If he could not see other people's health bars, he would not be able to tell that these five teenagers were psychics. Under his shadow world ability, these five teenagers had nowhere to hide. No matter how harmless they pretended to be, they could not hide their identity as psychics.

"Control them!"

Director Zhang made a prompt decision and gave orders to the team of night watchmen to control the five teenagers as soon as possible.

The five teenagers were suddenly attacked by the night watchmen, and their hands were handcuffed with energy handcuffs.

"This is... our power disappeared..."

The five teenagers were horrified to find that after being handcuffed with energy handcuffs, their whole body's strength was suddenly imprisoned in their bodies. No matter how they used it, they could not mobilize the energy in their bodies, as if they were sealed.

"Don't struggle, unless you are a level 5 psychic, otherwise it's useless. From now on, just accept our investigation honestly!"

The night watchman next to him said coldly.

"Brother, we just got on the wrong station, there's no need to handcuff us!"

"Yes, you take off the handcuffs for us, we'll take the train back."

The five teenagers felt innocent, they just got on the wrong subway, but they didn't expect to be arrested for no reason as soon as they got off the train, and their powers were also imprisoned.

"You can't go back, no one who got off the time train can get back on the train!" The night watchman advised them to give up.

"Time train!"

"No way, we are so unlucky that we actually got on the time train!"

"Wow, this time we really can't go back, Xiaoli, Xiaoli, how can I live without you..." A teenager cried heartbreakingly, Xiaoli was his girlfriend, and he was very sad when he thought that he would never see Xiaoli again.

"Don't cry, we'll find a way to go back later, Xiaoli should be waiting for you."

The other teenagers began to comfort the teenager, asking him not to be too sad, but they couldn't persuade him. His tears flowed down like they didn't need money, and he cried so hard that even the night watchman next to him couldn't bear it.

"Don't be too sad, if you join the Federation and become our people, you may have a chance to return to your world in the future." The night watchman couldn't help comforting him, of course, this is also their duty.

Every passenger who got off the time train, as long as they confirmed that the other party was a superpower, the night watchman would try to persuade the other party to join the Federation.

If these five teenagers are willing to join the Federation, then they will be their own people in the future, and they will naturally study how to send these five teenagers home. If they don't agree, then, sorry, these five teenagers will be captured and taken to the Federal Research Institute for experiments, and their superpowers will be copied.

"Can we go home if we join you?" The five teenagers ignited hope.

"Of course, in this world, our Federation rules the world, and there is nothing we can't do!" The night watchman said proudly.

"Okay, then we'll join. I hope you can find a way to send us home as soon as possible!" The five teenagers agreed without hesitation when they heard that they could go home.

"Which world are you from?" the night watchman asked.

"We are from the Glory World!"

"Glory World?" The night watchman was confused.

This is a new world that has never been discovered...

The passengers getting off the time train come from the past, the future and the present, from different worlds. Since the Federation took control of the time train, the passengers getting off from it all come from unknown worlds.

Now a Glory World suddenly appeared, and the night watchman was also very curious.

"What kind of world is the Glory World?" The night watchman asked curiously.

"Actually, there's nothing special. It's just that five people usually team up to fight monsters and level up together. We just finished fighting monsters this time and were ready to go home. Unexpectedly, we got on the time train..." The five teenagers sighed.

"Fighting monsters and leveling up?" The night watchman was confused.

"In our Glory World, there are demons everywhere, and we have mastered five cultivation systems. These five cultivation systems can be combined into a five-person team. We will leave the human city and go to the demon's territory to improve our strength by killing demons."

"What a world that makes people yearn for." The night watchmen next to him were full of longing.

Since the Federation ruled the world, they have also been very interested in other worlds, especially the passengers who got off the time train, who are their key research objects.

The Federation tried to find the world behind them through these passengers. If the channel between the two worlds can be opened and the two worlds can travel between them, this is the best result.

Unfortunately, so far, the Federation has not succeeded. The passengers who got off the time train have no way to go back.

"Humph, it's better to advise you not to think about it. It's a terrible world. When I was 11 years old, I started to fight outside. Many people of my age died in the mouths of demons. They didn't live to adulthood!"

A tall boy poured a basin of cold water on the night watchman.

"The average life expectancy of most people in the Glory World is around fifteen years old. Those who can live beyond fifteen are geniuses!" said another young man.

"How old are you now?" asked the night watchman.

"We are exactly eighteen years old and have lived to adulthood!"


The Night Watch was completely shocked. These five teenagers came from the Glory World. They had just reached adulthood, but they had already become Level 4 Psychics!

Does this mean that in the Glory World, as long as you can survive to adulthood, you can basically become a Level 4 Psychic?

"What level are you in the Glory World?" asked the Night Watch.

"Just average. Many people are better than us. Among our peers, they are all Level 5, and we are only Level 4..." said the five teenagers.


The Night Watchers who heard this felt that they had lived in vain. They were only Level 2, 3, and 1 at such an old age, but these teenagers had just reached Level 4 when they had just reached adulthood...

"By the way, are you preparing for a war?" Several teenagers asked curiously.


An explosion suddenly came.

Chapter 64 Mechanical Throwing, Philland

"No, the Dark World Organization has launched an attack!"

All the Night Watchers entered combat mode.

In the darkness, dense Dark World Organization creatures had surrounded the entire Time Train Base and launched an attack on the entire base.

"You stay here first, we will be back soon."

The five teenagers were thrown aside, leaving only one night watchman to guard them, and the other night watchmen went to fight.

"Hey, untie our handcuffs, we can help you fight!" The five teenagers looked eagerly at the night watchman who was guarding them.

But how dare the night watchman untie them!

Although the glorious world that these five teenagers talked about made him fascinated, he could not let them go before confirming whether they were really willing to join the Federation, because they still needed to take a lie detector test!

Only after passing the lie detector test and confirming that the other party was sincere in joining the Federation, they could be given freedom.

"You stay here first, and we will naturally let you go after we finish fighting."

In the dark, Lin Fan looked outside the wall, and the dense dark world creatures surrounded him.

"Where is Philland?"

Although the dark world creatures surrounded the entire base, the night watchmen were not worried. The only thing they were worried about was Philland.

But Philland did not appear from beginning to end, and even the fighter planes patrolling in the sky did not find the plane transporting Philland, which made them more and more uneasy.

"Where did they hide Philland?"

After the dark world organization surrounded the entire base, it only launched a long-range attack, because there was a barrier outside the base. This barrier was a mixed rule. The attack of the dark world creatures fell into the rules and was resolved by several rules of the mixed rules!

Generally speaking, as long as the attack within level five falls into the mixed rules, it will be destroyed instantly.

Although the dark world organization surrounded the entire base and attacked the base, the mixed rules blocked their way, making it impossible for them to break in.

The night watchman also attacked the dark world creatures outside within the mixed rules, and fired long-range energy cannons one by one.

Lin Fan's eyes can accurately lock the positions of those dark world creatures. He provides the positions of these dark world creatures, and then the night watchman accurately strikes.

Energy shells, accurately bombarded and killed dark world creatures one by one.


The creatures of the dark world suffered heavy losses, many of them were directly blown into pieces, or were seriously injured and lay on the ground.

"Is Philland not coming yet?"

The creatures of the dark world suffered heavy losses under the counterattack of the Night Watchmen, and they had no way to break the rules to come in.

However, there was no plane in the sky to transport Philland.

"Is Philland not coming?"

In this case, there was no other choice except to let Philland take action. The creatures of the dark world continued to charge, and there was only one way to die, because without being able to break the rules, their attacks were like a stone sinking into the sea.

"That is..."

Lin Fan's eyes were always fixed on the surroundings. He could see everything within 500 meters clearly. He saw that in the dark, a group of mechanical sect members suddenly came over carrying a huge mechanical box.

This mechanical box was ten meters long and ten meters wide.

A group of mechanical sect members carried the mechanical box to an open space outside the time train base, and then put the mechanical box underground.

Then, the sound of gears turning inside the mechanical box was heard.

Lin Fan stared at the mechanical box. He saw with his own eyes that the mechanical box was changing. From the state of a box, it instantly became a huge mechanical catapult!

"What are they going to do!"

The moment the mechanical catapult appeared, a group of Serpent's Hand members came over from behind carrying an iron coffin.

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