However, they can all recover quickly under Lin Fan's will, and he has realized more things!

The immortal lizard vented all around, but did not cause any substantial damage. It felt like it had all the skills but could not exert its strength.

No matter how he attacked, no one appeared. He didn't even know who was the mastermind behind the scenes, and he didn't know whose domain world this was.

He was caught here inexplicably, and he couldn't leave because this domain world was too solid.

No true god dared to enter the domain world of other true gods casually, because entering the domain world of the other party was equivalent to entering the world of the other party, and the other party was the master.

And he was a controlled member.

At this moment, in Lin Fan's domain world, he was imprisoned and could not exert his full strength at all.

Unless he had absolute strength to blow up this domain world, unfortunately, he didn't.

He was imprisoned, and his heart was cold.

Could it be that he would be imprisoned here for the rest of his life and become someone else's meat...

He was now like a piece of fish on a board, being slaughtered by others, unable to resist at all.

In addition, his four legs and tail had been cut off all the time, which seriously reduced his combat effectiveness, and he could not cause much damage to the surroundings at all.

He could only open his mouth, roaring and shouting there, but just when he roared the most, a butcher knife fell from the sky and chopped off his head.

When his head fell to the ground, he looked at his headless body and opened his eyes wide. This situation would not kill him.

Not to mention chopping off his head, even if he was cut into eight pieces and cut into pieces, he could still wriggle and revive again.

This is the terrible thing about the immortal power of the immortal lizard.

But having his head chopped off is a huge shame for him.

His head was chopped off, and his two halves of the body were also trying to wriggle and reassemble!

However, Lin Fan did not give him a chance at all, controlling his two halves of the body, imprisoning them in different places.

The two halves of the body could only watch each other, unable to move.

The immortal lizard was desperate and could only grow a new body again, and the head of the immortal lizard was naturally his core.

If he wanted to grow a new body, then he could only abandon the previous body, just like shedding his skin, abandoning the original body and growing a new body.

But he was unwilling, because it would consume a huge amount of energy.

Although the immortal power could revive it, every reorganization would consume a huge amount of power.

His body was cut off again and again, until a certain moment, he would die...

Possessing the immortal power does not mean that he is really unkillable, but that he can continuously reorganize and revive.

But if the body is hollowed out and the energy consumed is too huge, reaching a certain critical value, he will also be killed!

Among the same level, the immortal lizard is invincible, because it is difficult for someone to make them unable to resist and be crushed again and again.

Now facing Lin Fan, he felt that he was being crushed. He didn't even know who Lin Fan was, where Lin Fan was, and could only be crushed by Lin Fan's attacks again and again.

He was truly cut into pieces, and he couldn't make an effective resistance at all. Once his body was cut into countless pieces, his strength would be dispersed into countless pieces.

This made it impossible for him to concentrate his strength to resist.

And the method Lin Fan took now was just like this, imprisoning the body of the immortal lizard in different areas, making it unable to heal.

If he wanted to grow a new body, then it would be a huge consumption for the immortal lizard. Looking at his body imprisoned in different areas, the immortal lizard felt desperate in his heart.

He didn't grow a new body, just let it go.

Once he grew a new body, he would accelerate his death, because the immortal power in his body was not endless. As long as it was consumed, he would die and die completely in Lin Fan's hands.

He didn't want to consume himself too quickly, so he just kept consuming.

While he was angry, he finally calmed down. He knew that if Lin Fan wanted to kill him, it would only be a matter of time.

As long as Lin Fan attacked him again and again and cut his body, he would kill him. Maybe it would take one day, two days, or a few days. As long as time went on, he would definitely die in Lin Fan's hands.

However, Lin Fan didn't seem to want to kill him now. He just imprisoned his body here, and at the same time, cut off some of his fleshy body and threw it down to roast.

He soon understood that Lin Fan's purpose was to treat it as meat and let it grow a new body.

Every time a new body grows, it will be chopped off, so that food can be produced continuously.

This is the biggest shame for the immortal lizard!

Many people want to do this, but no one dares to do it.

Because the immortal lizard is a powerful race, especially the ancestor of the immortal lizard, which is the existence standing at the top!

Except for the real controller of that world, almost no one from other races dares to provoke the immortal lizard.

This is also the reason why the immortal lizard can be safe and sound.

Some people who are brave enough only dare to do it secretly.

At this moment, Lin Fan actually attacked him openly and treated him, a true god, as food. If the Immortal Lizard Ancestor knew about this, no matter what Lin Fan was, he would be killed.

There was once a race that did this to the Immortal Lizard, and the Immortal Lizard Ancestor uprooted and wiped out the entire race.

The Immortal Lizard Ancestor, when he attacked, was to wipe out the race.

This caused other people to dare not peek at the meat of the Immortal Lizard.

Although the immortal power is their advantage, it is also their disadvantage. The advantage is that they can be at the top of the same level, and no one can be their opponent.

The weakness is that once they are captured alive, then it is endless pain, and they can't easily commit suicide!

"Who are you? What do you want to do? If you dare to do anything to me, the ancestor of my race will not let you and the race behind you go!"

The Immortal Lizard spoke angrily, he knew that the people in the dark could hear what he said.

He hoped that the other party would be frightened by the reputation of the Immortal Lizard Ancestor. Most people would be scared to death when they heard about the Immortal Lizard Ancestor, and would not dare to do anything to them.

But Lin Fan was not afraid of the Immortal Lizard Ancestor.

If he was afraid, he would not do this. Moreover, no one knew everything he did, so he was even more confident.

Of course, Lin Fan did not have the patience to answer the Immortal Lizard. He wanted to wear down the Immortal Lizard and let him stay in his domain world obediently.

After all, this was a true god, and he could not stare at it all the time. He had to defeat the other party and make him behave.

When he was not free, this Immortal Lizard messed around in his domain world, which would be dangerous.

You know, his domain world is dominated by the World Tree.

Although he blocked his perception, if the Immortal Lizard wandered around and wandered next to the World Tree, he would find the World Tree.

That would be a big threat. This Immortal Lizard might destroy his World Tree!

Don't think that he can imprison the immortal lizard now, that's because his body is here.

Once he leaves, the imprisonment power of this domain world cannot imprison a true god.

The immortal lizard has the ability to move freely, although the speed will be slow, but it is no problem for him to move in this domain world.

Therefore, Lin Fan must choose a foolproof method, and the most effective way is to make this immortal lizard half-crippled.

It cannot recover to its peak, and divide its body into different areas to ensure that it dare not wander around.

At this moment, the immortal lizard has been beaten half-crippled by him, with less than 50% of its health bar and a large reduction in its body.

Moreover, it was divided into different areas, with its head on one side and its body on the other side. The four legs and tail were cut off and he could not reassemble.

He did not grow a new body either.

He knew that once he grew a new body, the original body would be abandoned and become the opponent's food.

If he doesn't grow a body, then his several halves can respond to each other from a distance. Once there is a chance, they can be reassembled together, which will not cause too much consumption for him.

It just doesn't look good. After all, being cut into pieces and imprisoned in different areas is not a good thing for anyone.

Lin Fan saw that the immortal lizard was smart and didn't grow a new body. He knew that he was not honest and must continue to attack him.

Therefore, he threw the other bodies of the immortal lizard directly to the ground below, completely isolated it, and asked someone to roast it.

The immortal lizard instantly lost the ability to sense its other bodies. The farther the distance, the weaker this feeling will be.

After he couldn't sense his own body, he also thought of something. He only had a head left in the void.

In this case, he only had two choices, either waiting for the other bodies to come back, or growing a new body.

But the other bodies were so dangerous that they were never afraid of coming back.

He could only grow his body again in frustration, but the growth rate was controlled by him very slowly!

Chapter 342 Upgrade your talent to control everything and advance to the God King

The True God Immortal Lizard, like a turtle, tucked its tail between its legs and never dared to be arrogant again!

Lin Fan was here, silently waiting for the immortal lizard's new tail and body to grow out.

After growing a new body again, Lin Fan cut it off without hesitation. The immortal lizard was severely injured, and he wailed in his heart, wondering why he was targeted by such a terrifying pervert.

He had no power to resist, and after cleaning up the immortal lizard, Lin Fan left the domain world.

He came outside.

At this moment, the entire 15th floor was basically occupied by the zombie army, and countless zombies appeared.

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