Xiao Wu and five other people also came over, because the research institute is seriously short of people now!

Many civilians are arranged to come over every day to copy the superpowers. The night watchmen inside the institute can only arrange three shifts, one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Everyone needs to go to work, including Ji Ziyue.

"This is how the superpowers in your world are born, my God!"

Xiao Wu and the other five were very surprised. Ordinary civilians could obtain superpowers and become superpowers through the superpower replication laboratory. This was an eye-opener for them!

Because in their world, every person with superpowers is born. If you are born without talent, then you will not be able to become a person with superpowers in this life.

They had no idea that there was a way in this world to turn ordinary people into superpowers. It was so amazing that it subverted their cognition!

"If we bring this method of superpower replication back to our world, then our world will give birth to more superpowers, and our war with demons will take over, and even the demons will be completely removed from our world. Drive the world out!"

The five Xiaowu people had longing in their hearts. They wanted to learn this method of superpower replication. It was best to understand the principle. Then, when they returned to their own world, they could popularize this method to their world. , allowing more ordinary people to become superpowers.

Fight the monster together!

Because demons invade their world wantonly, the living space of human beings is very small, and they live a precarious life!

They studied very seriously, without even taking a break. As level four superpowers, they could regulate their bodies very well, and Xiao Cai could also restore their blood.

With Xiao Cai by their side, they could keep working without feeling tired at all.

Because Xiao Cai can restore their condition to its peak in a short period of time, coupled with their thirst for knowledge, they can always work here!

They observed the superpower laboratory and read the instructions and the copying process. Ji Ziyue did not hide anything and told them all the principles and steps of the superpower duplication laboratory and asked them to study it.

By learning theoretical knowledge and helping ordinary civilians replicate their abilities on-site, their knowledge becomes more and more abundant.

They are becoming more and more skilled, and their work is getting smoother. They can even independently help civilians copy their abilities, which relieves a lot of pressure on other night watchmen. Because they do not rest for a long time, other night watchmen have too many It’s time to rest!

"Hey, this flaw is very serious, maybe it can be corrected!"

In the process of learning, the five people also drew inferences from one example, and they soon discovered a flaw in the copying of superpowers.

It is because of the existence of this defect that ordinary people will accidentally become disabled and die during the copying process.

If this defect can be repaired, everyone's survival rate and replication success rate can be improved!

"We can try to fix this defect, which should reduce the mortality rate!"

Chapter 76 Pulse Boxing, dredging the meridians of the human body

After the five people discovered this flaw, they immediately found Ji Ziyue and told Ji Ziyue their thoughts.

"Superpower replication, if we can accurately control and unblock the meridians of ordinary people's bodies, and open up their meridians, we can allow them to better withstand the coming of superpowers, and thus obtain superpowers!"

The reason why ordinary people fail to copy supernatural powers is because their physical conditions are not good and many meridians in the body are blocked. When the meridians are blocked, the supernatural powers cannot come fully and will tear their bodies apart, causing them to be disabled and disabled. die!

"How to open their meridians?" Ji Ziyue said.

The Federation has long discovered this problem, and has been committed to solving the problem of unblocking the meridians of ordinary people, but has never found a good solution, because the meridians of the human body are invisible to the naked eye, and there is no way to unblock them accurately, and it cannot be unblocked through instruments. There is no way to do this.

"There is a boxing technique in our world that is specifically designed to clear the meridians of the human body. It is called Pulse Boxing. After practicing for a period of time, ordinary people can automatically clear the meridians in the body." Xiao Wudao.

Moreover, he practiced the pulse fist technique on the spot.

"As long as ordinary people learn these thirty-six basic movements and practice them every morning and evening, they will be able to automatically clear their meridians in a short time, achieve the benefits of strengthening their bodies and extending their lives!"

Pulse Fist is not a boxing technique used for fighting, but is specially used to strengthen the body. It was created by a boxing master in the Glory World. It is effective for anyone. Many people with poor health, after practicing Pulse Fist, they Your health will become very good, and you can even extend your life and live a few more years.

"You can try it!"

Ji Ziyue asked Xiao Wu and others to be coaches and teach the ordinary people waiting in line next to them.

Of course, priority should be given to those with poor health, because most of these people's body meridians are blocked. Let's see if their meridians can be unblocked after practicing Pulse Boxing.

As for those who are in good health, they can continue to line up to copy the superpowers.

When Ji Ziyue told everyone that there was a way to help ordinary people increase the probability of successful copying of supernatural powers without causing their death, all the ordinary people were excited.

The creatures from the dark world invaded the real world, so they had no choice but to come here with the attitude of giving it a try to see if they could successfully copy the superpowers and become a superpower user.

For many people who are in poor health, they know that they are likely to fail in replicating, they are just trying their luck, and if they fail, they are likely to die.

If successful, they will become superpowers.

But they have to do it. If they don't give it a try, they will be killed when the creatures from the dark world come to the real world.

Instead of being killed by creatures from the dark world, why not come here and try your luck? You will die anyway!

Xiao Wu and the other five were on the street nearby, teaching everyone how to practice pulse boxing directly on the spot.

Pulse Fist has a total of thirty-six basic movements. They teach everyone to practice from the first movement.

Many people can easily remember these thirty-six movements, but for some people, these thirty-six movements are like a bible. It is difficult for them to remember and they need to be taught step by step!

Pulse boxing cannot be learned in a day or two, it requires a process, and now they are pressed for time!

Many people want to give up when they encounter difficulties in learning, because they feel that time is too late, and the creatures in the dark world will not give them so much time to learn Pulse Fist!

"Don't be discouraged, everyone. The creatures from the dark world will not be able to reach Qucheng in a short time. The Federation has prepared defenses and the Night Watch army has headed to the place where the worlds overlap. Even if the creatures from the dark world come, they will be blocked by the Night Watch army. We There is enough time to copy the superpower, so don’t give up!”

As the director of Qucheng Night Watch Department, Ji Ziyue immediately stood up to encourage everyone and hoped that everyone would not give up.

They have plenty of time!

People who are in good health can continue to line up to copy their superpowers.

People who are in poor health can practice pulse boxing next to them to clear their own meridians, and then copy the superpowers.

Under Ji Ziyue's comfort, those impatient people slowly regained their composure, and they patiently learned Pulse Boxing.

In this situation, they can't help it. Even if it is difficult to learn, they have to remember every move seriously, and then practice like crazy every day.

Practice makes perfect, form muscle memory, and connect these thirty-six movements to successfully practice Pulse Boxing.

Lin Fan was also very curious about the pulse group. It was recorded in martial arts novels that as long as the human body has access to the Ren and Du meridians, one can become a martial arts wizard.

Now this pulse boxing can clear most of the meridians of the human body, which is somewhat similar to opening up the Ren and Du meridians in humans.

He also followed the practice out of curiosity. It was too easy for him to remember these thirty-six movements. After all, he was now a level three superpower user.

After becoming a person with superpowers, all aspects of perception will be countless times stronger than ordinary people, including memory!

He easily memorized these thirty-six movements and practiced them beside him, his eyes fixed on Xiao Wu.

After Xiao Wu practiced a complete set of pulse boxing, he memorized every move.

He closed his eyes, and the essentials of these movements appeared in his mind, and then his body practiced following these movements.

After running through a week and completing thirty-six movements, he was surprised to find that there seemed to be warmth flowing in his body.

He lowered his head and looked at his body. His eyes could see through everything, including the human body structure. He saw white and transparent lines in his body. These lines were connected together to form a His body meridians!

There are a total of 108 meridians in his body, connected together to form a complete human body meridian map!

As a third-level superpower, his meridians have long been unblocked. After practicing Pulse Fist, he can see the road map of these meridians more clearly!

He looked at Xiao Wu and found that when Xiao Wu was practicing, he could also see that there were also 108 meridians in Xiao Wu's body.

Under normal circumstances, he would not easily look at anyone's body with his own eyes, because that would be very disrespectful.

Because he can see everything, he can also see the private parts between men and women, and he can even see the internal organs of the human body clearly.

Most of the time, he does not use the functions of the shadow world, but looks at people like a normal person.

It's just like a TV. When you want to watch TV, you turn on the switch. When you don't want to watch TV, you turn off the switch. The TV screen is black, and so are his eyes!

"Are these the meridians of the human body?"

Chapter 77 Batch copying creates superpowers

Lin Fan looked at those who were practicing Pulse Fist and found that none of these people's bodies had 108 meridians.

Some people only have a few or a dozen, and some better ones have dozens.

After the meridians are unblocked, there are 108 meridians in the human body. When some people practice Pulse Boxing, the blocked meridians in their bodies are being unblocked bit by bit.

You can see that some people with good talent, after practicing for a period of time, the number of meridians in their bodies changes from a dozen to dozens.

Of course, there are 108 basic meridians in each person's body, but most of the meridians are blocked. The meridians that Lin Fan sees are dark if they are not dredged, and the meridians that are dredged are white threads.

The pulse fist is indeed useful for ordinary people. After practicing the pulse fist, those people with poor health not only have their meridians unblocked, but also become stronger. With long-term practice, ordinary people can strengthen their bodies through the pulse fist and achieve the effect of prolonging life!

Many people with good health see that the pulse fist is effective, and they also come to practice it.

These people with good health only have more meridians unblocked in their bodies compared to ordinary people. Most people with good health have unblocked eighty or ninety meridians, and some even have unblocked a hundred meridians, but few people have unblocked all 108 meridians!

If someone is born with 108 complete meridians unblocked, this is a unique genius, because they are born with all the meridians unblocked.

In terms of martial arts, they are real geniuses, and their physical fitness will also be very good!

Such people never get sick from childhood to adulthood, not even a common cold, because their meridians are completely unblocked.

If these people try to copy superpowers, they will succeed 100%, and their bodies are very strong. They can not only copy ordinary first-level superpowers, but also second-level superpowers, third-level superpowers, and even stronger superpowers!

If Lin Fan guessed correctly, Ji Ziyue is such a genius who is one in a million. Her meridians are naturally unblocked, which is why she is already a fifth-level superpower at a young age in her early twenties!

Ji Ziyue's future is bright. With her talent, it is only a matter of time before she surpasses the fifth level in the future!

Lin Fan looked at Ji Ziyue and saw that she had 108 meridians, and they were much wider than ordinary people!

Lin Fan looked down at his meridians. Although his meridians were complete with 108, they were much thinner than Ji Ziyue's. In a sense, his talent was not as good as Ji Ziyue's. If it weren't for his system, he would not be able to compare with Ji Ziyue.

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