought with the Zombie King for a long time, so he was naturally very sensitive to the Zombie King's aura. He sensed it the moment the Zombie King reached the tenth floor.

He looked toward the entrance to the tenth floor, and his expression changed as he looked at the aura of death filling the sky.

Before, several of their true gods joined forces to beat the zombie king into hiding. Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly appeared again.

At this moment, he and the Spider Queen were fighting, and both sides were quite weak. If the Zombie King took advantage of the situation, both of them would probably suffer a big loss.

For a moment, Zhan Kui no longer wanted to tangle with the Spider Queen. If he continued to tangle, he might be able to kill the weak Spider Queen, but he would also be seriously injured. At this moment, the Zombie King suddenly came.

The opponent must be in peak condition. Once he is weak, the Zombie King can easily kill him. Therefore, he actively stopped attacking the Spider Queen.

The Spider Queen saw that Zhan Kui did not take the initiative to attack, so she did not take the initiative to attack either. Instead, she looked at the direction of the entrance. She saw the aura of death there and faintly felt a strong breath there.

This is a powerful true god!

"Spider Queen, the opposite is the Zombie King, he is our enemy!"

Zhan Kui spoke calmly and told the Spider Queen about the Zombie King. The Spider Queen looked at the wind direction of the entrance, her face was ugly, and she had a strong killing intent.

Her clones were killed by the Zombie King. No wonder she became so weak. The Zombie King, a true god, actually attacked her clones. She was very angry.

She stared at the direction of the entrance, snorted coldly, and then distanced herself from Zhan Kui and went towards the entrance.

Dare to kill her clone, she must take revenge.

Zhan Kui watched the Spider Queen go towards the Zombie King, her eyes flickered, and finally wandered around, and did not leave immediately.

At the entrance to the tenth floor, after the zombie king brought his zombie army up, he hid nearby and let his zombie army spread towards the tenth floor. Along the way, as long as he saw any creature from the dark world, he would kill it immediately.

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