C25 – Age of Gorilla ◆ Nekura

“Sachyun! Let’s eat lunch!”

During the lunch break, a lively and clear voice echoed through the classroom.

I looked and saw the girl Yabusaka used to call a mammoth, smiling and waving her hand.

To my surprise, it was Saionji-san who replied and stood up.

“‘Manamin, what are you going to eat?”

“Stop with the Manamin! I will eat fried chicken bento! Gahaha.”

They conversed happily and walked out.

Yabusaka, who was unusually in my classroom eating bread in front of me, widened his eyes.

“Saionji-san… is amazing. …… She got the strongest SP. No one will be able to touch her now.”

“SP? They are friends, no matter how you look at it.”

“No, there’s no way Saionji-san would be friends with Mammoth. She hired her as a bodyguard because there was a disturbing rumor that the anti-Saionji faction was stirring up lately. Kka! Rich people do amazing things!”

Yabusaka laughed, saying something rude to both Saionji-san and Mammoth-san.

It’s true that it’s amazing.

While I was waiting for Hiria-chan in the second library, Saionji-san was taken away by an angry mammoth, and I found out that she came back after fighting her off and making her cry.

She is usually unapproachable, but when the time comes, she makes her move. I’m impressed. After all, she’s a little different from the rest of humanity. She’s very different from me.

When we switched seats, Saionji-san and I sat next to each other.

It wasn’t as awkward as before, and I wasn’t as nervous as before.

Saionji-san said in a quiet voice, “We’re next to each other,” and I replied, “We are next to each other”.

There was no tension of men and women between us, and I felt very comfortable. She has a partner she likes, and even by mistake, she doesn’t have any ideals or expectations of me. She’s not interested in me in the first place, so she doesn’t even make fun of my painful behavior. Even though this was the person I was most nervous about, it was strange. However, she is still a heavenly person. I can’t talk to her casually.

Currently, Saionji-san and I are not on bad terms.

We just had some misunderstandings that made us uncomfortable with each other, but we’ve become normal classmates. There are some twists and turns in our relationship, but nothing special.

After recess and before class, Saionji-san was looking at her notes.


“What’s up, Sakura-kun?”

“What’s that memo?”

The memo had a print of a gorilla with a realistic thumbs-up pattern on it. This is the same one that Hiria-chan wrote her email address on before.

“Yeah, this is… information about a place that sells delicious fried chicken lunch boxes.”

“Did you get it from someone?”

“I got it from Manamin… What’s wrong?”

The Manamin Saionji-san is referring to is probably Mammoth-san. I know that she is not Hiria-chan. The way she talks and her voice are completely different. She sounds more like Saionji-san. My mind spun in circles. For now, I had to use this memo pad to investigate.

“By the way, is that gorilla pattern in fashion?”

When I asked Saionji-san, she looked somewhat troubled and replied, “I think it’s fashion…”. If Saionji-san says so, then it’s already 80% in fashion. It’s not surprising that there are a lot of girls who have the same thing.

“By the way, what’s the last name of Manamin-san?”

“Eh, ah… It’s Saotome.”

I thanked her and left the classroom during the next break.

When I got to the classroom, Yabusaka came up to me, looking uncomfortable.

“What is it Souji? What do you want?”

“Call Saotome-san, please.”

“Eh, you…. you never called a girl before and now you’re calling mammoth? What’s going on?”

“Just do it.”

When Yabusaka noticed my expression of determination, he stopped his unnecessary pursuit and called Saotome-san.

Saotome-san was laughing with some people in the middle of the classroom, but when Yabusaka went over, she shouted, “Don’t call me mammoth!” and gave him a palm strike to his face. Apparently, she doesn’t like him. It’s no wonder since Yabusaka is racist in an anachronistic sort of way.

Yabusaka said, “e bu” and held his nose, but then he pointed at me. And Saotome-san, who noticed me, quickly changed her expression and stood up.

“U-um,… can I help you with something…?”

I’m not very good at talking to girls other than Hiria-chan, and I was nervous. But I couldn’t turn my back on her. Besides, I knew what I had to say.

“Saotome-san, do you know about …a notepad with a real gorilla pattern?”

“Hmm? Ah, yes. The real gorilla pattern one… It’s not so cute, is it?”

“The item Saionji-san was carrying, was it Saotome’s personal belonging?”

“That’s Sachyu… Saionji-san’s.”

“I see. Who else has it?”

Saotome-san said, “Well, there might be some out there, but as far as I know…” and tilted her head.

I thanked her and went back to the classroom.

In the end, I didn’t know. I’ll have to look around some more to see if anyone else has it.

This could be a big hint.

The next day some of the girls came to me with a gorilla notepad.

“Sakura-kun, are you looking for this notepad?”

“Sakura-kun, is it true you like this notepad?”

“Sakura-kun, I’ll give you this notepad.”

Not-so-cute gorilla notepads piled up in my hands. It was hard to have so many funky real gorillas staring at you.

As I thought, they are in fashion.

There’s no way to search if everyone has so many…

When I returned to my seat, Saionji-san was writing something in the memo.

In our school, phones are not allowed to be brought in, and if they are found, they are immediately confiscated until after school. So, surprisingly, many kids use notepads to make notes on quiz schedules and remember things. It seems that girls enjoy finding their favorite memo pads, and this tendency is more pronounced than that of boys.

“That gorilla is really popular…”

Feeling a slight sense of exhaustion, I couldn’t help but call out to Saionji-san.

“Eh, really?”

“‘Everyone has it… And some people have had it since before.”

“Is that so… So the age of the gorilla is slowly coming upon us.”

Saionji-san said happily.

I sat down feeling a little disappointed.

Even though I thought I had found a clue.

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