Passerby A stood calmly on the mechanical speaker, beating the mechanical speaker with a strange rhythm. Within a thousand meters, everything was shaken to ashes by the sound of music.

Soon, there was no longer any living creature within a kilometer. All the creatures in the dark world fled a kilometer away, not daring to look back at all.

Passerby A also stopped beating.

The music stopped and everything became quiet.

The fleeing creatures from the dark world stopped instantly, turned around, and looked back at the mechanical loudspeaker thousands of meters away. Everyone's faces were pale, and they couldn't see anyone near the mechanical loudspeaker.

"Is someone activating the mechanical horn, or is the mechanical horn activating itself?"

This is the biggest confusion in their hearts. The mechanical horn belongs to the body fragments of the God of Machinery.

Only the top brass at the core of the Mechanic Cult have the method to activate the mechanical horn, which requires a certain rhythm to activate.

In other words, only the core leaders of the Mechanicus Religion can activate the mechanical horn, but now that there is no one near the mechanical horn, it has been activated strangely, which makes them suspect that there is something wrong with the mechanical horn.

"Could it be that the God of Machinery's body instinct is reviving?"


They couldn't see the passerby, so they felt that this was the awakening of the mechanical horn's self-instinct. After all, the mechanical horn belonged to the body fragment of the God of Machinery. Perhaps this fragment contained the divine instinct of the God of Machinery. When it was stimulated by some kind of stimulus, Will start itself.

"It's impossible. We have controlled the mechanical horn for many years. It has never started on its own. This is artificially started. There is an invisible enemy nearby."

The people of the Mechanical Cult firmly believe that the mechanical horn was activated artificially, because there were signs before this. All twenty members they guarded near the mechanical horn were killed, and there was an invisible enemy.

"Who is the invisible enemy?"

All dark world organizations began to search for information. This invisible enemy has the ability to become invisible, even more powerful than the invisible person. There are not many people in the world who meet this condition.

They began to search for all the people with special powers who met this condition one by one, and finally identified hundreds of targets, but it was a bit difficult to filter out the right people from these hundreds of targets.

"Where's Long Wu?"

Yin Qi asked doubtfully.

"I don't know where I went."

The people of the Mechanical Cult didn't know where Long Wu had gone. When Long Wu was unconscious, he gave them the last order, but he didn't tell them where he was.

At the same time, after Passerby A used the mechanical horn to drive away all the creatures in the dark world, he looked in the direction of the night watchman at the rear. His mission had been completed, and he was arranged here with the purpose of snatching the mechanical horn.

He took out his cell phone, dialed the number of his only good friend, and told the other party that he had completed the task.

"A, you did a good job. You leave the mechanical horn nearby, and I will ask the night watchman to come and take over. When they take over the mechanical horn, you can come back."

Passerby A happily hung up the phone. Only his best friend in the world could see him and communicate with him normally, and everyone else would ignore him.

Director Zhang, who was hiding in the dark, also quickly received a text message. The top federal officials told him that passerby A had already grabbed the mechanical loudspeaker, and now they only needed to arrange for someone to go over and control the mechanical loudspeaker.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to go over and control the mechanical speaker right away."

Director Zhang happily replied to a text message, and then looked at Lin Fan next to him, because he knew that Lin Fan could see passerby A.

"Can you see passerby A near the mechanical horn? Is it safe to be near the mechanical horn?"

"There is only passerby A near the mechanical speaker, so it should be safe." Lin Fan nodded.


Director Zhang was relieved, and then he arranged for a dozen night watchmen to carry the mechanical horn back.

The people whose names he called turned pale because they didn't know that Passerby A was near the mechanical loudspeaker. They just thought that this was a fatal mission and they would probably be shocked to death by the music of the mechanical loudspeaker.

But facing Director Zhang's order, they had to bite the bullet.

They approached the mechanical horn fearfully. When they entered the attack range of the mechanical horn, they were all ready to run away.

But when they got close to the mechanical speaker, there was no music, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Passerby A stood near the mechanical loudspeaker. After seeing the night watchman coming, he left the mechanical loudspeaker and walked towards the darkness. His mission was completed and it was time to go home.

After Passerby A left, a dozen night watchmen came back excitedly carrying the mechanical horn.

"Haha, great, this mechanical speaker will belong to us from now on!"

The mechanical horn is their biggest threat here. Now that they have control of the mechanical horn, the Time Train Base will be back in their hands.

The only pity is that none of them know how to activate the mechanical horn.

Passerby A secretly learned how to activate the mechanical speaker from Long Wu, but they would ignore Passerby A and have no way of learning how to activate the mechanical speaker from Passerby A.

Director Zhang sent a text message to the federal senior officials, hoping that the federal senior officials would get the correct method of activating the mechanical horn from passerby A as soon as possible, and then tell them this method.

"This takes time. We can learn the method from Passerby A when he comes back. When we learn it, we will immediately transmit it to you."

The top leaders of the Federation also responded quickly, because only one god can see Passerby A. Passerby A goes back and passes the method to this god, and this god can pass the method to them.

This takes some time. During this time, they only need to protect the mechanical horn from being snatched away by the dark world organization. As long as they get the method to start the mechanical horn, they will be invincible here!

After controlling the mechanical horn, the night watchman returned to the time train base and prepared to build a steel fortress here.

The dark world organization has been forced away, and they need to completely control the time train base before the dark world organization comes back.

"No, the mechanical horn was carried away by the night watchman!"

The dark world creatures in the dark also saw the scene of more than a dozen night watchmen carrying the mechanical horn away. When they saw the night watchmen carrying the mechanical horn away easily, they were all anxious.

"Get it back!"

Since the Night Watchmen were not attacked by the mechanical horn, there should be no more "accidents" with the mechanical horn. They are ready to turn around and snatch the mechanical horn again.

PS: Friends who come from the anime, please go to the anime comment area to guide the comments and let everyone read the book on Qidian. Many people can't find where to read the book. Please help and let more people know that the original book is here.

Chapter 91 How to activate the mechanical horn

The densely packed creatures of the dark world turned around and rushed towards the Night Watchmen, ready to snatch the mechanical horn again.

Of course, the strong men such as Yin Qi and Xue Shen did not follow them, but sent their men over, because they had concerns that this was a trap set by the Night Watchmen. If they all went back and the Night Watchmen activated the mechanical horn, they would be wiped out.

They stood a thousand meters away, calmly watching their men approach the Night Watchmen, praying in their hearts that the Night Watchmen would not activate the mechanical horn.

"Only our Mechanic Cult knows how to activate the mechanical horn, the Night Watchman shouldn't know how to do it!"

The Mechanic Cult believes that even if the Night Watchman robs the mechanical horn, he will not activate it. After all, this is the core secret of their Mechanic Cult.

"Don't be careless, have you forgotten the invisible enemy?"

Before, the mechanical horn was activated once by the invisible enemy. They couldn't guarantee whether the other party was still there or whether they would pass the method of activating the mechanical horn to the Night Watchman. To be on the safe side, they must be more cautious.

When the densely packed dark world creatures came back, Director Zhang looked at the dark world creatures in front of him, and then looked at the mechanical horn beside him. He suddenly felt a little regretful.

"If we could activate the mechanical horn, now is the best time to attack!"

At this moment, if the mechanical horn is activated, all the dark world creatures in front will be killed. This is the best time for them to catch all the dark world creatures in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, after completing the task, Passerby A has left, and none of them knows how to activate the mechanical horn.

Passerby A can't stay here all the time. After completing the task, he left as soon as possible.

They only had the empty shell of the mechanical horn, but no method to activate it.

"Maybe I can give it a try..."

Just when Director Zhang was regretful, Lin Fan suddenly spoke.

After hearing his words, Director Zhang looked at him excitedly, and Ji Ziyue's eyes also fell on him.

"Do you know how to activate the mechanical horn?"

"I just saw the action of Passerby A, but I'm not sure if it's right." Lin Fan said.

"Great, you try it!" Director Zhang couldn't wait to say.

"Okay, I'll try it."

Lin Fan took a deep breath and jumped onto the mechanical horn. Before, when Long Wu activated the mechanical horn and Passerby A activated the mechanical horn, his eyes were staring at the actions of the two.

Within 500 meters, he can see all the details clearly.

It's just a pity that he was a thousand meters away. Beyond 500 meters, he couldn't see the details clearly like a magnifying glass. He could only see some actions vaguely.

He closed his eyes and carefully recalled the actions of Long Wu and Passerby A hitting the mechanical horn that he had seen before. The rhythm of the two was the same, but he could only vaguely remember those actions.

He was not sure whether it would work, because he did not see all the details clearly at that time, because it was more than 500 meters!

The shadow world could only let him see all the details within 500 meters. He could not see the details beyond 500 meters. He could only see some things vaguely...

He stretched out his right hand and gently tapped the mechanical speaker. The mechanical speaker did not emit any notes. His action was wrong.

He frowned, changed his action, and continued to tap, but he tried several actions in a row, but they were all wrong.

Director Zhang and Ji Ziyue stared at him. Seeing that he tried several actions in a row, the mechanical speaker did not start, and the expectations in their eyes slowly extinguished.

"Forget it, let's protect the mechanical speaker. We only need to hold on for a few days. The method of starting the mechanical speaker will be passed to us, and we can completely control the mechanical speaker."

The two no longer had any expectations for Lin Fan. Although there was no way to start the mechanical speaker to cause serious damage to the creatures in the dark world, as long as they protected the mechanical speaker and held on for a few days, it would be fine.

Lin Fan pondered and recalled the actions of Passerby A and Long Wu, but because the distance was too far, he could not see the details clearly and could only vaguely remember some actions.

Now he tried one action after another. The first action of the opening move was the most important, because it was like a switch. If the switch could not be found, the mechanical horn could not be activated.

After trying more than a dozen actions in a row and failing, Lin Fan sighed in his heart. Beyond 500 meters, he could not see the details clearly. After all, he did not remember the action of activating the mechanical horn completely.


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