Training ground No. 9.

Yamato was like a neurotic, crouching under the tree, pouring out his heart.

[My life is very miserable. 】

[That incident left a big shadow in my heart. 】

[Tree, tree, you also have shadows, are we considered the same kind of people?] 】

Sand ~~

A breeze blew and the leaves rustled.

Yamato’s eyes widened, and his heart was excited.

[Tree, tree, were you just responding? 】

Not far away.

The ninth class all lined up, tilting their heads, and looked at Yamato one by one.

“Hey~~ Hanguang, you made people lame and lame.” Obito couldn’t bear to look at it directly.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I just shared a little thought.” Hanguang said with a serious face.

“Your lesson is to communicate with trees?” Kakashi snorted.

“Huh? Kakashi, you’re a lot bolder today. ”

Three boys are stirring.

The remaining three girls condemned the cold light for fooling the children.

“That’s not good, right? Yamato is only 6 years old. Lynn was a little worried.

If this matter was known by the village high-level, Hanguang would definitely be disciplined.

“Still communicating with trees? Almost laughed me to death. Does this imp believe too? Red Bean pouted.

“I always feel unreliable~~” Yue Xiyan was also a little worried.


When Han Guang sat on the stone and opened the book that recorded the secret art of Mu Duan, the other five people came up in unison.

“How? Don’t condemn me anymore? ”

Glancing at several people, Hanguang seriously despised it.

“Quick, let’s see.” Several people urged.

Soon, the six people tied their heads and watched the Mu Dun secret technique together.

After reading the Mu Dun Secret Technique, Han Guang thought for a moment.

In his opinion, the core of this secret technique is actually the form change of the wood attribute.

Whether it is attack, defense, or trapping the enemy, it is all a manifestation of form change.

“Two points: the morphological change of the wood attribute, and Chakra!”

These are the two main points summarized by Hanguang.

Thinking of this, Hanguang looked up and found that the other five people were also thinking about it.

“I think because I can learn, these five guys think a fart?”

He was a little confused.

Especially Obito, frowning while touching his chin.

“Hmm… This way~~”

“Makes sense.”

“Ambiguous? Do you understand too? ”

“Bring soil, don’t pretend, okay?” Kakashi couldn’t stand it anymore and poked his words.

“But I seem to understand when I look at the cold light.” Bring the soil and pull the good brother over to cushion the back.

“He doesn’t even know ninjutsu, do you think he can understand?” Kakashi covered his forehead.

“Ambiguous? Yes! Obito suddenly realized.

Dare to love the cold light like himself, and also fill a cup there.

Compared with the reaction between the boys, the three girls really understood.

“Isn’t this just a change of form? What’s so hard to understand? Red Bean ‘snorted’, full of tsundere.

To understand is to understand, but she can’t learn.

“Indeed, the morphological change of the wood attribute.” Rin also nodded.

“Unless you have wood attributes, you can’t learn it.” Yue Xiyan also echoed.


Rotisserie box.

Sitting at the table, Tuanzo picked up a piece of meat.

For! For!

A root approached and handed over a list.

“Danzo-sama, this is the list of ninjas who entered the Naruto Building yesterday.”


Take the list and watch it carefully.

He was looking for the man who betrayed him. And this list is the best way to find it.

One by one, the names of ninjas came into view.

Suddenly, Tuan Zang lowered his body and noticed a recurring name.

“Wave Feng Shuimen?”

“If I’m not mistaken, yesterday he returned to the village, and the first time should have been to submit a mission report! And what about the second time? ”

Looking at the recorded time, Tuan Zang’s heart became more and more certain.

Because, the second time that Bofeng Shui Gate entered the Hokage Building was just before he was stopped by the dark department.

“Check who you saw after returning to the village yesterday.”


The roots bowed and retreated.

“With only the wave of feng shuimen, it is impossible to know about this, there must be news revealed by others.”

Tuan Zang’s face was gloomy, and he tapped on the table.

He had to find out this traitor, or else he would have a hard time sleeping.

“By the way, to investigate this matter, why don’t I find that undercover agent?”

Suddenly, Tuan Zang’s eyes lit up.

He almost forgot that he was next to Bofeng Shuimen and installed an undercover agent.

“As the captain of the ninth class, Hanguang may know some clues.”

Thinking of this, Tuan Zang waved his hand and summoned a subordinate.

“Go find the cold light of the ninth class and let him come to see me.”

Half an hour later.

The cold light is coming.

As soon as he entered the box, Hanguang was surprised to find that Tuan Zang’s face was exactly the same as yesterday.

“Here it comes, sit!”

With a gentle tone, Tuan Zang gestured.

“There is a very important thing to come to you today.”

“Wait a minute, my bath is really given to Jiu Xinnai.” Hanguang interjected and blocked the road first.

“Huh? It has nothing to do with the bath. Tuan Zang said.

“Oh, what is that?”

“Let me ask you, did Bofeng Shuimen see anyone yesterday?” Tuan Tiang’s tone was low.

Hanguang thought about it seriously.

“I don’t know about it.”

“You don’t know?” Tuanzo frowned.

“Yes, as soon as I returned to the village yesterday, I was called here by you, Master Tuanzang.” Cold light reminded.

Not only that, but yesterday Danzo also wanted to seize his bath.

“And what about the recent period? Has Bofeng Shuimen been in contact with other people? Tuan Zang asked again.

“That’s a lot.” Hanguang answered truthfully.

“Oh? Talk about it. Tuan Zang was overjoyed.

“Kakashi, Rin, Obito, Yuyan Otsuki, Red Bean, Mori Ibiki, Blastaze…”

Hanguang said a long list of names.

Tuan Zang listened, but he was confused.

What the hell is this?

“I mean, is there anyone else besides you shinobi?” Tuan Zang reminded.

“Uh… Yes! ”


“Three generations of Hokage!”

The cold light was blasted out.

He could see Tuan Zang’s gloomy face, as if he owed him money.

“Sure enough, today’s Tuan Zang’s expression is exactly the same as yesterday~~”

In a good mood, the cold light put in his pocket and left.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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