Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh...

The arrows flew swiftly, the archers moved quickly, and the attracted ghosts could not touch the archers at all, so they were killed one by one.

Although Zhou Yuan became a laborer in clearing monsters on the surface, he actually got more room to play.

The reminder sound of Ding Ding Ding kept ringing, which was not only the experience gained, but also the picking up of explosive objects.

These two kinds of increasing benefits greatly enhanced Zhou Yuan's fighting spirit, making him feel not bored with clearing ghosts, but extremely excited.

Cheng Fei, the county lieutenant of Shangle, was very surprised when he saw that Zhou Yuan's bow was fast and the accuracy of the return shot was not affected by running.

In his opinion, it was easiest to stop shooting, difficult to shoot accurately on horseback, and difficult to shoot accurately on the move. He didn't expect that Zhou Yuan could still keep a hundred shots when running. He was simply a natural archer.

"I said I would teach him archery, but I didn't expect his archery to be so superb. I'm afraid I can't even do it with normal archery."

"Captain Cheng is joking. My subordinate only knows the art of ordinary archery, not the method of spiritual archery. He is far inferior to the county lieutenant.

If the county lieutenant wants to teach him, why not teach him the art of spiritual archery, so that he can admire the style of his predecessors and not be arrogant."

"Hahaha..., since the captain has spoken, why not teach him the art of spiritual archery.

After all, he is a young man from the same hometown. I hope he will become famous in the future and never forget his hometown."

Zhou Yuan, who worked hard to clear the monsters, didn't know that his superior leader had found him an investment.

The reason why Captain Jing'an valued Zhou Yuan was, first, because Zhou Yuan was talented and could fight bravely, and second, because Zhou Yuan was his trusted subordinate.

At least in the Yin Gui Secret Realm, Zhou Yuan was his most trusted person, and the warriors of the subordinate counties were far inferior to him.

For this reason, Lieutenant Jing'an was willing to help Zhou Yuan improve his strength and indirectly strengthen the strength of the entire Jing'an Army.

While Lieutenant Jing'an was chatting with Lieutenant Shangle, Zhou Yuan also encountered the first batch of high-level monsters.

[Level 12 Yin Ghost Warrior], [Level 12 Yin Ghost Scribe]

These Yin Ghosts with professional labels came to the streets on the left and right sides of Fang Street. The streets connected to spacious houses, and there were probably some Yin Ghost Scribes inside.

The attack judgment of those Yin Ghost Warriors was much greater than that of ordinary Yin Ghosts. Zhou Yuan only attracted the nearby Yin Ghosts, and they took the initiative to join the pursuit.

They did not attack like ordinary Yin Ghosts, but had weapons such as swords, spears, swords and shields.

Fortunately, the attack judgment of Yin Ghost Scribes was not sensitive, otherwise Zhou Yuan might attract too many monsters at one time and it would be difficult to clean them up quickly.

But even so, he led the monsters to run and stop shooting five times before killing all the 6 ordinary Yin Ghosts and 5 Yin Ghost Warriors who were chasing.

The ghost warriors are indeed monsters with occupational labels. The light balls they drop are not ordinary white, but more conspicuous green light balls.

Zhou Yuan walked up to pick it up and found that he finally dropped items other than the "accumulated Yin fluid".

[Weapon: Yin Blade Gun]

[Introduction: Yin Qi is attached to the dark iron, which is real and virtual. It can be equipped with ghosts and evil spirits, and can also be held by humans.

Note: After the weapon is damaged, the Yin Qi will leak, and the effect of the Yin cold poison attached to it will be weakened. ]

[Item: Dark Blood Dew]

[Introduction: The water of the Yellow Spring is turbid, and the liquid of the Styx is red. It looks like blood but is not blood. It nourishes the soul. It is often seen in the netherworld and turns into blood dew in the world of the living. ]

[Effect: After use, it reduces a small amount of life and slightly increases the soul. It can be used to lose blood and nourish the spirit, refine elixirs and make poisons, and can also be used by ghosts and evil spirits to restore blood. ]

The five ghost warriors provided Zhou Yuan with 2 Yin Blades and 1 portion of Dark Blood Dew.

The Yin Blade with Yin-cold Poison was the first special-effect melee weapon he had come into contact with.

It was hard to say whether this thing was powerful or not, but the black and red gun body covered with a faint gray mist was not an ordinary thing.

The effect of the Nether Blood Dew was even more amazing. The attribute panel determined that it could be used to make poison, so it must be very toxic.

It just couldn't be used on Yin ghosts and evil spirits. For them, this thing was not only non-toxic, but also a precious medicine for replenishing blood.

Weapons with special effects, items that could make poisons and nourish the spirit, these two things completely changed Zhou Yuan's rhythm of attracting monsters.

He was no longer satisfied with attracting and killing ordinary Yin ghosts, but instead targeted the Yin ghost warriors in the streets and houses, and frequently attracted them to join the pursuit team.

After two more rounds of this, Jing'an School Lieutenant Jiang Ren and Shangle County Lieutenant Cheng Fei also discovered something unusual.

"Lieutenant Cheng, the Yin ghosts with swords and spears have come out. I'm afraid that the front is either the demon leader or a powerful demon.

You go and call the warriors who are resting to join the battle. We will first clear the dangerous demons, and then use the archer to kill them."


As the order was issued, the nine warriors who were resting at the city gate arrived quickly.

Since they had left the cold gray fog before, they felt the coldness of the gray fog more intuitively when they entered the ruined market for the second time.

That kind of coldness is not the external coldness of freezing water, but the internal coldness that extracts the body temperature, which makes them uncomfortable and clear-headed.

"Everyone, Zhou Yuan has attracted the armed Yin ghosts. Let's go and fight for a while to see what is hidden in the gathering place of the armed Yin ghosts."

The warrior team joined the battlefield again, allowing Zhou Yuan, who was attracting monsters, to get space to stand and output.

This is good news. Zhou Yuan also wants to see if there are elite monsters in the house of the Yin ghost warriors, and whether they will drop better items.

"Zhou Yuan, how strong are the armed ghosts?"

"Captain, ordinary ghosts can be killed with one arrow, while armed ghosts need two to three arrows."

"The gap is so big, it seems that we are close to the core area of ​​the demon leader.

Everyone, stand up and advance, and do not leave the formation during the attack to prevent the ghosts from breaking the formation and being attacked from both sides."


The warriors had good military accomplishments. Even if they didn’t usually cooperate in combat, they still advanced and retreated in unison, without any reluctance.

With the addition of these warriors, not only did more ghosts get attracted, but the flexibility of individual kite tactics was also lost.

But the team cleared monsters faster. After attracting thirty or forty ghosts each time, they first retreated twenty steps quickly, and then attacked collectively.

With this orderly advance and retreat, the warrior team quickly cleared the ghosts beside the houses in the streets and alleys.

It was not until he approached the house of the ghost warrior that Zhou Yuan discovered that there were two strange characters written on the rotten wooden plaque.

That was the ghost language and underworld text, not the Yang world text. The two underworld characters [武ukui] were both arrogant and shabby, and also represented the identity of the owner of the house.

Sure enough, as soon as the warrior team entered the spacious house, Zhou Yuan saw a special ghost.

The ghost looked not only unsturdy, but even a little petite, but its body, which looked like fog and shadow, was unusually solid, like black water gathered into a human.

The most noteworthy thing was its weapon, which was a nine-section hard iron whip similar to a mace.

During the period of the ghost plague in Jing'an City, the only ghost that used this weapon was Painted Skin Manning.

I think that after the pretty beauty shed her painted skin, she became this [Level 14 Ghost Wu Kui].

Among the people present, not only Zhou Yuan had guessed the identity of the ghost, but Jing'an Lieutenant Jiang Ren also found something unusual.

"I recognize it. Although its current appearance is very different from before, the iron whip is not fake."

"Everyone be careful, this ghost is very fierce, don't get hit by the iron whip.

We will surround and attack and eliminate the threat as soon as possible."

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