When Love Happens!

Chapter 72:Wishful thinking!

After a few seconds, the boy continued with his speech further.

"Second point : Investing in education is an investment in the future. We are facing an annual global financing gap in the range of 22 billion dollars for ensuring basic education. This is a significant amount, but once again: we should see this not as an expense, but rather as an investment. 

All countries, regardless of their national wealth, stand to gain from offering their children a high-quality education. A recent OECD report suggests that if every child is given access to education, and acquires the basic level of skills needed to participate fully in society, - the result would be an annual increase of 28 % of GDP in lower-income countries, and 16 %  in high-income countries over the next 80 years.

Governments have the main responsibility for delivering education for all. Domestic resource mobilisation is vital in all countries – including in developing countries - which need to allocate sufficient resources to education.

But donors need to rise to the challenge, too. We must reverse the recent decline in official development assistance for education, especially to the least developed countries. Investing in education in developing countries is one of the best ways we can spend development assistance funds."

Another round of applause filled the stage, making Jacob pause again. He gave a gracious smile again, for a moment getting overwhelmed, thinking about his father. He so much wished, he was here to witness this moment!

People all over the auditorium were speaking about the boy, standing on the stage.

"Wow! He is so young, yet he is so knowlegeable!"

"Look at his confidence!"

"The boy is making me change my mind! I want to keep my shares!"

"He talks like his dad!"

"What a charismatic personality!"

Jacob could sense, the vibes of the hall already changing to his favour. He thanked Isa again and again, for this moment!

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