Ticket checking has begun at this moment. The night watchmen line up in a long line and stand in front of the flying warship. They need to swipe their ID cards to get on board.

Those who have not purchased tickets in advance cannot get on board. There are a lot of people going to the overlap of the world every day, so they need to grab tickets in advance.

A flying warship can accommodate a thousand people, and a thousand people go to the overlap of the world every day.

"I am afraid that less than one-tenth of these people who go to the overlap of the world will survive in the end. The war there is getting more and more cruel, and only the strong can survive!" Zhao Hu sighed.

Going to the overlap of the world is voluntary, not mandatory, but there are still countless people who want to go to the overlap of the world, because although it is full of dangers, it is also full of opportunities. Many people go to the overlap of the world, soar into the sky, and become the best.

As the dark world overlaps with the real world, more and more dark world creatures come to the real world. Everyone knows that when the dark world creatures invade the entire world, the weak will be slaughtered without any resistance. Only by becoming strong can they survive in future wars!

Maybe the current federal world is safe for the time being, and there are no creatures from the dark world killing them for the time being, but the federal night watch army is below the overlap of the world.

The dark world army may defeat the night watch army at any time and invade the entire federal world!

If they cannot become strong before the dark world army fully invades the federal world, they will be slaughtered when that day comes.

Therefore, everyone is eager to become stronger, and going to the overlap of the world is the fastest way to become stronger. Although you may die, you may also become stronger!

The most important thing is that instead of being slaughtered in the near future, it is better to fight now! If they succeed, they can survive. If they fail, they will die anyway, and there will be no loss.

Of course, not everyone thinks so. There are still some people who are afraid of the creatures of the dark world and dare not really go to the overlap of the world. They hide in the federal world and enjoy the last safety.

Everyone has their own choice. Some people choose to fight, and some people choose to escape, but you can't say who is right or wrong!

The overlapping worlds can indeed make people progress quickly, but in the federation world, you can also make yourself stronger by copying powerful superpowers, but the actual combat experience will be weaker!

Just like An Zhenzhen, he has now become a fourth-level superpower by copying powerful superpowers. Even if he goes to the overlapping worlds, the result is almost the same.

But not everyone is An Zhenzhen, and not everyone has Lin Fan by their side to assist them in copying superpowers. If there was no Lin Fan, An Zhenzhen would have failed to copy long ago!

Although the whole people practiced the pulse fist, which increased the probability of copying superpowers and reduced the mortality and disability rates, the probability of successful copying is still very small!

Only by going to the overlapping worlds can you quickly improve yourself. This is also the purpose of Lin Fan's desire to go to the overlapping worlds. There, he can harvest more experience points!

"I suggest you disguise yourself and don't show your true face to others, otherwise, you will be endlessly assassinated!"

Zhao Hu gave Lin Fan the last piece of advice. After sending him on the boat, he got off the boat, waved to him silently, and turned away.

Lin Fan nodded to Zhao Hu, took out a ghost mask from his body and put it on his face.

As a celebrity on the battle power list, many people will disguise themselves, and wearing a mask is the most common disguise method.

This kind of mask is specially made by the Night Watch, which can block other people's mental perception. If you wear an ordinary mask, it will be useless in the face of a powerful superpower. The other party's perception can see through the mask and see your true face.

Lin Fan walked to a corner of the warship and stood there silently. Everyone else had their own berths and seat tickets, and only he had a standing ticket.

The interior of the flying warship is actually similar to the high-speed rail, with sleeper cars and seat cars.

Lin Fan stood at the end of the car, silently looking at the scenery outside the glass.

"Everyone sit tight, hold on, the warship is about to start!"

As a pleasant and pleasant female voice sounded, the flying warship trembled, and then instantly took off from the ground and flew into the sky. The speed of the flying warship was very fast. Lin Fan sensed that it should be able to reach 5,000 meters in an instant.

Although it was not as fast as he could travel alone, a layer of defensive shield rose on the surface of the flying warship during the flight, which could withstand the attacks of powerful god-level masters.

When flying in the sky, even if some flying dark world creatures saw it, they would not dare to approach easily, because the flying warship not only had strong defense, but also had some powerful federal god-level masters on it.

The aura they exuded could scare away those flying dark world creatures one step in advance.

Lin Fan looked towards the bow of the flying station ship, where a tall figure stood. Lin Fan could only see 100% of the blood bar above the figure's head. As for the blood bar behind it, there was a chaos. In this case, only if the other party was two levels higher than him, he could not see the other party's level.

This person has surpassed the first god realm, at least the third god realm!

Lin Fan is now a fifth-level superpower. He can see the blood bar and level of the first and second god realms, but he can't see the third god realm clearly.

This flying warship is guaranteed to have a strong man in the Three God Realm sitting in charge, and it is absolutely safe to fly in the sky, unless you encounter more terrifying flying dark world creatures.

However, the area where the flying warship flies is where low altitude and high altitude overlap. At this height of the sky, there are generally no strong flying dark world creatures.

Moreover, there are strong people escorting along the way.

The flying warship is 5,000 meters in an instant, and the speed is very fast. It passes through pieces of the sky and comes to the sky above strange cities.

Every time it appears, there will be a strong breath coming over, sweeping over the flying warship. After confirming that it is the flying warship of the night watchman, it will let the flying warship leave.

Lin Fan sensed the spiritual perception of countless powerful breaths. Every time he swept over the flying warship, he felt a chill on his back. These breaths were too terrifying.

It's like setting off firecrackers in a coffin, it's scary!

Fortunately, there are flying warships, and these breaths will not block them. The flying warships shuttle unimpeded.

Twelve hours later, the flying warship finally approached the overlapping part of the world. As soon as it arrived here, Lin Fan felt waves of murderous aura coming towards him. At the overlapping part of the world, the murderous aura rushed straight into the sky. The whole world was shrouded in blood red. There was a strong smell of blood in the air. From a distance, he could hear waves of shouts of killing.

Lin Fan's eyes looked through the void and looked into the distance. He saw a huge void crack where the dark world and the real world overlapped. There was a continuous stream of dark world creatures rushing out of this crack.

These dark world creatures were small and large in size, with strange looks, and belonged to different races.

He saw a huge spider. The face of this spider was a beautiful woman's face. This human-faced spider was more than a thousand feet long and was struggling to crawl out of the crack. When she crawled out of the crack, her whole body instantly turned into a small spider the size of a washbasin and disappeared in every corner of the real world.

A thousand-foot-tall Cyclops, holding a dragon spine in his hand, opened the crack with both hands and climbed out of the crack to the real world with difficulty. He crushed a skyscraper with one foot.


A golden-winged roc that covered the sky struggled to stick its head out of the crack, shining with golden light, like a golden sun. The terrifying high temperature directly evaporated a lake in the real world.


Black clouds suddenly floated out of the crack, turned into crows, and flew to the sky...

One by one, the terrifying creatures of the dark world descended into the real world. Before they reached the overlap of the real world, everyone felt the horror here.

The breath emitted by those creatures in the dark world was too terrifying, which made people afraid.

Chapter 117 Stitched monster, corroded old man, White Tiger City commander Long Zhan, level 5 assessment

The flying warship was still a long distance away from the overlap of the world. Except for Lin Fan, no one else could see the picture of the overlap of the world.


The horrible explosion sounded from afar, and the thick smell of gunpowder came to the face. Many people walked out of the warship and stood on the deck of the warship to look at the battlefield in the distance.

The smell of blood filled the air, and many people's body cells were trembling. Although they were ready for battle, many people saw this horrible scene for the first time. To the naked eye, the whole world was a battlefield.

Their target was one of the cities where the world overlapped. This city used to be a federal city with a population of one million.

But as the dark world army came over, this federal city had been destroyed by the dark world army. The night watch army and the dark world army used this city as one of the battlefields. The two sides went back and forth and a fierce battle broke out.

Not only this city, but many nearby cities are playing out this situation. The night watchmen and dark world creatures want to occupy cities one by one.

Many federal cities where the world overlaps have been occupied by the dark world army, and they use these cities as bases to launch attacks on federal cities in all directions.

The Night Watch army, now falling below, is constantly dying because there are too many creatures from the dark world. A steady stream of dark world creatures are crawling out from the gaps where the worlds overlap, causing the number of dark world creatures to increase. Many people from the Night Watch die every day, and they come here as backup soldiers to support.

"White Tiger City is your battlefield. The Night Watch army there has suffered heavy losses. You are backup soldiers. I will send you there. I hope you can create a miracle and defend White Tiger City. Don't let the dark world army occupy White Tiger City!"

The god-level master on the bow spoke loudly to the thousand Night Watchmen on the ship about the mission.

Under his control, the flying warship flew over a piece of city full of gunpowder. On the flying warship, they could see the battle taking place in the city below by looking down.

The Night Watchmen and the dark world creatures are fighting in the corners of the streets. Sometimes some flying creatures suddenly swoop up from the city below and try to attack the flying warship, but they are all directly wiped out by the flying warship's defense shield and the god-level master above.

There were battlefields everywhere, both in the sky and on the ground.

Everywhere you looked, there were only battles and corpses, and the whole place was desolate, like a doomsday scene.

Many people were pale, they fantasized about making military achievements and improving their strength in the overlapping worlds, but when they really came and entered such a scene, they were also scared.

"Ah, what kind of creature is that!"

Someone pointed at a huge monster in the distance in horror. It was a huge stitched monster that seemed to be made of countless corpses. There were countless human faces, hands and feet on its body surface, some of which were night watchmen and some of which were creatures from the dark world. It was crawling on the ground, constantly devouring night watchmen one by one.

He was very fast, and kept crawling on the street. The night watchmen who were close to him were directly sucked into his body. Another human face appeared on his body...

"Stitched monster!"

Everyone took a breath. Under their gaze, a level 5 night watchman did not escape and was sucked into his body.

"Run as soon as you see a stitched monster!"

Many people have already regarded the stitched monster as a terrifying creature that cannot be provoked, and run away when they meet it.

"Look, that person is so scary!"

Someone pointed at an old figure on the street with corrosive liquid flowing all over his body. This was a back view, and he looked like a human, but his body was flowing with a corrosive gray liquid. This gray liquid flowed along his body on the ground, corroding large pits on the ground.

His figure disappeared from the street in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had walked out of a wall next to him, grabbed a night watchman's leg, and broke the night watchman's leg with a light wave of his hand. Then a snake skin bag appeared beside him, and he dragged the night watchman into the snake skin bag and put him in.

He continued to disappear in the same place, and suddenly from underground, he stretched out his hand, grabbed a night watchman's leg, dragged the night watchman underground, and disappeared.

"Corrosion Old Man! This is a terrifying creature in the dark world. Everyone prays not to meet him. He will break your legs and drag you into his two-dimensional pocket. Once you enter the pocket, you will be decomposed into molecules and die."

Someone recognized the Corrosion Old Man and began to explain to everyone. After listening to his explanation, everyone's face turned pale. The realm of the Corrosion Old Man is beyond the fifth level, belonging to the God-level master.

Even Lin Fan couldn't see his true realm. Such a terrifying God-level creature is simply unsolvable on the battlefield. If an ordinary God-level strongman encounters it, he will be killed by him and easily caught in his pocket.

They just stood on the deck of the flying warship and saw many terrifying dark world creatures appearing in the city below.

Some of these dark world creatures came in groups, some came alone, and those who dared to come alone were at least god-level creatures, which they could not resist.

At this moment, they really realized how dangerous the overlapping worlds were. Let’s not say that the streets were full of god-level creatures. At least so far, they have seen more than dozens of god-level creatures.

On the flying warship, the strongest of the thousand people was only a level 5 mutant, most of them were only level 2 or 3, and some were even only level 1 night watchmen. At this moment, they felt like they were cannon fodder sent to die.

"Don't be discouraged, you see enemies that you cannot defeat. When you arrive in White Tiger City, someone will lead you to the battlefield of the corresponding level, and you will not encounter enemies that you cannot defeat immediately!"

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