Nine kilometers in an instant, he can reach any dark world creature in an instant. He avoids all the level 5 dark world creatures and kills the dark world creatures below level 5 silently.

There are more corpses on the ground. No matter what kind of dark world creature it is, it can't resist his instant killing!

His experience value is also growing wildly. Until a certain moment, when there is no living dark world creature within a kilometer, he stopped.

His experience value broke through the 40,000 mark!

The ground was full of corpses, and the corpses of dark world creatures were everywhere. Other dark world creatures had already hidden far away and disappeared in the darkness.

He used Fuyao to search around the ground with nine kilometers in an instant, but all the dark world creatures hid or left the place directly, so it was difficult for him to find a large number of dark world creatures.

At most, he found some lone creatures hiding in hidden places.

Any lone creatures he found were easily killed by him.

Soon, the surroundings became quiet. All the other living creatures of the dark world fled. There was no dark world creature within a radius of 10,000 meters in the Time Train Base.

"What a pity, only 50,000 experience points..."

Lin Fan sighed with regret. Finally, his figure disappeared from the original place. In an instant, he was 9,000 meters away. Soon, he returned to the Time Train Base.

At the Time Train Base, the Night Watchmen had built a steel fortress, and in this steel fortress, the mixed rules were rebuilt!

Because of the incident with Philland last time, the mixed rules this time were strengthened a lot, and even several god-level rules were added to it. Even if a god-level master came, he couldn't get any good out of this mixed rule.

Lin Fan appeared beside Ji Ziyue. Seeing him return safely, Ji Ziyue was relieved.

"What happened outside? Why is it so quiet?"

Ji Ziyue asked Lin Fan curiously, because Lin Fan said that he was active nearby, but they hadn't heard the movement of dark world creatures for a long time.

"Maybe they left..." Lin Fan said with a smile.

He killed all the creatures of the dark world by himself, leaving behind countless corpses, and all the creatures of the dark world fled.

"We have heard that the creatures of the dark world may make a big move. Don't go out for the next few days. Stay here with us. Tomorrow, the real method of activating the mechanical horn will be passed down from above, and we will be safe then!"

Lin Fan nodded. The real method of activating the mechanical horn will not be available until tomorrow, and he needs to stay here. If there are really creatures of the dark world coming, he can activate the mechanical horn to scare them away.

Of course, he really hopes that the creatures of the dark world will come, so that he can earn experience points.

He also began to think that he couldn't stay here all the time. He needed to find a place with many creatures of the dark world. Only in that place could he earn experience points. The amount of experience points he needed to upgrade now was too large!

The time train base was soon built into a steel fortress, and the mixed rules were also rebuilt. The mechanical horn was placed on the top of the steel fortress.

Lin Fan sat on the mechanical speaker, looking around boredly, his eyes staring at the darkness, he could see all the details within a kilometer, of course, he could also vaguely see the enemy's figure in a farther range, but he couldn't see the details!

Suddenly, he saw some familiar figures appear in the sky.

"Infant God Bird!"

He was immediately excited, he didn't expect the Infant God Bird to come to give experience points again, but his brows soon frowned.

Because he saw a huge Infant God Bird appeared in the sky, twenty feet long, and the breath definitely exceeded level five!

"Not good, Infant God Bird beyond level five!"

He called Ji Ziyue without hesitation and asked them to stay alert, there was an Infant God Bird beyond level five coming!

"Twenty feet! This is a god-level Infant God Bird, how dare they break the agreement!"

Ji Ziyue took a breath.

"It must be reported, let the headquarters send a god-level master over, we can't stop the god-level!" Director Zhang reported it immediately!

However, it will take time for the god-level masters from the Federation headquarters to come over, and they must hold on before the god-level masters come over!

"Lin Fan, it's up to you!"

Chapter 106 Let's die together

The twenty-zhang infant bird belongs to the god-level master. According to the Federation's information, it belongs to the one-god realm strongman!

The strongest person in the time train base is only Ji Ziyue, but she has only one foot into the one-god realm, and can't stop the one-god realm strongman for the time being!

Therefore, the night watchman can only rely on Lin Fan to activate the mechanical horn, maybe he can scare away this one-god realm infant bird!

"One-god realm..." Lin Fan's eyes were fixed on the one-god realm infant bird in the sky. The speed of this big guy was very terrifying, a thousand meters in an instant. Although not as good as him, it was also very powerful!

"What if I can't scare it away?"

Lin Fan was unsure. After all, he was a strong man in the one-god realm, and he was not as easy to fool as ordinary dark world creatures.

"If you can't scare it away, we will die together." Ji Ziyue smiled.

Lin Fan blinked his eyes, thinking that everyone might die, but he should be able to escape. After all, he was now nine kilometers in an instant.

"I tried my best to scare him away."

Lin Fan stood on the mechanical horn, ready to activate it at any time. He slapped the mechanical horn before, and although it only produced a few notes, he had memorized the tapping technique and could make the mechanical horn sound at any time.

In the sky, the infant divine bird of the One God Realm led a large group of infant divine birds, hovering in the sky, and did not attack rashly.

The eyes of the infant divine bird in the One God Realm were staring at the Time Train Base below. He received the news that there were god-level night watchmen in the Time Train Base. He did not dare to act rashly, but silently waited for other dark world organizations. A god-level master comes over.

When the time comes, let's all go test it out together and see what level of god-level masters are coming to the Night Watch.


In the sky, the cry of the baby bird was heard constantly.

All the night watchmen at the time train base below were panicking. They looked at the infant bird in the sky in horror, and at Lin Fan standing on the mechanical loudspeaker. Now they could only rely on Lin Fan. , I'm afraid it's too late to escape.

In the darkness, those dark world creatures that had disappeared came back again, and their scale was even larger, led by the dark world creatures of the One God Realm.

Lin Fan stood on the mechanical speaker and looked in all directions. Within a kilometer range, many dark world creatures gradually appeared. He also saw some powerful dark world creatures.

He saw a group of Mechanical Cult members. In front of this group of Mechanical Cult members, there was a voluptuous woman with long hair, a devil-like figure, and an angelic face. But when Lin Fan thought that she had a mechanical body, he immediately became confused. No more feeling, this woman's aura is very powerful, definitely beyond level five.

"100%, one."

This was the number he saw on the blood bar above the woman's head.

Before, when he was at a low level, when he saw an existence beyond level five, he couldn't see the level behind the opponent's health bar value, but now he can see it, but it's not LV1-LV5, but a separate capital letter " one"!

The blood bar on the top of this woman's head is one, and the back of the blood bar on the head of the one-god infant bird in the sky is also one!

"One God Realm!"

Lin Fan looked elsewhere and found that the leaders of other Dark World organizations had their health bars at 100%, one.

They are all led by strong men in the One God Realm.

He carefully observed that of all the creatures in the dark world he had seen so far, the strongest ones were indeed only in the One God Realm, but he had to see clearly whether there were strong people in the Two God Realm who had surpassed the One God Realm coming over!

Fortunately, he observed it and found that there was indeed no Second God Realm.

The strongest one was only the One God Realm, which made him temporarily relieved.

Powerful men of the One God Realm appeared in all directions, which made the night watchmen at the Time Train Base panic and they were surrounded.

"What are they waiting for?!"

The creatures from the dark world surrounded the Time Train Base, but they did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, they waited silently outside a certain safety range, as if they were waiting for something.

"Maybe they are afraid of mechanical speakers?"

The only thing in the Time Train Base that can pose a threat to the powerful One God Realm is the mechanical horn!

After much thought, they found that only a mechanical horn could stop these powerful men from taking any rash action.

"Let's hold on for a few more hours. Lord Dragon God is fighting the creatures of the dark world at the overlap of the worlds. It will take a few more hours before he can rush back to the federal headquarters. When he sees passerby A, he can get the method to activate the mechanical speaker. Then, we will be safe, Lin Fan, come on!"

Director Zhang looked at Lin Fan solemnly.

Lin Fan nodded and was already tapping the mechanical horn.

Notes suddenly popped out one by one, the sound was very quiet, and slowly, the sound became louder and louder.

When the notes from the mechanical trumpet were heard, all the creatures in the dark world in the darkness heard it, and those powerful ones in the One God Realm instinctively took a few steps back.

"They have indeed mastered the method of activating the mechanical horn." Tina looked coldly at the time train base in front of her. As the leader of the Mechanical Cult this time, her expression was ugly.

The mechanical trumpet is a sacred object of the Mechanicus Cult. Now it has fallen into the hands of the Federal Night Watch, and it has been used by the Night Watch against them.

"Get back the mechanical horn at all costs!"

This time, the Mechanical Cult has only one mission, which is to shoot back the mechanical horn. The time train is no longer important!


As the mechanical horn continued to play notes one after another, the sound became louder and louder, and all the creatures in the dark world in the darkness retreated collectively.

"The night watchers have mechanical speakers and god-level masters lurking around. It's going to be a bit difficult for us this time!"

The leader of the Flesh Sect is a feminine woman named Xue Ling'er. She is extremely beautiful, but exudes a heart-stopping Yin Qi. Her lips are purple, and her eyes are shining with blood-red bloodlust. Half of her The body is a ball of flesh, squirming.

"The mechanical horn cannot be returned to the hands of the Mechanical Sect. If possible, let us, the Flesh Sect, permanently preserve it for the Mechanical Sect!"

Xue Ling'er said calmly, the Flesh Sect has only one mission this time, which is to prevent the Mechanical Sect from regaining the mechanical horn, and they must do their best to take the mechanical horn away so that the Mechanical Sect will never be able to reorganize the God of Machinery. God's body!


The creatures of the dark world surrounded the time train base, but no one dared to take the initiative. Moreover, they all had complicated thoughts and each had their own tasks, and they were not united.

After Lin Fan slapped the mechanical horn for a while, he saw that all the creatures of the dark world were very afraid of the mechanical horn, so he stopped slapping.

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