Cold clams chime music, bermuda girls dance, ice cigarettes and cold wine complement each other, and delicious fish is eaten.

The blue ice melts the dome, red and white pearls reflect the sun and the moon, countless pearls imitate the stars, and shrimp soldiers and turtles guard.

For whom is the luxurious banquet held? The water master on the white jade throne is the banquet for General Qingsha.

At this moment, Zhou Yuan realized the wealth of the water tribe and also saw the beauty of centralization.

"No wonder the wise water tribe is strangers to the Wei Dynasty. It turns out that the Wei Dynasty can't give them higher treatment."

"The Wei Dynasty court calls the tribe in the water the water department. It is estimated that there are many water palaces, each with soldiers and generals, just like a tribal alliance."

The wonderful banquet did not make Zhou Yuan forget himself. He was more concerned about the added value of the title of General Qingsha.

By checking the attribute panel, he found that there was an option called "Qingsha Water Palace" in the selection of the guild station.

This means that he can set the guild station to the Qingsha copy, and the confidentiality and security have been greatly improved.

Then he took out the peach and bamboo scroll to test how much weight he, the General Qingsha, had.

What he didn't expect was that the title of General Qingsha was very powerful.

Whether it was the shrimp soldiers or the turtle minister, they could be captured as followers, even the original level 20 boss, the ice lobster.

Even their initial loyalty was very high, reaching 100%.

"It seems that my title of General Qingsha is well deserved.

If I attack the shrimp soldiers of the friendly unit, will the water monsters in the Qingsha copy not help me, or will they re-activate the hatred judgment and attack me again?"

With doubts about the judgment of the friendly unit, Zhou Yuan walked out of the palace and selected one of the six shrimp soldiers in the palace gate passage as the experimental target.

Facts have proved that the friendly judgment attached to the title of General Qingsha is much higher than that of the previous members of the Xiayi Hall.

When he attacked with ordinary arrows, the experimental shrimp soldiers did not react at all, but just quietly endured the damage.

Only after he emptied 30% of its health bar did the shrimp soldiers trigger their hatred judgment and prepare to attack him.

The next moment, the title of Qingsha General showed a powerful judgment effect, and other shrimp soldiers attacked the experimental shrimp soldier at the same time, treating it as a traitor.

"The shrimp soldiers are of lower level and status. What will happen if they are replaced by Turtle Prime Minister and Ice Lobster?"

As the experiment continued, Zhou Yuan also got a clear answer.

The moment Turtle Prime Minister was triggered to attack hatred, he also became a traitor and was surrounded by dozens of shrimp soldiers and poked into an ice sculpture hedgehog.

As for the boss Ice Lobster, there was no experiment because it had been captured by Taozhu Painting Scroll and became Zhou Yuan's follower.

"There is one last question. After I equip the title of Qingsha General, will the core boss of the Qingsha copy be me or the Ice Lobster?"

Zhou Yuan left the Qingsha copy and entered again, and found that the copy without the Ice Lobster boss had not been refreshed.

It was not until he removed the title and exited the copy that the Qingsha copy was refreshed.

In addition, the newly refreshed ice lobster no longer has the Qingsha General prefix and has become a normal boss monster.

This means that the core of the Qingsha dungeon is not the boss monster, but the Qingsha General title.

"It seems that having the Qingsha General title also means having partial management rights over the Qingsha dungeon.

This title, or the seal that carries the secret text of heaven and earth and the meaning of the sky, should be very precious."

After completing the title function experiment, Zhou Yuan considered for a while and replaced the two Yin Fire Red Corpses with two level 20 boss ice lobsters.

Because the defense and health of the ice lobster are not only higher than those of the Yin Fire Red Corpses, but also have a large range of control skills, which is more suitable for front-line meat shields.

So far, the five follower quotas of Taozhu Painting Scroll have become two Mingzhu Manor Masters and three ice lobsters.

In this way, it also constitutes a strategy team of three melee control meat shields, two medium-range output, and one long-range shooter.

After adjusting the team configuration, Zhou Yuan took off the "Skin of the God of the House" that disguised his identity, opened the attribute panel, and disbanded the gang.

Then he formed a gang again and selected the "Barracks of Zhou Duwei, the Left Guard of the Yulin Camp" as the gang's base.

The next moment, a green vortex appeared under his feet. When the vortex turned from virtual to real, he instantly returned to the Yulin Barracks in the capital.

At this time, the sky outside the window was still dark, and it was still some time before dawn.

No one knew that in just two hours, he not only traveled thousands of miles away, but also conquered a secret realm by the way.

"As soon as a thought arises, the end of the world is within reach, how happy it is."

With a full harvest, Zhou Yuan took off his armor and washed, and then fell asleep.

That night, he dreamed of a beautiful scene where thousands of spiritual seals returned to one body and the world was in his hands.

Dong, Dong, Dong...

The morning bell rings and the dream is awakened. The light of the rising sun dispels the darkness. A new day begins, and the soldiers of the Yulin Camp get up to practice martial arts.

Zhou Yuan is no exception. When he hears the morning bell ring, he quickly puts on his clothes and armor and rushes to the training ground.

After a simple morning exercise, he wanted to return to the barracks to rest, but the Jishe Captain Zou Le suddenly invited him to have breakfast together.

After entering the captain's tent, the Jishe Captain explained the purpose of the invitation.

"Zhou Yuan, yesterday His Majesty conferred you the title of Fujieling. This is what you have earned for your merits, so there is no need to say more.

But before the palace eunuch who delivered the order left, he asked me a question, which is the progress of your skills training."

"I think you should understand what this means.

His Majesty did not let the palace eunuch ask you directly, but he was worried that the order would be issued, so you can only obey it.

Asking me means there is a discussion, so I cannot act arbitrarily and I need to ask for your opinion. "

Captain Ji She's meaning was very clear. As Zhou Yuan once again found the hidden secret of the Chivalry Hall, his position changed in the emperor's mind.

The Emperor of Wei wanted him to set off as soon as possible to search for hidden secrets instead of continuing to practice martial arts at Yulin Camp.

Now using the palace attendant to send a message to Lieutenant Jishe to discuss with him is an act of compensation.

While serving his country and neglecting his martial arts, he could make some reasonable demands.

As for unreasonable demands, they can be made, but the middleman, Captain Ji She, will be responsible for guiding pricing and bargaining.

"Captain, since the country needs it, Yuan can be ordered to travel at any time."

"Don't do this to me. The emperor's orders cannot be violated. Either he directly issued a decree or asked you to make demands.

Hurry up, tell me what you want in terms of money, food, spiritual objects, mansions and houses, martial arts and armor.

If you keep pretending to me, I will take it seriously and directly report that you are loyal and have nothing to ask for, leaving you with nothing to gain but a false reputation. "

"No, sir, don't be impatient, I just reacted now."

Zhou Yuan really wasn't pretending to be confused and didn't make demands. He just didn't know what the compensation scope was and how much he could choose.

I thought Captain Ji She would be modest and give a recommendation, but I didn't expect him to be so direct.

"Master Xiaowei, I am obsessed with martial arts and would like to ask for more martial arts books.

In addition, if you have the help of precious armor and soldiers, you can better serve the court. "

"Understood, martial arts and weapons, and I'll give you a mansion."

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