When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 112 Extreme Rescue! Obito's Hope! Han Guang! (Please Customize)

Under the tree at the entrance of the village.

Han Guang's eyes narrowed.

"I finally found you! Obito!"

After Han Guang's words fell, Kakashi and the others were stunned for a moment, and then their faces were overjoyed.

"Found Obito?"

"Where is he?"

"Let's go save him!"

Several people were extremely excited.

Obito has been kidnapped for so long, finally there is news.

"He was on a cliff and went down."

Han Guang replied.

Then said: "Kakashi, you lead the team to do this task, I will go to Teacher Minato and rescue Obito.

Leaving this sentence behind, Han Guang disappeared in a flash.


As soon as Kakashi yelled, the other party disappeared.

He turned to look at Anko.

"Anko! You lead the team to do this task, I will go to Han Guang and the teacher to rescue Obito."

Kakashi left in an instant.

"What about you?" Anko's face was swollen with anger.

Then, her eyes fell on 01 Uzuki Xiyan.

"Stop talking! I'm going to save people too."

Uzuki Xiyan ran towards the village without waiting for Anko to speak.

"Otherwise, shall we go together?" At this time, Yamato said weakly.

He was very worried that the remaining two people would continue to shirk, until he was the only one left.

"Okay, let's go together."

Residence of Namikaze Minato.

When Han Guang broke into the house, Namikaze Minato looked surprised and put down the scroll in his hand.

"I see you are in a hurry, something very important?"

"Teacher, I found Obito." Han Guang blurted out.

"Huh? Where?"

Minato straightened his face and hurriedly asked.

"Do you have a map?"

"Yes, I'll set it up."

The map is spread out on the table.

Han Guang pointed to the border line near the sea.


"Yes! There is a cliff here. According to the feedback from the tree, Obito once grabbed a branch, but he still fell under the cliff."

"When did Obito fall?" asked Namikaze Minato.

"Just now!" Han Guang answered briefly.

Namikaze Minato is unbelievable.

He looked at Han Guang, as if he had just met this disciple.

"You mean, you passed through the trees and found that Obito just fell off the cliff?" Namikaze Minato confirmed again,


After getting the exact reply, Namikaze Minato's heart turned upside down.

What is this pervert detection capability?

From the village, Han Guang was able to detect the movement of the border in real time?

This ability is simply incredible.

"Han Guang, you are probing through the roots between trees, right?" Namikaze Minato asked.

"Yes! Teacher, it is important to save people!"

Han Guang urged.

Obito fell off the cliff, sir, did you stop analyzing my ability?

Soon, Namikaze Minato packed some ninja tools, and the two walked out of the house.

As soon as he went out, Han Guang saw that the ninth class was waiting outside the door.


"Han Guang, Obito is a member of the ninth class, I will definitely go." Kakashi said firmly.

"We'll go too." Anko agreed.

"Fuck you guys! Kakashi follows, the others wait in the village.

Han Guang has black lines all over his head.

Immediately, he and Mr. Minato jumped onto the roof one after another, and a few jumps disappeared.

"Did you hear that? You are waiting in the village."

Kakashi repeated Han Guang's order and followed.

Anko curled his lips and looked at the others: "Did you hear that? You are waiting in the village."

After speaking, she chased after Kakashi.

"That... I think." Yamato said weakly.

"No matter! Let's go together!"

Maoyue Xiyan made the final decision.

The three of them also jumped onto the roof one after another, and chased after Anko.

Inside the cave.

Obito was dying.

His broken leg was connected, but his broken shoulder could not be connected.


Shaving off a White Zetsu shoulder, Uchiha Madara attached it to Obito.

"Master Madara, I'm here to help."

Another White Zetsu stepped forward and wrapped Obito into a rice dumpling with bandages.

After doing all this, Uchiha Madara sat back on the chair with a cloudy look on his face.

"Little ghost, I just want you to become stronger, you have disappointed me so much."


Obito opened his mouth and let out a rapid breathing sound.

"You said you like planting trees, and I agreed. You like to practice alone, and I didn't monitor you."

"I thought you were a timeless brat."

Speaking of which, Uchiha Madara stood up.

A spell appeared in his hand and he walked up to Obito.

"In order to prevent you from acting irrationally, I can only use some necessary means.


Obito's eyes were fixed on the other person, or rather, the spell.


Without warning, his chest was pierced and a spell was implanted into his heart.


Obito wanted to curse, but still couldn't.

"White Zetsu, deal with it."

Madara waved her hand and returned to her chair.

Obito was wrapped again, thicker than before.

With his left hand clenched into a fist, 057 tightly held a stack of leaves.

at dusk.

Uchiha Madara, who woke up from his nap, glanced at Obito and saw that the kid was past the danger.

"Master Madara, I checked it just now. According to his recovery speed, it will take half a month to complete the initial fusion." White Zetsu Kaidō.

"Half a month?"

Uchiha Madara nodded.

This time is not too long, maybe you can wait until Rock Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi raid Konoha.

At that time, it was just time to start the plan and open the eyes of this kid.

"As long as this kid falls into darkness, he will understand that only the eyes of the moon can create a new world.

With emotion, Madara suddenly froze.

He found that the kid was staring straight at him.

Moreover, he kept moving his mouth there, scolding himself.

"You really don't know how to be grateful~~ I saved you, but you insulted me silently?"


At this time, Black Zetsu emerged from the ground.

"Master Madara, the warning trap I set on the cliff has been triggered."

"Huh?" Uchiha Madara frowned.

"There is no one living here, why would anyone come to worry about the house?"


At this time, Obito exhausted his strength and took a big breath.

His eyes were extremely bright.

The leaves clenched tighter in his hand. .

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