C10 – Let’s Try E-Mailing ◇ Hiria


I exchanged contact information with Nekura-kun, but we still didn’t see each other much. As a result of our discussion, we decided that when we did meet, we would have to move our time around a few minutes. So at that point, our regular break time was no longer available. It was too short. Then, we could only meet during lunch break or after school.

When I secretly texted him during break time, if he couldn’t come, he either didn’t reply right away or said, “Sorry, I can’t make it,” so there was no more wasted time.

But the timing is unexpectedly hard to match. I used to go to the second library quite a bit when I was a freshman, but I never ran into him until that time in March. So he must not have been there that often.

Even though we were able to become friends.

Even though we are friends.

I feel lonely.

But still, I’m happy to be able to keep in touch with him, even if it’s just a simple contact, which makes me congratulate myself a lot.

I’m lying in my room at night, chatting with Ryun-Ryun on my phone.

When I told her that I had exchanged emails with the boy, she responded excitedly and then called me.

“Sachyun, did you finally see his face? What did he look like?”

“Well, I haven’t seen him face to face. ……”

“Did you just exchange contact information with someone you haven’t met?”

“No, it’s just e-mail.”

“Email in this age? …… Why don’t you at least call? What do you talk about?”

“Oh, I just use it to meet up.”

“Why? Why don’t you send him something?

“Well, I wasn’t planning on using …… for that ……. It’s not good.”

“Why …… aren’t you friends? It’s normal!”

“Uh, yeah, …….”

“Then send it!”

“Oh, I’ll try sending it!”

Email, a meaningless email, let’s send it.

I usually use all kinds of decorations in my e-mails, including emoticons, symbols, stamps, and so on. And that’s how I communicate with him.

He, on the other hand, was simple and only used text. I don’t know if this is normal because I’ve never texted other boys.

I took some time to think about the text.

We don’t have the kind of relationship where you can casually ask, “What are you doing now? We’re not that close yet.

I’d like to know about his tastes and preferences, something that we can talk about the next time we meet.

For example, “I just ate natto, but what’s your favorite food, Nekura-kun? Or something like that.

I thought about sending just that, but such one-shot exchanges would not be a conversation unless the time was right, and it would take too much time. I wanted to send something a little longer, but not too long. So that I wouldn’t have to worry about not getting a reply. It’s like a love letter.

[ It’s a shame we haven’t seen each other much lately, Nekura-kun. I’m looking forward to talking with you again.

My favorite foods are natto and gyudon. I hope you like them too, Nekura-kun. ]

It’s a really stupid sentence. I don’t know why I use honorifics in some of my texts.

I thought I’d write something more …… and wrote, “If we meet properly someday,” and then deleted it. I should not put such pressure on him. There is a feeling that he wants to hide his face even more than I do. If I try to meet him, or if I meet him, we might stop being friends. I’m scared.

With a trembling thumb, I pressed the send button.

But there was no reply after an hour of waiting.

This has never happened to me before. He always replied to my emails, even when he couldn’t make it. Even if I couldn’t see him, he would always send me some kind of apology for not being able to come.

I knew I shouldn’t have used it for anything other than meeting up with him.

I left my phone by my side and fell asleep, only to find in the morning that there was no reply.

Oh, I might have made a mistake.

This made it difficult for me to contact him about meeting up with him today. I had finally made a friend, but I didn’t realize how fragile our relationship was. I felt a little depressed. During recess, I went into the second library even though I knew he wasn’t there, let out a sigh, looked at my phone, and went back to class without contacting him.

In the classroom, Masuda-sensei was talking to Sakura-kun.

“Sakura, how’s that bear I asked you to work on coming along?”

“I’ve made it halfway through, but why me…… shouldn’t the teacher do it?”

“That’s what being a class representative is all about.”

“It’s not like that in other classes ……”

Oh, it seems that there was some work for the class representative.

The work of the class representative is mostly just a chore for Masuda sensei, though.

“Sensei, do you have a job for me?”

The teacher looked as if he had something strange in his mouth when I called out, and then fell silent for a moment.

“I’m sure Saionji is busy, so don’t bother.”

“No, I’m not busy, I’ll do it. What’s that about a bear?”

Masuda-sensei and Sakura-kun looked at each other.

During the rest of the break, I worked with Sakura-kun to make a card for Masuda-sensei’s niece’s birthday and a stuffed bear.

I guess Nekura-kun didn’t like my e-mail. I might have annoyed him.

In the evening, I received a reply from Nekura-kun.

It was written with a lot of emoticons, pictograms, and even mysterious symbols.

There were countless things to retort about.

Why. Why is there a cake emoji here for no reason at all? There’s also a bikini emoji and a mysterious lady emoji between “I’m too busy” and “I can’t make it”.


 (TN:目 means eye )

Could this emoticon be of his own creation? I wonder what kind of emotion this face represents. I’ve never seen anything like it. It is warped in a way I’ve never seen before.

Thousands of years after the human race died out. Aliens visit the earth and find metal moving around in the wasteland. It was the last robot, and it was still lonely in the empty earth, maintaining the ground.

This looked like a robot from that time.

I looked at it for a while and laughed. I rolled over laughing.

When I saw this, I realized something.

Nekura-kun doesn’t have any bad feelings towards me. He doesn’t think I’m a nuisance or anything. I understood.

He’s not popular.

His e-mails were already unattractive.

Even though I’ve lived my life without much contact with boys, I can understand. This is an unattractive boy. Very, very unattractive. It’s no different than an old man who’s never texted a girl before and is very careful about what he sends. It was a very misplaced email that took a lot of time to compose.

However, it made me feel relieved.

After entering high school, the boys who occasionally approached me were strangely friendly even though I didn’t know them at all.

They were all uniformly womanizing, confident, and somewhat self-absorbed. They all had trendy hairstyles and made-up ways of speaking. That’s how they coordinate themselves.

Probably they are popular. That’s why they are so forceful and confident.

However, their excessive forcefulness is close to moral harassment, and their unnerving pick-up lines sound cold when there is a temperature difference. They think it’s impossible that they are not liked by girls, so they get mad when I reject them. There were also a few who tried to degrade me to restore their wounded pride.

I was really uncomfortable with the so-called “popular” boys of that type.

They laugh very loudly and are very assertive. They try to tease the plain boys for a laugh. It’s not funny at all.

Nekura-kun is different from those people.

He’s just a normal guy who’s not very popular.

You can see it in this e-mail.

Even if the use of emoji is strange and in some places it seems to be making fun of me, I’m sure it’s not intended that way. This is because he is not popular. It doesn’t make me angry at all. In fact, I adore it.

What is this guy?

I felt my heart throbbing. (TN: Heart going kyun~ kyun~)

I think I might like Nekura-kun.

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