“If I’m not mistaken, Yun Ren most likely thinks that you have practiced the Eight Gates of Dun Jia!”

Bofeng Shuimen said the reason for Yun Shinobu’s retreat.

He continued, “It’s probably worried that you will exchange your life for life and replace the three generations of Thunder Shadow!” ”

Hanguang touched his chin and felt that Yun Ren’s train of thought was too strange.

Just because you are physically strong? Just guess?

Of course, Watergate is also speculation, not necessarily the truth.

Around noon.

Support from the village arrived.

The ninth squad cremated the bodies of their companions with the rest of the squad and began to return to the village.

On the way.

Lin pulled Yue Xiyan to the team of the ninth class and found the cold light.

“Cold light.”


“Before the wind dies, let you take care of Xiyanye.”

“How do you know?” Hanguang looked suspicious.

The letter had only been read by herself, had Lin secretly read it in advance?

“Naw, see for yourself.”

Lynn pulled out a piece of paper.

Hanguang was speechless.

Dare to love Xiao Feng didn’t write a letter.

That’s a real time.

Taking the letter, he scanned the contents of it.

[Xiyan, I was careless, I didn’t flash, and I was blown up by the detonator trap and damaged my internal organs. ] 】

[I can’t live.] But I hope you are alive. 】

[I gave this hope of protecting you to Hanguang. 】

[He has a large bath, Obito said, that bath is worth at least hundreds of millions.] 】

“Although I am going to die, I still hope that you can find someone to protect you.] 】

[I will bless you and the cold light underground. 】

“My blood is going to run dry…].

After reading the content, Hanguang turned his head and glanced at Yue Xiyan, and did not speak.

Then, he walked over to Obito and patted the good brother’s shoulder.

Boom! Poof!

Without warning, Obito was directly photographed with a dog eating.

“Cold light? What do you shoot me for? Obito looked confused and spat out the soil in his mouth.

“Think for yourself.”

Dropping this sentence, the cold light left directly.

“Alas~~ The mouth is not strict, this is the end.” The red beans are in the pocket, which means something.

“Mung beans! I’ve put up with you for a long time! Obito climbed up and rolled up his sleeves.

But he found that the cold light was not there, and he thought about it.

“Let you go this time!”


Konoha Village.

The atmosphere in the village is very different from the outside world.

The streets are so lively that there is no sign of war.

As soon as he returned to the village, Hanguang was stopped by a masked ninja.

“Danzo-sama is looking for you.”


To be honest, Hanguang almost forgot that he was still a gold medal undercover agent of Tuanzang.

So, under the strange gazes of others, the cold light was taken away by the root ninja.

“Teacher Watergate, there won’t be an accident with the cold light, right?” Lin hurriedly asked for help from Bofeng Shuimen.

“Don’t worry, he won’t have an accident.”

Bofeng Shuimen is very sure that Tuan Zang is looking for cold light, most likely to find his own trouble.


Tuan Zang’s vision is really not very good, and he will choose Hanguang to be an undercover agent.

A private room at a rotisserie.

Pieces of grilled meat are ‘moistening’ and fragrant.

“Come, sit!”

Tuan Zang has a rare gentle tone.

This will not give the cold light a whole thing.

“I already know all the information about this mission.” As soon as he came up, Tuan Zang spoke first.

“Got it?” Hanguang looked stunned.

The mission has not been reported, how can Tuanzo know?

“Looking for you this time, there is something that needs your help!” Tuan Zang took a piece of meat and put it on the plate in front of Hanguang.

“Wait a minute! Danzo-sama! I have something too! ”

Hanguang hurriedly spoke, ready to let the other party contribute first.

“Oh? Go ahead. ”

“I plan to let Yue Xiyan join the ninth class.”

“Add again?”

Tuanzo frowned.

If he remembered correctly, there were already five people in the ninth class.

“If you add one more person, the ninth class will have two shifts, which is difficult to do.” Tuanzo shook his head.

“This way.”

Hanguang sighed and continued.

“Yue Xiyan’s strength is too poor, and there is no one to team up with her! Or, let her join the roots? ”

Hearing these words, the corners of Tuan Zang’s mouth twitched.

Poor strength, join the roots? Do you think the roots are waste shelters?

But thinking of the next thing, Tuan Zang chose to temporarily appease.

“This is the last time to go to the ninth class of Cypriots! Six people is the limit of the ninth class. ”

“Thank you, Master Tuanzo!” Hanguang was satisfied.

Putting aside personality, vision, good and evil, he felt that Tuanzang was quite good.

“Okay, next, it’s time for you to dedicate yourself to the roots.”

“Ambiguous?” Hanguang was stunned.

“Root has been running out of money recently, and for the sake of the village, you have to give your bath to Root in the spirit of dedication.” Tuanzo knocked on the table.

Hands over the bath to the roots?

Tuan Zang, Tuan Zang! You don’t know how to write dead words, do you?

The cold light is hesitant.

This made Tuan Zang’s face suddenly sank.

“How? You don’t want to? ”

“It’s not!”

Hanguang shook his head.

“You’re late, the bath has already been given to Jiu Xinnai-senpai.”

“Sure enough!” Tuan Zang looked disappointed.

A few days ago, he sent the roots to investigate the happy bath, and it turned out to be a women-only bath.

Originally, Tuan Zang thought that this was Hanguang’s handwriting, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, but was deceived by Uzumaki Jiu Shinai first.

“Abominable wave feng shui gate!”

Tuan Zang naturally attributed this matter to Bofeng Shuimen. Because Bofeng Shuimen and Jiu Xinnai are lovers!

Even the baths of their own students are deceptive, really despicable.

Without interest, Tuan Zang waved his hand, signaling that the cold light could leave.

“Then I’ll go first~~ Don’t forget to increase people.”

Before leaving, Hanguang did not forget to remind him.

As soon as he came out of the barbecue restaurant, Hanguang first wandered around the street a few times, and after finding that no one was following, he rushed to Bofeng Shuimen’s residence.

“You want me to turn in the bath, huh?”

“Then I can’t blame you.”

With some emotion, Hanguang knocked on the door of the Watergate teacher.

“Oh, right! Watergate teachers should be reporting on the mission now! ”

“No hurry, I’ll wait for him in the house.”

Thinking of this, he gently took off the door and walked in.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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