At this moment, more mechanical bees suddenly flew towards Lin Fan from all directions. These mechanical bees were the size of mosquitoes and were very small, making them difficult to observe.

In Lin Fan's sight, a dozen densely packed mechanical bees surrounded him, and they were flying towards him at a terrifying speed, not only attacking his eyebrows, but also attacking every part of his body. Fatal parts.

His eyebrows, heart, abdomen, throat, and all other important parts were targets of attack.


In a flash of thought, Lin Fan used Control of All Things to control these dozen mechanical bees. Then, dozens of destructive thunderbolts accurately hit each of the mechanical bees. These mechanical bees were destroyed as soon as they entered his side. The thunder exploded into pieces.

Within thirty meters, he is the absolute master. Any object that enters his side will be controlled by his control, and will eventually be destroyed instantly under the attack of the Destroying Thunder.

If Lin Fan was prepared, the mechanical bees would not pose a threat to him at all, and they would all be destroyed by him in a single thought.

Ji Ziyue stared at this scene in shock. Even she couldn't easily destroy these mechanical bees. She didn't expect that Lin Fan killed them all in one thought!

When Lin Fan was killing these mechanical bees, he was also staring at the three night watchmen. He found that one of them was facing him and looking at him.

The other two night watchmen were looking in the direction of the fortress, and he was instantly sure that the person looking at him was a member of the Bee!

"I found him!"

Lin Fan said calmly, and then he disappeared into the darkness and rushed towards the bee member.

After the bee member sensed that all ten of his mechanical bees had been killed, his expression changed. Then, he quickly turned around and pretended to continue attacking the fortress, but his inner uneasiness became more and more intense.

As soon as he turned around, he felt a chill on his neck, as if there was something cold on his neck.

Lin Fan held a death sickle in his hand and placed it on the bee member's neck. As long as he exerted force with his fingers, the bee member's throat would be cut by him!

Please read it!

Chapter 87 Bee Destruction Mode (Please follow up)

Feeling the cold touch on his neck, the bee member turned pale, knowing that he had been captured alive.

Lin Fan knocked the bee member unconscious with a strike of his hand. Then he carried the bee member to Ji Ziyue's side and handed it to Ji Ziyue. Each bee member has great research ability. Value, torture them to extract confessions, and you can learn many secrets of the Mechanical Cult from their mouths.

"He is a member of the Bee!"

Ji Ziyue also saw a living bee member for the first time. It seemed that there were only ordinary second-level superpowers, but who would have thought that this bee member could easily use bee venom and bee bombs to kill third- and fourth-level superpowers. By.

"You have done a great job, I will report it!"

Ji Ziyue said, taking the bee member from Lin Fan's hand, and then called several third-level night watchmen to prepare to secretly send the bee member back to the federal research institute to study him.

"You must keep an eye on him. The Federation has never captured a bee member alive, so there can't be any mistakes!"

Ji Ziyue solemnly told several third-level night watchmen not to be careless. The Federation had encountered bee members before and had captured them, but in the end the bee members would all die mysteriously and no one could capture them alive.

Being able to capture a bee member alive this time is of great significance to them.

When Lin Fan caught the bee member, Long Wu's expression changed instantly. Through internal information, he had determined that the bee member had been captured alive.

"Destroy it!"

Long Wu took a deep breath and finally activated the destruction mode. The so-called destruction mode means that after the bee members are caught by the federation, they directly allow the bee members to be automatically destroyed through remote control.

When Long Wu activated the bee's destruction mode, the bodies of the bee members who were taken away by the three night watchmen suddenly decomposed into mechanical bees.

The several night watchmen who were catching the bee members were stunned. They watched as the bee members they caught turned into dense mechanical bees in an instant.

Moreover, these mechanical bees began to fly in all directions indiscriminately, at a terrifying speed. The bodies of several night watchmen nearby were pierced by these mechanical bees into a hornet's nest almost in an instant. Moreover, these mechanical bees After the bees penetrated into their bodies, they exploded instantly. The night watchmen were torn into pieces by the explosion of the mechanical bees.

Other robot bees also flew in all directions without distinction. Any object they touched would be pierced by them, and then they would self-destruct, emitting droplets of green venom to poison everything around them.

Where the bee members decomposed, pits appeared on the spot. In these pits, the green bee venom was corroding everything crazily. After the bodies of the night watchmen were torn into pieces, they were also turned into liquid by the green bee venom.

Fortunately, there were no other night watchmen around, but so many night watchmen died. This movement also alerted all the surrounding night watchmen. They looked at the place where the bee members exploded in shock.

Ji Ziyue and Lin Fan looked at the place with fear. The explosion site was less than 30 meters away from them. If they were nearby just now, they would also be attacked. Maybe Ji Ziyue was fine, but Lin Fan would definitely be in trouble. He would definitely not be able to react. There were too many mechanical bees.

Ji Ziyue finally understood why the Federation had never captured these bee members alive. After these bee members were caught, they would automatically decompose into mechanical bees, and then indiscriminately attack all targets around them, and self-destruct at the same time, which could cause heavy losses to the people around them.

After the destruction mode of this bee member was activated, Long Wu was also very distressed. Every bee member was the killer of the mechanical sect, and it would not be easily activated unless it was absolutely necessary.

Because the bee members were undercover, the ultimate goal was to assassinate the core of the Night Watch, or even the senior members of the Federation. Now in order to assassinate Lin Fan, he lost a bee member, and he felt that he had lost a lot!

What made him vomit blood the most was that the bee member died, but Lin Fan was not dead yet!

The death of the bee members was a big blow to the members of the mechanical sect, especially Long Wu. He felt that he could not kill Lin Fan no matter what method he used!

Lin Fan was only a level 3 psychic. Although he might be a super psychic, he could not be killed no matter how hard he tried. This was too abnormal. Even level 5 psychics were not so difficult to kill!

"The bees also failed?"

The leaders of other dark world organizations knew that the bee members of the mechanical sect had not killed Lin Fan, and they also took a breath of cold air. Lin Fan was the most difficult and hardest to kill night watchman they had ever encountered. He was not strong, but his ability to save his life was unique, which gave them a headache.

"Are there any more bees? Maybe sending out high-level bees can kill him!"

Someone suggested that Long Wu send out higher-level bees. This time, the one who assassinated Lin Fan was only a level 2 bee. Although it could assassinate level 3 and level 4 psychics, Lin Fan was more difficult to kill than level 5 psychics. If bees above level 3 were sent out, perhaps the chance would be great.

"Do you think bees are cabbages? There are less than a hundred bee members in the entire mechanical sect!"

Long Wu almost cursed. It was already the best to have a second-level bee here. He wanted him to send out higher-level bees. He wanted to kill people!

"What should we do? Ji Ziyue has been by his side. We can't kill him at all!"

All members of the Dark World Organization were silent. The person they wanted to kill the most was Lin Fan, but there was no chance at all.

Lin Fan had been following Ji Ziyue.

Ji Ziyue was the strongest of the night watchers here, and she was a peerless genius who was very likely to surpass the fifth level in the shortest time. Such a person protected Lin Fan, and they had no chance at all.

Unless all of their group of fifth-level psychics surrounded Ji Ziyue together, but Ji Ziyue was not a fool and would not wait to be surrounded by them, which made it impossible for them to kill Lin Fan!

"Send out the mechanical horn!"

Long Wu took a deep breath. He didn't want to use the mechanical horn unless it was absolutely necessary, because although the mechanical horn could kill the night watchers, it would also destroy the fortress they had worked so hard to build.

Once the mechanical horn is used, except for the people within the protection range of the mechanical horn, everything within a thousand meters outside will be destroyed in the sound of the mechanical horn's music.

But now they have to use the mechanical horn. Long Wu returned to the mechanical horn, stood on it, took a deep breath, and then patted the mechanical horn according to a certain beat.

Passerby A was right next to him, staring at Long Wu's hand, remembering this beat!

Special thanks to the beautiful wife who fell from the sky, Huishou Muyunwan's monthly vote.

Please read it, today and tomorrow's follow-up reading is very important, remember to read it.

Chapter 88 Passerby A gets the mechanical horn (please read it)

Long Wu gently patted the mechanical horn, and the mechanical horn emitted a birthday song-like music. The sound was very small at the beginning, and people felt like spring breeze after listening to it.

Slowly, the sound became louder and louder, and the surrounding void was slightly fluctuating and twisting.

Passerby A stared at Long Wu's hand and silently remembered this beat.


As the sound from the mechanical horn became louder and louder, the surrounding buildings began to break under the vibration of the music.

Spider web-like cracks appeared on the walls of the fortress. These cracks became larger and larger. Slowly, the walls cracked into pieces of rubble. In the sound of music, these rubbles were slowly shaken into pieces...

All the creatures in the dark world stood behind the mechanical horn, protected by a layer of transparent shield, and everything outside the shield began to be gradually shaken into pieces and turned into ashes in the sound of music.

The steel fortress that the dark world organization had worked hard to build gradually turned into ashes under the sound of the mechanical horn, revealing a large pit several meters deep...


The music became louder and louder, slowly spreading to a kilometer away.

Within a kilometer, everything was shaken into pieces by the music.


When the mechanical horn was activated, all the night watchmen retreated a kilometer away, far away from the time train base.

Long Wu's eyes were fixed on the outside. After the mechanical horn shattered everything around it, he ordered the members of the Mechanicum below to carry the mechanical horn and walk towards the Night Watch.

Ten burly members of the Mechanical Cult, who were two meters tall, turned their feet into mechanical springs in an instant. Then, they lifted the mechanical horn, stomped their feet on the ground, jumped up, and jumped more than 20 meters away.

They lifted the mechanical horn and jumped more than 20 meters in one jump, rushing towards the night watchmen in front of them. They were very fast, and the attack range of the mechanical horn was one kilometer.

"No, retreat!"

The night watchmen wanted to retreat, but some of them were still too late. When the ten members of the Mechanical Cult approached with the mechanical horn, they entered the attack range of the mechanical horn.

Everything within a kilometer was shaken to ashes.

There were more than a dozen night watchmen whose bodies were shaken by the music. In an instant, the flesh and blood on their skin were ashes, followed by their bones, and then their whole bodies were broken like bubbles.


The bodies of the night watchmen were instantly ashes.

Long Wu stood on the mechanical horn, staring at the night watchmen in the dark.

Whenever he saw a figure flashing, he ordered the ten members of the Mechanical Cult to rush over with the mechanical trumpet.

Long Wu's hands kept slapping the mechanical trumpet, and he was controlling the attack direction of the mechanical trumpet.

Before, the mechanical trumpet attacked indiscriminately in all directions, but now he controlled the mechanical trumpet to attack only in front of them, and it was safe behind the mechanical trumpet.

Long Wu led the mechanical trumpet to attack the Night Watch, while the other members of the Dark World Organization stayed where they were. They watched in shock as Long Wu controlled the mechanical trumpet to attack the Night Watch.

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