Lin Fan was excited. This God King Pill really worked for him.

After taking this God King Pill, he actually gained 100 trillion experience points, which is equivalent to killing a God King. This is really a good thing!

At the same time, he also picked out several options in his mind.

[Whether to consume 100 trillion experience points to upgrade the talent of Destruction Thunder]

[Whether to consume 100 trillion experience points to upgrade the talent of Thousand Faces]

[Whether to consume 100 experience points to draw a random talent]

Lin Fan thought about it and finally did not consume the 100 trillion experience points to upgrade the remaining two talents.

He now wants to concentrate on accumulating experience points and upgrade his control of all things as soon as possible. After all, in the later stage, the experience points are really terrible!

If you want him to upgrade to God King, then you need 100 trillion experience points, which is a terrifying number and cannot be wasted on other talents.

His power to control all things is very strong now. He wants to concentrate on improving his realm and does not want to develop comprehensively.

Comprehensive development seems a bit redundant to him.

It is better to concentrate on upgrading one talent and improve your realm first. At that time, it will be much easier to upgrade other talents!

Therefore, he resisted the urge to upgrade and saved the 100 trillion experience points first. Adding the experience points he had saved before, he now has almost 300 trillion experience points.

However, to upgrade to the God King, 100 trillion experience points are needed, which is a terrifying number!

He has to kill at least 7 God Kings, or 70 True Gods, and 700 Nine God Realms!

This is a terrifying number. He has not met many God Kings yet, so he can only resist the temptation to upgrade and store all the experience points first!

After absorbing the God King Pill, he left the place without hesitation. He planned to throw out all the corpses in the domain world first, let them become zombies, and kill them again.

Then, he went to the entrance of the 15th floor. The entrance of the 15th floor was filled with the air of death, and the rich zombie virus spread in all directions.

The zombie army has rushed over and is fighting with the creatures of the dark world. Perhaps because this is the last few floors, there are more creatures of the dark world here.

The zombie army is not doing well here.

Of course, the battle between the zombie king and another god king has now reached a fever pitch. Both of them are at the god king level, and neither can kill the other.

The god king is already the ancestor of a race, or the founder of an organization, and is already at the top of the world. It is not so easy to be killed!

The zombie king and this god king have already fought to the 15th floor. Although there are other god kings on this 15th floor, the zombie king is not very scared.

Because the god king fighting with him at this moment has been severely injured by him, and he has been trying to infect the other party imperceptibly.

The zombie virus has spread in this person's body, and it may suddenly break out at any time and infect him into a zombie.

The zombie king also sensed this 15th floor, and there is another god king, but this god king seems to be looking for something and did not come to support. He is also concentrating on attacking the god king on the opposite side.

Want to infect the other party as soon as possible, as long as he has a subordinate of the God King, then he will not be afraid!

Of course, the zombie king has absorbed too much death energy, and his breath is already very terrifying.

Even if another God King comes, one against two, he is not afraid.

Among the same level, he is invincible, even if he is beaten up by a group, he is not weak!

After Lin Fan came nearby, he directly threw out the corpses of the true gods and the nine gods in the domain world.

After these corpses touched the zombie virus outside, they began to be infected. Soon, some corpses opened their eyes and stood up from the ground.

The corpses that he killed on the warship before were intact. After turning into zombies, they roared and rushed in all directions.

And the old bones that Lin Fan collected in the seabed also stood up again. Most of the flesh and blood on their bodies had decayed, leaving only skeletons. Now these skeletons have stood up again!


All the corpses thrown out turned into zombies. Their appearance was also sensed by the zombie king in the distance.

He was very excited. He didn't expect so many powerful zombies to appear. He even felt that there were about 10 to 20 true god zombies.

This made him very excited. So many powerful subordinates appeared inexplicably!

No matter how these zombies appeared, as long as they became zombies, they would be under his management. He controlled these zombies without hesitation and ordered them to kill living people.

Create as much killing as possible, kill as many people as possible, and create more death energy for him. He needs death energy to evolve.

These zombies obeyed the orders of the zombie king and began to attack the living, and Lin Fan also came to the battlefield.

There were many residual blood on the battlefield, and he killed them without hesitation.

As soon as he made a move, the dense dark world creatures and zombies fell to the ground. They were all killed by him, and his experience value was also growing rapidly.

There are quite a few Nine Gods and True Gods with low health on the battlefield. Once he targets them, they will be killed quickly.

After killing a bunch of people, Lin Fan felt that he was a bit exhausted. Then, he looked at the battlefield and found that there were not many people with low health.

Everyone was fighting back and forth now. In a short period of time, there would not be too many people with low health. Then, he left here to find the immortal lizard of the true god level.

He now needed this immortal lizard to provide him with meat. Only the meat of the immortal lizard of the true god level could allow him to quickly restore his combat effectiveness. Therefore, he planned to capture this immortal lizard alive first!

In a place on the 15th floor, the immortal lizard was escaping. He escaped from the eyes of the God King. At this moment, he did not dare to stop at all and ran away all the way.

He was going to find a safe place and develop quietly, but he did not know that Lin Fan had already set his sights on him.

Lin Fan's eyes could see very far, and the immortal lizard was easily seen by him, and then he chased after the immortal lizard.

The immortal lizard didn't know where Lin Fan was, so he didn't know when Lin Fan approached him.

Lin Fan came to the immortal lizard and saw that the immortal lizard was running away stealthily. It seemed that he was scared after escaping from the hands of the God King.

The immortal lizard was fleeing in a hurry. Lin Fan came to the back of the immortal lizard and looked at him calmly.

The immortal lizard carried Lin Fan and ran away, and finally ran into a safe cage world, hiding inside, not daring to come out.

After the immortal lizard arrived here, he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt safe here, and he was also ready to hide here for a while.

He would go out when it was calm outside or after the God King left.

He didn't dare to go out casually now, worried that if he went out, he would arouse the killing intention of the God King. Although he used the ancestor of the immortal lizard to intimidate the other party, who knew if the other party would suddenly regret it and kill him.

After all, he was also very vulnerable in front of the God King.

"Damn it, who on earth snatched the God King Pill? That God King Pill should have been mine, and I could have become the king!" The immortal lizard cursed and swore in the cage world.

He failed at the last hurdle. He searched for a long time inside and finally found the God King Pill, but he didn't expect that the God King would appear, and there was also a mysterious enemy!

He could only watch the other party snatch the God King Pill away, and he didn't even know who it was. He felt distressed when he thought about it.

He roared angrily in this cage world, and also madly attacked everything around him. It was like the end of the world.

After being roared and destroyed by him, he lay in a deep pit, closed his eyes sullenly, and prepared to sleep here first.

There was no one around, and no one dared to disturb him here. His true god aura was released. Once someone with no eyes came in, he would eat the other party.

Lin Fan saw the immortal lizard rolling around inside for a while, and when it calmed down, he was ready to attack.

Lin Fan was on the back of the immortal lizard, and the other party didn't notice it.

In this case, it was too easy for him to sneak attack. He came to the tail of the immortal lizard, gestured here, and prepared to cut off the tail of the immortal lizard at the root.

This tail is very long, several hundred meters long, which should be enough for him to eat for a while.

After determining the position, he did not hesitate to attack, and with a fierce knife, he directly cut off the tail of the immortal lizard from the root.

The sleeping immortal lizard was suddenly attacked. He screamed and opened his eyes, and saw that his tail was cut off at the root.

He was terrified that someone attacked him next to him, and he didn't know who the other person was.

His tail was cut off and fell to the ground, but the immortal lizard had a perverted ability, that is, no matter how many pieces his body was cut into, it could wriggle and reassemble.

He was also attracting his tail, trying to suck it back in!

However, at this moment, Lin Fan summoned the domain world and directly sucked the broken tail of the baby into his own domain world, and then closed the domain world.

Everything happened too quickly. When the immortal lizard reacted, its tail had already entered Lin Fan's domain world, and it also lost the sense of its tail.

The two were in different worlds, and he had no way to summon his tail back again.

He was desperate, roaring angrily, and there was actually someone hiding beside him, stealing his tail.

He attacked angrily and attacked randomly around him. His voice was like a lion's roar, shaking in all directions.

People who were weaker than him would be instantly shocked to bleed from all seven orifices once they were hit by his roar. However, Lin Fan directly ignored the voice of the immortal lizard, looked at him calmly, and roared there.

The immortal lizard roared and attacked around again, consuming a lot of physical strength.

Lin Fan cut one of his legs directly.


The Immortal Lizard had just attacked all around and was tired. Just when he was about to take a break, one of his legs was cut off.

He looked back in horror and found that the leg disappeared in an instant and was sucked into Lin Fan's domain world again.

The moment Lin Fan's domain world appeared, the Immortal Lizard sensed it.

He knew that there was a person at least at the level of a true god attacking him nearby, and his tail and legs were sucked away, making it impossible for him to reassemble.

His severed tail and legs were also wriggling again, trying to grow new ones. Of course, this process was slow.

Growing new tails and legs was also very exhausting.

It can be seen that his body had become smaller. He was alert and terrified, but at this moment, Lin Fan attacked again.

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