When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 110 The Highest State Of Self-Hypnosis: Han Guang, I Have Caught Up With You! (Please Custom

Knowing the purpose of Kakashi's visit, Han Guang thought for a moment.

He is completely immune to the spiritual attribute, and there is no way to spread it out.

"However, I can split my understanding into a technique and give it to him."

You know, Han Guang's spiritual attributes are due to the above points.

Although he didn't deliberately learn spiritual mysteries, he was able to beat the Yamanaka clan just by relying on his superficial understanding of spirit.

This is like a big mountain. It only needs to drop a stone to kill the people at the foot of the mountain.

Because, his height is too high.

Thinking of this, Han Guang gestured.

Under the jujube tree.

The two sat opposite each other.

Han Guang cleared his throat and started teaching.

"My secret technique is called 【Self Hypnosis Technique】."

"As the name suggests, it is to bury a piece of false information in your mind and continue to sleep by yourself.

"Once someone uses the spirit mystic technique to investigate, this piece of information will be detonated, causing his mystic technique to be blinded."

After speaking, Han Guang saw Kakashi lost in thought.

"Disinformation? Self Hypnosis?"

Mumbling to himself, Kakashi frowned.

Literally, this method is not difficult to understand. But how to practice it?

"Well, can you be more specific?" Kakashi was a little embarrassed.

After all, I am a genius ninja, but I don't know how to practice it. This made him feel a deep sense of frustration.

"Hmm~~ Let me tell you a story." After thinking about it, Han Guang had an idea.

Kakashi hastily straightened his posture, as if he was seriously listening to the class in the ninja school.

【It is said that there is a bandit named Kakashi. Daily work is robbery. 】

[Although he relies on robbery, he lives comfortably. But his dream is not to be a bandit. 】

【His dream is to become a hero!】

【Every morning, he would say to himself: Kakashi, you are a hero!】

[Every time he finishes this sentence, he will be full of energy. 】

【Until one day, he saw other bandits beating a few civilians. So ya—he rushed up and lost. 】

【The word hero exploded in his mind, making him extremely heroic. 】

【In the end, he repelled the bandits and became a real hero!】

The story is over.

Kakashi doesn't care about the name of the protagonist of the story.

Because he knew that Han Guang wanted to make himself feel more involved and easier to understand.

"Heroes are false information implanted in the mind.

"This also seems to be an ideal, a belief?"

"Does he hold on to that belief every day?"

Kakashi was talking to himself.

Han Guang nodded and reminded again.

"Kakashi, don't you have a belief, or a goal?"


Kakashi froze for a moment, his own goal appeared in his mind.

"I've caught up with you!" He blurted out this sentence instinctively.

Han Guang: "What did you say?"

"I said, I've caught up with you! Han Guang." Kakashi said firmly.

Hearing this sentence, Han Guang's head was full of black lines.

Catch up with me? I went around the ninja world and ran behind your butt, and you did catch up to me.

Obviously, Kakashi digressed.

"If you want to resist the spiritual probing of the Yamanaka clan, you need to implant a righteous and glorious word. Can you understand this?"

"I understand!" Kakashi nodded.

"Very well, what words do you want to implant now?" Han Guang asked.

"Secret!" Kakashi shook his head without revealing it.

Han Guang looked surprised.

You're already born, you've learned my secret technique, but you're still guarding against me?

Kakashi is gone.

Before leaving, Han Guang threw the scroll back.

Nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning.

After getting up, Han Guang first watered the jujube trees and saplings, and received a kind response.


"What did you say? Zaoshu bullied you?"

Han Guang looked up in surprise.

I saw that the leaves of the jujube tree had extended to the head of the young sapling.

"You are going too far."

Han Guang criticized the jujube tree and bent the branch to one side.

After mediating the dispute, he glanced at the attribute panel.

Ability: Intermediate perception (100 meters)

"Huh? Perception doubled?"

Han Guang was greatly surprised.

He remembered that the range of perception was only 10 meters yesterday, so it doubled to 100 meters?


I turned on the perception test, and within a radius of 100 meters, there is nothing to hide.

The color is a bit sad, black and white.

Just when he was about to turn off his perception, a figure appeared within the range of perception.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After a while, footsteps sounded, and Anko ran into the yard.

"Something went wrong!" Anko's voice was loud.

"Huh? Something happened again?"

Han Guang was a little confused.

Why do things happen every day in this village?

"What's up?"

"I heard a lot of ninjas discussing in the morning that a team on the front line has defected and switched to Sand Shinobi Anko speaks very fast.


"Rebellion? Does this have anything to do with us?" Han Guang was suspicious.

Shouldn't Third Hokage be anxious about this?

"Do you know what team that is?" Anko continued talking with his hips akimbo.

"What team, it doesn't matter to me." Han Guang looked calm.

"That's the intelligence team!"

It's just an intelligence team, and it has nothing to do with me.

I don't know why Anko is so anxious.

"You! Don't think about it, if that team reveals the defense layout of the front line to Sand Shinobi, the front line will definitely be broken again." Anko snorted.

"If it breaks, it will break. Does this have anything to do with me?" Han Guang glanced at the other party and said the same sentence again.

Anko's face was swollen with anger.

He found that Han Guang was just saying that sentence back and forth.

"Is there anything else you want? Come and have dinner with me." Han Guang greeted.

"Warm? Where are you going to eat?" Anko's anger disappeared immediately.

"Happy soup bath."


on the street.

Han Guang really found that many people were talking about the mutiny of the frontline team.

It made him feel a little strange.

Shouldn't the village's uterus keep this kind of thing a secret? Why does it seem like all the ninjas in the village know about it?

How did Third Generation become Hokage?

How could such a morale-damaging scandal not be covered up?

Han Guang didn't know that Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to cover up this matter, but in the end it was spread by someone, and spread to the whole village. .

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