The Crown Prince of the Wei Dynasty kept his word and sent his personal guards into the palace early the next morning. He also took a white lotus and sent it to Zhou Yuan.

[Props: Tridacna and White Lotus]

[Introduction: The Tridacna clam is the largest sea shell. Its shell has grooves and is shaped like a rut. It is as hard as stone and becomes stronger with age.

Tridacna Brahma Cloud Mousu ​​Luo Jiepo, the purest of the seven Vajrayana treasures, the purest white in the world, made of white lotus and contains the light of the Buddha. 】

[Effectiveness: Tridacna Sulo, calms the nerves, protects the soul and nourishes the soul, resists various chaotic states, and increases the recovery of the mind.

Baoguang White Lotus, after activation, the white lotus blooms, and the mantra of the ten directions turns into light to remove obstacles, causing fatal damage to evil ghost units. 】

Although Tridacna White Lotus is called a prop, it also has good equipment effects.

If the Baoguang White Lotus is not activated, it can be used as a spiritual treasure to calm the mind and nourish the soul.

At this moment, Zhou Yuan deeply realized how arrogant the power of krypton gold was.

The Crown Prince of Wei had countless such props on his body. He didn't even need to fight with anyone. He could defeat his opponent by just throwing the props.

“Xingxiu Temple, please see how sincere Wei is. He only needs to report problems and he will give solutions.

How come you can only talk and don't give me any benefit at all, even if you can recite an advanced exercise through the gang communication function? "

It’s not like Zhou Yuan never thought of hiding this matter and then using each other with Xingxiu Temple.

But if he does that, he will have to use his personal power to fight against the Temple of Stars, and the benefits are obviously not proportional to the rewards.

To put it bluntly, the power of the Wei Dynasty could be used to suppress the Xingxiu Temple, thereby achieving an offensive and defensive posture.

After all, he was also a Yulin captain, with warriors and generals under his command, and the Wei court behind him, so there was really no need to take the risk alone.

After all, Xingxiu Temple is not a fool. As long as Zhou Yuan does not provide them with actual benefits, both parties will fall out sooner or later.

So it is better to launch a strong counterattack from the beginning and make them realize that he is not a subordinate member who can be manipulated, but a strong man who can kill them.

"With these two Tridacna White Lotus, we can talk respectfully next time."

After hanging the two white lotus pendants around his neck, Zhou Yuan returned to the temporary copy library set up by Tiqi, the school affairs office.

If he hadn't been there, those noble disciples wouldn't have cheered up and honestly checked the copy.

In the following days, except for some famous scholars and their entourage who came to Zhuxiang to teach in their cottages, everything was very peaceful.

Mengkui Moxi did not appear again, and the gang communications in Xingxiu Temple were extremely quiet, as if they had collectively forgotten Zhou Yuan, the Mu Dexing Lord.

The noble disciples who were very motivated at first were all exhausted mentally and physically, and even wanted to go to Zhuxiang College to ask a few students to come and help.

This move was decisively rejected by Zhou Yuan, and the reason was very simple. If he did not have a certain status in Wei, it would be better not to have anything to do with the school affairs office.

Otherwise, once the information is leaked, the noble children can still escape disaster based on their background, but ordinary people will be in trouble all over the family.

"What Brother Zhou said is true. We enjoy the favor of the imperial court, and everything we see and hear is good and virtuous.

However, the school affairs office is in a special situation and has the power to arrest and torture privately. It is better for ordinary people not to come into contact with them. "

Du Yi very much agreed with Zhou Yuan's decision, not to mention anything else, just the confidential document.

Once signed, it is just a basis for merit and punishment for them, but it is a lifelong shackles for ordinary people.

"Brother Zhou, come and take a look at the rope technique chapter in Guanghua Ji and the magic chapter in this book of anecdotes."

Zhou Yuan took over the Guanghua Chronicle and flipped through it, and found that the third chapter contained a strange incident in Ning'an County.

Around the end of the Great Kang Dynasty, when the government was decadent and the administration was corrupt, the magistrate of Ning'an County ordered his subordinate officials to perform plays for him.

The wardens and guards did not dare to fool around, so they mobilized the prisoners in the prison to perform performances, saying that as long as they could make the county magistrate happy, they would be exempted from their sins.

An old man took the initiative to recommend himself, saying that he was good at rope skills and could perform plays for the county magistrate. However, the jailers refused to accept the offer on the grounds that his rope skills were poor and could not be used in plays.

The man said, my rope skills are different from others. I can throw long ropes into the air and make various changes.

The jailers asked him to demonstrate, and when they saw that he was really capable, they agreed to let him perform the show to take the blame.

Unexpectedly, on the day of the performance, the man threw the long rope in his hand into the air. The long rope stood straight and reached the sky.

Then the man climbed up the long rope, said that the world was absurd, and wanted to go to the heavenly palace to hide in peace, and then disappeared completely.

The magistrate of Ning'an County was shocked and ordered the jailer to check. Unexpectedly, as soon as the jailer touched the long rope, the long rope fell from the sky and returned to normal.

The county magistrate asked the patrolman how he arrested the man who was so capable. Upon investigation, the policeman discovered that the man was sent to jail the day before yesterday because he had no money to pay city fees.

The county magistrate was furious, saying that this person came here specifically to humiliate him, and then executed all the prisoners in the prison to vent his anger.

“The sound of long rope is the same as longevity, so this story is also considered to be a satire on Emperor Dakang’s delusional desire to live forever regardless of the common people in the world.

There are also children's songs sung among the people. The long rope falls to the ground and becomes a mess. The old ones leave and the young ones stay. The old ones go to the heavenly palace and the young ones stay in the mortal world. If you dare to reverse it, no one will fall off the rope. "

Du Yi's explanation clarified the direction of the Wei scribes' opinions on the Guanghua Ji Rope Technique Chapter, but did not involve information about the secret realm.

"Brother Zhou, you should gain something from reading the magic chapter in this anecdote again."

Zhou Yuan opened the miscellaneous records that contained various anecdotes and found a story that was very similar to the Guanghua Record of Rope Techniques.

This story also takes place in Ning'an County, and is about a father and son who are performing arts.

When they passed Ning'an County, they were short of money for food, so they beat gongs on the street to attract customers and show off their magic tricks.

When the audience gathered, the man asked everyone what they wanted to see. Someone shouted, "Turn into a peach for us to taste."

It was the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, and there were no fresh and sweet peaches. The man asked several times, and seeing that the audience had made up their minds, he opened the bamboo basket and took out a bundle of hemp ropes.

Then he threw it into the air and asked his son to climb up the rope, saying that he wanted to steal some peaches from the Heavenly Palace.

Everyone thought he was joking, but they didn't expect that as the child climbed higher and higher and disappeared into the clouds, peaches really fell from the sky.

But the hemp rope also fell with the peaches. The man was heartbroken and said that the guards of the Heavenly Palace cut the hemp rope, and his child would probably not come back.

Seeing that he was pitiful, everyone gave money to reward him, and some people who were kind enough to buy the peaches wanted to test their authenticity.

After collecting the money and selling the peaches, the man turned the bamboo basket over and found that the child had returned to the bamboo basket without knowing when.

"One went into the heavenly palace and disappeared, and the other went into the heavenly palace to get peaches, both using a hemp rope as a ladder.

These two stories are so close that they must be related."

"Brother Zhou is right. Rumor has it that the story of stealing peaches was adapted by the storyteller based on Guanghua Ji.

These two stories do have many similarities, but we can assume that there is no connection between them."

"So there were two hemp ropes reaching the sky in Ning'an County, and they were used by people of different ages and identities.

This means that the hemp rope reaching the sky is not an isolated case and has a certain inheritance. Brother Zhou thinks it is worth checking."

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