The battle in this cage world is very fierce. There were originally many people fighting in it, but now only eight people are left alive.

Moreover, no one else came to support, but the eight of them were fighting madly here, and the zombies were besieged.

The human-faced spider and the true god's men both want to deal with the zombies first, and then they attack each other.

Three zombies were attacked by five other people, which was also a dangerous situation. However, their bodies were very hard, and even if they were fatally attacked, they would not be weak. In addition, they could not feel pain, and their fighting power was also very terrifying. 3 When playing 5, it didn't fall below.

As the two sides continued to fight, the health bars of both sides were declining. Soon, the average health bar was only 40%.

Lin Fan also saw an opportunity and stared at a spider with a human face.

This human-faced spider has been infected with too many zombie viruses and may turn into a spider zombie at any time.

Also because of the existence of the zombie virus, his combat effectiveness was restricted and he was unable to display it.

In the end, he could only withdraw from the battlefield, find a safe place, and silently eliminate the zombie virus from his body.

If the zombie virus is not eliminated from the body as soon as possible, he will be transformed into a zombie.

He was in a safe place, a black zombie virus evaporated from the surface of his skin, and he was detoxifying.

Lin Fan also quietly came to his vicinity.

Chapter 319 Upgrade your talent to control all things, control all things at level 14, and advance to the Nine Gods Realm

Lin Fan calmly looked at the human-faced spider. The human-faced spider was detoxifying. He did not expect that a realm world would appear.

The human-faced spider was concentrating on detoxifying. He did not expect that the realm world would suddenly appear. The terrifying suction force came. He felt that his body was being sucked and it was difficult to move.

He wanted to resist, but the zombie virus in his body was at a critical moment.

If he gave up on expelling the zombie viruses now, they would most likely come back to bite his body, causing him severe damage, and even turning him into a zombie for a time.

Therefore, he could only resist the suction of the realm world while detoxifying, but at this moment, he was seriously injured and could not stop the realm world at all.

Under the mad devouring of the domain world, he was easily sucked into the domain world.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in a world full of life.

In this world full of vitality, he felt that his evolution speed had accelerated a lot, but he soon became unhappy.

Because the power of the entire domain world was reinforced on his body, it was as if every cell in his body was imprisoned, and his body was struggling in the void.

He felt that every cell in his body was imprisoned by some kind of force, and his body movement became ten minutes slower.

What made him even more frightened was that there was a night watchman from the Nine God Realm staring at him and launching an attack on him.

Chang Shan's sword energy struck him fiercely.

One knife cut off one of his legs.

The human-faced spider had been severely injured and only had 5 legs left. Now one of them was chopped off, and his health bar dropped a little again.

He struggled wildly, spitting out spider threads from his mouth, and these spider threads connected into a spider web around him.

These spider webs are full of toughness and protect the world.

He tried to use spider webs to resist Chang Shan's sword energy. Chang Shan's sword energy struck these spider webs. Not only did he not break the spider webs into pieces, but he was entangled in the spider webs.

Chang Shan was also surprised. The spider web of this human-faced spider was very powerful. Not only did it have extremely strong defensive capabilities, but it also had a terrifying sticky ability.

It can absorb his sword energy so that he cannot cause too much damage to the human-faced spider.

Unfortunately, this human-faced spider was severely injured after all. If he were in his peak state, Chang Shan would probably not be able to do anything to him.

In fact, his sword energy could not even tear these spider webs apart, but now these spider webs were very fragile and not at his peak state. Therefore, Chang Shan slashed at the side with one sword after another. After all, these spider webs were destroyed. torn.

The strength of the human-faced spider was not enough to support the long-term existence of these spider webs. After being attacked by Chang Shan for a while, it was eventually torn into pieces.

Then, Chang Shan's sword energy hit the human-faced spider, and the human-faced spider was helpless.

The human-faced spider roared unwillingly. He was desperate. In this strange world, he was restricted everywhere.

Now, like a living target, being attacked by Chang Shan, he couldn't even make an effective resistance.

Because the whole world is imprisoning it, preventing it from exerting its power. The main reason is that he was seriously injured and only had about 30% of his health bar left.

Moreover, Lin Fan was still using the power of time on him. In his own domain world, using the power of time, his power was strengthened.

Even the human-faced spider was greatly affected. When his body was affected by the time stop, it took a few tenths of a second to break free.

In a few tenths of a second, Chang Shan could tell the winner, so one of the human-faced spider's legs was cut off again.

The human-faced spider's legs are getting fewer and fewer, and his combat effectiveness has seriously declined.

The cooperation between Lin Fan and Chang Shan was already very tacit. The two of them cooperated with each other and attacked one after another.

The body of the human-faced spider was eventually split into several halves, and Lin Fan was also nearby using the death scythe to finish off the damage.

With one knife, the head of the human-faced spider was directly chopped to death.

After the huge human face of the human-faced spider was chopped, his vitality also reached the end, and Lin Fan also gained 10 trillion experience points.

Lin Fan was excited. At this moment, his experience points only needed one more Nine God Realm to break through to 100 trillion.

At that time, he could directly upgrade his talent and become a Nine God Realm strongman. Therefore, he and Changshan took the time to devour the meat of the immortal lizard in the domain world to keep their state at the peak.

After the two recovered completely, Lin Fan walked out again.

When Lin Fan was outside, he found that the battle had basically come to an end. Except for the corpses on the ground, the other few people were still fighting.

However, two people had already run away, so there were still five people fighting on the scene, including two zombies, a human-faced spider, and two other subordinates of the true god.

The blood bars of these five people dropped seriously, with an average of only 30%, and they moved towards the exit while fighting.

It seemed that everyone wanted to leave and didn't want to continue fighting to the death, because their condition was not good. If they continued to fight, they might be killed at any time.

Moreover, in this dangerous situation, there was an invisible enemy next to them, and even enemies might come from outside.

So, the five people were fighting and preparing to escape.

Lin Fan saw that the five people were about to escape, and he was also anxious. He had to find a way to keep one person. He only needed one more person to upgrade.

So, he locked these five people tightly, and then he locked a subordinate of the true god. This was a member of the flesh and blood sect. His breath was very weak. At this moment, he was turning into a meat ball and escaping, preparing to leave first.

His blood bar was the lowest.

Lin Fan directly targeted this person. He could ignore the other four people, but he must keep this person.

The opponent's blood bar was only 30%. If he killed this person directly, he could upgrade his talent.

Therefore, he locked this person, came in front of this person's escape, and directly summoned the domain world to absorb.

This man was swallowed by the domain world and was shocked. He resisted with all his might, and even his body turned into balls of flesh, and fled in all directions.

However, these balls of flesh were directly sucked into the domain world.

This member of the Flesh and Blood Sect was also very smart. He knew to turn his body into thousands of clones and use the clones to escape.

In this way, the main body was hidden in the clones, and it was possible to escape successfully. Unfortunately, he still underestimated Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's eyes can distinguish between true and false, and can find his main body directly from his thousands of clones.

Lin Fan easily locked his main body, and then ignored the other clones and came directly to his main body. The domain world descended directly and swallowed his main body.

This man was desperate. He didn't expect that he had thousands of incarnations, but Lin Fan still found the main god. He screamed in despair, and finally the main god was sucked into the domain world.

When his main body was sucked away, those clones also disappeared in an instant and returned to his body.

In the domain world, this member of the flesh and blood sect reassembled into a complete body and looked at this strange domain world.

Feeling the power of this world to imprison him, he was very desperate and entered the domain world of the true god.

He knew that once he entered the domain world of the true god, he would be powerless to turn the tide. No matter how strong he was, he was no match.

Even if he was in his peak state, he could not kill his way out of this domain world.

Moreover, he felt a strong murderous aura next to him, and then Chang Shan slashed directly at him with a knife, almost splitting him in half.

Looking at a peak state Nine God Realm Night Watchman attacking him next to him, he was very desperate, and his health bar was only 30%.

If he was in his peak state, he might be able to fight this Nine God Realm Night Watchman, but in this state, fighting with the opponent would only lead to death.

He tried to escape, but the power of the whole world was imprisoning him, making his speed very slow.

No matter where he ran, he would eventually be caught up by Chang Shan, and Lin Fan appeared nearby, constantly using the power of time on him.

Under the power of time, he couldn't escape at all.

Even more, his body would strangely appear in the previous position, and time would flow backwards.

Or his body would suddenly stop in place and be attacked by the stillness of time.

Lin Fan only needed to use the power of time to affect him, and Chang Shan could launch a fatal attack on him.

After a few cuts from Chang Shan, his body was split into several halves.

The members of the Flesh and Blood Sect, their bodies are all composed of flesh and blood wriggling, as if there was a mutation of flesh and blood.

Even if the body is split into several halves, their hearts and brains are not dead, they can still live.

Unlike normal humans, once their hands and feet are cut off, they will be seriously injured.

Their cut hands and feet can also wriggle and reassemble.

Chang Shan kept attacking from the side, and Lin Fan stared at the man's blood bar, watching the other party's blood bar continue to drop, and finally dropped to single digits.

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