[Whether to consume one hundred billion experience points to upgrade the talent Destruction Thunder]

[Whether to consume one hundred experience points and draw a random talent]

"Upgrade talent to destroy thunder!"

Lin Fan chose to upgrade his talent Destruction Thunder without hesitation. After spending one hundred billion experience points in the next second, Destruction Thunder was upgraded from level 13 to level 14, and he had officially entered the realm of the Nine Gods!

And the attack range instantly expanded to 1 million meters. His pupils were flashing with lightning of destruction, and his whole body exuded the aura of destruction. He was like a God of Destruction, staring coldly at everything around him!


At this time, the true god of death in front suddenly turned into a zombie. He opened his eyes and stood up from the ground. The aura on his body was very terrifying, and his health bar was also 100%. He became a zombie. True zombie!

The moment it became a true god zombie, the zombie king outside the cage world also sensed it. The zombie king looked back at the cage world and saw another true god zombie appearing. He was very happy.

Then, he ordered the true god zombie to kill all the two remaining living people.

Then, this true zombie killed the Spider Queen and Zhan Kui. The Spider Queen and Zhan Kui, who were fighting, suddenly felt a powerful aura appear.

They saw that the true god had died and turned into a true god zombie. Both of them looked very ugly. They didn't expect the other to die so quickly!

"what happened!"

Zhan Kui didn't understand very much. Although the man's health bar was very low, there were no threats around him. How could he die so quickly?

Moreover, he is healing. In this case, shouldn't he be getting stronger and stronger? How could he die suddenly?

Zhan Kui's face was very ugly. The only thing he could think of was the zombie virus, which would cause the true god to die quickly and turn into a zombie.

After all, the Zombie King is outside. Seeing that the opponent's aura is low, he will definitely not miss this opportunity to kill him.

The three true gods around Zhan Kui have all died, and now he is the only one left fighting the Spider Queen. However, now the powerful true god zombie is rushing towards the two of them, and his target is the two of them.

Now, the two of them could no longer continue fighting, and they turned around and attacked the zombie at the same time without hesitation.

However, the health bars of the two of them were very low now, and the zombie's health bar was 100%. As soon as he made a move, the two of them were no match. They were beaten until they vomited blood and flew backwards, without any ability to fight back!

Under this situation, the two of them summoned their own domain world without hesitation and used the domain world to resist the zombie.

The domain world was suspended in front of the zombie. The zombie struck out wildly, grabbing and tearing apart the domain world.

The domain world was beaten crazily and trembled, and countless cracks appeared on it. After the battle, the two people's domain world was also riddled with holes, and it no longer had much power.

Facing the attack of zombies, they can only grit their teeth and persist, but if they can't hold on for long, their domain world will most likely be destroyed.

Both Spider Queen and Zhan Kui want to kill each other, but now more powerful zombies have appeared, and they are also frantically calculating each other.

Zhan Kui wanted to blow up his own domain world, but he was unwilling to do so. If he survived, his future would be cut off if there was no more domain world in the future.

Without the domain world, he will be unable to move forward in the future and will no longer be able to evolve. Only the true gods who own the domain world can continue to evolve and become a god king.

Without the domain world, he is just a useless true god!

The Spider Queen also wanted to blow up her own domain and perish together with Zhan Kui. However, she had the same idea. He had a greater chance of survival than Zhan Kui.

After all, he was once very powerful, but now facing the attack of zombies, their domain and world are also in danger, and they may be destroyed at any time.

But if there is no domain world, they are no match for this zombie!

Moreover, a worse situation occurred. The zombie viruses around them suddenly and continuously penetrated into their bodies. These zombie viruses penetrated every hole in their bodies and entered every cell in their bodies, trying to infect them into zombies.

The situation was already very bad, but the zombie virus suddenly became stronger. They knew that the zombie king was attacking them.

The zombie king tried to infect them with zombie viruses.

The situation of the two of them was very dangerous. Then, they rushed towards the exit in unison. Here, they had only one way to die. Only by fighting through the exit could they have a chance of survival.

However, just as the two were about to head towards the exit, the figure of the Zombie King appeared at the exit, looking at them coldly.

Seeing the zombie king blocking the exit, the two of them were very desperate.

They couldn't defeat an ordinary true god zombie, let alone a powerful zombie king.

The zombie king's aura at this moment is unfathomable, and he may have reached a new realm.

The two of them felt fear in front of the Zombie King and had no power to resist. They fled towards the exit and stopped instantly.

The two desperately discovered that the zombie had arrived and launched a devastating attack on them again.

Under the attack of this zombie, the two of them vomited blood, and their aura blood bar also dropped rapidly, with only a dozen percent left.

The two were in a very bad situation, but they were unwilling to die here, so they put aside their hatred and attacked the zombie together.

Their domain world smashed towards the zombie crazily. Although their domain world could be broken at any time, the power was still terrible, and the zombie was constantly smashed away.

Every time the domain world hit the zombie, the parts on the zombie would be less, and even 10 fingers were smashed into pieces.

Slowly, his hands were also broken. The zombie was severely injured under the desperate counterattack of the two, and the blood bar dropped wildly.

Lin Fan had been watching all this quietly in the dark. He was also stunned when he saw the two people counterattack before death and severely injured the zombie.

It seems that every true god cannot be underestimated, even if their blood bars are low.

However, their counterattack before death was very terrifying. This peak zombie was still crippled under the counterattack of the two!

The two attacked frantically, and the body of the zombie was constantly crippled, and even the legs were blown up. In the end, the blood bar became more than 10%, and fell to the ground. They were almost beaten to death.

The blood of the two people became single digits, and they no longer had any fighting power. The domain world of the two people was broken and could be broken at any time.

The two people also lay on the ground, and they no longer had any fighting power.

The three parties were directly defeated. The zombie lay on the ground without fighting power, and the two lay on the ground without any fighting power.

Lin Fan saw such a scene and knew that this was his chance. He rushed to the side of the zombie first, because the situation of this zombie was the worst.

He attacked frantically, trying to kill the zombie first, and after the two people lost the power to resist, they lay on the ground and seized the time to resist the zombie virus in their bodies.

Because the zombie virus is pervasive, it gets into their bodies and tries to seize their weakness to infect them into zombies!

While the two were fighting the zombie virus, Lin Fan also secretly attacked the zombies again and again.

The zombie was lying on the ground, without any resistance. His forehead was attacked by Lin Fan again. Lin Fan attacked again and again, and the death sickle pierced his forehead.

His blood bar was also constantly decreasing, and finally, it reached the single digits, and Lin Fan finally stabbed into the zombie's mind with a knife, killing the consciousness in his mind.

When the zombie consciousness was killed, the zombie also died completely. Lin Fan pierced his head and killed him. Lin Fan also gained 100 trillion experience points again!

With the death of this zombie, the zombie king outside also sensed it.

He frowned, not expecting that the true god zombie died again.

The zombie king looked at the cage world. Looking at him like this, it seemed that he was pierced through the head and died. He looked at the cage world and saw only two people lying on the ground, resisting the zombie virus.

Others didn't see it at all. The Zombie King understood that an enemy hidden in the cage world had taken action and was secretly harvesting the remaining blood, but the Zombie King didn't take it to heart.

No matter what this person was like, he was not a threat to him, and he knew that the remaining two would soon become zombies.

By then, he would have two True God zombies under his command again, and the battle between the Zombie King and the seven True Gods would also reach a fever pitch.

As the Zombie King's aura became stronger and stronger, the seven True Gods gradually became no match for him, and the True God zombie next to the Zombie King, who charged forward with him, was also seriously injured at this moment!

The Zombie King could avoid the attacks of the seven True Gods, but this zombie charged forward in front of the Zombie King, and he resisted most of the damage, so he was also disabled at this moment, and the situation was very bad.

However, the seven True Gods also consumed a lot of energy, and the two sides formed a stalemate. The Zombie King was waiting for the two True God zombies in the cage world to appear.

In the cage world, after Lin Fan killed the True God zombie, he also came to Zhan Kui's side. Zhan Kui's breath was extremely weak.

At this moment, the blood bar was only 8%. In his mind, a large number of zombie viruses were destroying his consciousness and preparing to infect him.

And his consciousness gradually became blurred, the blood bar was slowly decreasing, and Lin Fan was silently waiting for the last chance.

As for the situation of the Spider Queen next to him, it was also different, but the Spider Queen's breath was stronger, and its blood bar decreased more slowly, so it could last for a while longer.

But now the blood bar was only in the single digits, and it was also resisting the zombie virus in his mind, but no matter how he resisted, it was useless.

More and more zombie viruses entered his mind, and his huge body was lying motionless on the ground, looking as if he was dead.

Only Lin Fan knew that the Spider Queen was still struggling and had not died completely, because his blood bar was still there. Only when the blood bar turned to zero, it proved that he was dead!

Zhan Kui and the Spider Queen were both dying, their fate was already determined, and it wouldn't be long before they turned into zombies.

Zhan Kui's death speed was obviously faster, his health bar dropped rapidly, and only 5% was left.

Lin Fan was waiting silently beside him, waiting for Zhan Kui's death. He could pierce Zhan Kui's head right now, but he didn't want to do that.

Because his head was blown up, Zhan Kui couldn't turn into a zombie, and he would lose half of his experience points. He wanted to kill Zhan Kui and turn him into a zombie. In this way, he could kill zombies again and gain experience points!

As Zhan Kui's health bar dropped rapidly, Lin Fan also took action, constantly attacking Zhan Kui's heart. The Death Scythe ignored the distance in space and attacked directly from the inside of the heart. A black hole appeared near Zhan Kui's heart, and a knife tip pierced his heart directly.

And the moment his heart was pierced, his life stopped beating.

The next second, his health bar turned to zero.

After killing Zhan Kui, Lin Fan also gained 100 trillion experience points again.

Lin Fan was excited, and finally killed Zhan Kui!

There was one less person who knew that he had the World Tree. He wanted to kill all those who knew.

Therefore, he also looked at the Spider Queen next to him. As for Zhan Kui, he didn't care about him anymore. Not long after Zhan Kui died, he roared and turned into a zombie, and stood up from the ground again.

When he stood up, he saw the Spider Queen next to him and rushed towards her without hesitation.

Because the Spider Queen still had the breath of a living person, but Lin Fan had already taken action first, he came to the Spider Queen and prepared to attack the Spider Queen and kill her.

However, the Spider Queen suddenly opened her eyes and saw Zhan Kui who had turned into a zombie next to her. Her face changed. In his current situation, he couldn't stop Zhan Kui who had turned into a zombie at all, and he was also very desperate.

He even summoned his own domain world!

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