
    This sense of oppression comes from the soul, and apart from the king, no other giant can bring him this sense of oppression.


    The ultimate move, ready to go.

    At this moment, the little princess complained of dissatisfaction, clasped the king's head with both hands, and forcibly turned his face to herself.

    The feeling of oppression that directly hit the soul disappeared. But he still didn't dare to relax, blood lines dormant between the folds of the skirt.

    Several giants started a conversation. Although they didn't understand their language, they could roughly guess where things were going. In fact, in the communication between intelligent creatures, only 7% of the information can be transmitted by language, and most of the information is transmitted through expressions and voices.

    From the height of the word, you can just see the face of the giant with his head lowered under the steps. The face was eight-point similar to the one on the throne, and it was obviously a sibling or sibling of a compatriot.

    Before they came in, the king was losing his temper at the uncle, and the queen was worried, but did not dare to intervene when her husband was angry.

    The little princess was very favored by the king. She was not afraid of the king's anger at all, so she acted coquettishly and acted foolishly to relieve her uncle.

    The king's anger calmed down a lot, and the smile on the queen's face became more and more charming, and she dared to speak with a smile. The tense shoulders of the people under the stage relaxed and quietly exhaled.

    To sum up, it should be that the uncle made a mistake, and the king was furious, so the queen sent someone to call her daughter to intercede for her brother or brother.

    The king likes to eat human flesh. Fortunately, Yan Yugui is the pet of the little princess, and the king loves the little princess very much. Therefore, as long as the little princess does not lose interest in him, the king will not do anything to him.

    In addition, he needs to figure out a little, what exactly is the coercion that hits the soul directly on the king.

    A few members of the family talked for a while, there was a little princess in the middle, and the king's eyes towards his uncle also eased a lot.

    Then, the king called the head maid in and ordered something, and the little princess pouted and was taken away. Yan Yugui also left.

    He didn't look back, but he could feel that the king's eyes were following him, like a light on his back, until the door of the main hall was closed behind him, and the line of sight was cut off. The blood line hidden in the skirt.

    Follow the little princess to a magnificent library, where an elegant female giant has long been waiting. Then, she began to teach the little princess a basic literacy enlightenment class.

    The little princess pouted reluctantly and listened to the lesson, the giantess's voice was gentle and coaxing, and no one noticed that the pet beside the little princess was watching carefully The little princess's textbook.


    If Xie Liuyi wants to find her way back, she must find the force that controls human trafficking, which happens to be the arena master she wants to kill. The forces behind the arena are deeply hidden, and Mr. Ouyang doesn't know it either.

    The only clue now is the opponent of the owner of the arena, who is the one who released the beast and organized the people to protest.

    Therefore, Xie Liuyi followed the man with the emblem on his boots all the way, crossed the streets and alleys, and came to a mansion near the palace.

    The mansion is heavily guarded, and there are several huge three-headed hounds at the door, with a keen sense of smell. Xie Liuyi couldn't completely block the breath of the body now, so he didn't follow up.

    With the passage of time, the sun of the giant country rose, and the strong sunshine that Mr. Ouyang worried about also came.

    Xie Liuyi hid in the shadows, stretched her hands into the sunlight, and felt the intensity of the sunlight. It doesn't hurt her, it's just a little uncomfortable, but an ordinary person would burn in a few seconds.

    She continued to cover up with flowers and trees, walked around the mansion in the shadow of the wall, and finally found a...dog hole.

    In fact, it can't be called a dog hole, after all, the three-headed dog in the giant country is as tall as two Xie Liuyi. It was probably a hole made by a small animal such as a thief.

    Drilling? After hesitating for two seconds, Xie Liuyi bowed his head to life. Go ahead, the mouse holes have been drilled.

    The hole was quite long. After he got out of the hole, Xie Liuyi observed it for a while before he was sure he was in the garden.

    The mansion's florist trimmed the lush bushes like walls, and roses climbed on the bushes, adorn these walls beautifully.

    These shrub walls are full of meters high and built like a maze. Xie Liuyi suspected that the owner of this house had purposely built a maze in the yard to play.

    On top of that, the garden is full of bugs. Fortunately, these insects seem to be a little afraid of sunlight, and they all shrink between the branches and leaves and do not move very much. It's tolerable as long as you don't look at it. Xie Liuyi endured the discomfort and wandered around the garden for a long time before finally finding the exit from the garden.

    The garden and the main building are only separated by a fountain square. Xie Liuyi hid behind the flowers to observe the main building.

    The main building has a total of three floors, and each floor is more than 20 meters high. The whole building is obviously only a three-story building, but in Xie Liuyi's eyes, it looks like a giant.

    Each floor has a small window at each end, behind which guards in armor stand guard.

    Maybe it was because the sun was too strong, so the sentry was moved to the building, and the fountain plaza was empty. However, compared to Xie Liuyi's body, the Fountain Square is very wide and unobstructed. If you go directly through it, it is easy to be discovered by the upstairs sentry.

    How do I enter the main building?

    Xie Liuyi thought for a while, then returned to the center of the garden, and ignited the insect repellent incense under the bushes in the center.

    After a while, all the bugs in the garden spread out like a flood. Xie Liuyi got goosebumps from the sound of the insect's feet stepping on the ground.

    "Oh my God, what happened!" The gatekeeper exclaimed from the direction of the gate.

    The three-headed dog at the door began to bark non-stop at the bugs all over the floor.

    "It's the multipods and..., get the gardener!" "Close the door of the main building first, and don't let these damn... climb in."

    The manor was in chaos. The gardeners ran over with trolleys pulling the insecticide powder, and ran around the yard to sprinkle the powder.

    No one noticed that there was a blue shadow under the trolley. When a cart passed by the main building, the shadow swept into the gate like a gust of wind.

    Maybe because people are out to catch bugs, there are not many people in the main building. Xie Liuyi climbed the stairs, the noise downstairs gradually faded away, and the voices of the people on the third floor gradually became clearer.

    The third floor is the master's room.

    Xie Liuyi climbed up to the roof from the window at the end of the corridor, came to the position where the voice came from under the scorching sun, got down and started listening to the corner of the wall.

    "What's going on down there?" This is the voice of a young male, the sound quality sounds good, but the tone is not very good, and the owner of the voice is a little irritable.

    Another voice answered cautiously: "The multipods in the garden and ... ran out, maybe the gardener accidentally sprinkled ... powder in it."

    "Idiot, ... the matter of the powder must not be discovered. When the matter subsides, kill and bury these gardeners!"


    "What news from the palace?" asked the young man again.

    "...The duke entered the palace early in the morning and has not come out yet. Don't worry, Your Highness, if such a big mess occurs, His Majesty will definitely be furious."

    The young man smiled smugly, "This time, I'm going to let him get out of the way with his little sister who only has a face but no brain."

    "You will get what you want."

    "By the way, it is said that someone presented a fallen aircraft to my father some time ago?" the young man asked again.

    Hearing the aircraft, Xie Liuyi couldn't help but **** up his ears.

    "Yes," another voice replied, "it was found by the fishermen at the seaside. There were three.... One of them was the most beautiful and was taken away by the princess."


    "Idiot, I'm asking about the aircraft, who asked what's inside of you?" The young man said angrily, "I'm not my stupid father, thinking that eating... will make you grow. Hundred years of my life. I'm not interested in . . . I'm only interested in the benefits they bring."

    After he finished speaking, he laughed sarcastically again, "A group of idiots who can only see food, only I see the true value of those interstellar pirates, their weapons, their aircraft and Technology is the treasure! My stupid and short-sighted father, it's long overdue to abdicate. If I become king, I can lead my people to dominate the entire planet!"

    A man hurried in outside the courtyard gate, walked through the chaotic courtyard, and entered the main building directly. After a while, footsteps were heard at the door of the room where Xie Liuyi overheard.

     There was a knock on the door, and someone opened the door. A third voice sounded.

    "His Royal Highness, the duke came out, and it looks like he was not punished."

    "What?!" The young man was surprised, "How is that possible?!"

    "It is said...it's the little princess. When His Majesty saw her, he was relieved."

    The sound of things shattering came from the room, and the young man vented his breath for a long time before calming down. He seemed to come to the window, and his voice sounded much clearer.

    "In this case, let my scumbag sister anger my father."

    “What is Your Highness going to do?”

    The young man sneered twice, "In the palace...the stock is out of stock, we should have sent a batch to the palace from the arena today. Now there's not one left in the arena, my father wants to eat, just They can eat my sister's pet. Hehe... I see how deep their father-daughter bond can go."

    One second, Xie Liuyi guessed that the little princess' pet was a matter of course, but the next second she learned that the king was going to eat the little princess' pet.

    In any case, she has to enter the palace, even if that person is not a matter of words, it does not matter, can save one is one.

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