When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 126 Three Wood Style Ninjas Out Of Konoha! Hope Of Namikaze Minato! (Please Customize)

Leave the happy soup bath.

Han Guang walked towards the entrance of the village.

To find out the location of Mr. Minato, using trees is undoubtedly the fastest way.

Whizzing. Whoosh.

At this time, several figures appeared together and chased after them.

"Why are you here?"

Turning his head to look at Class Nine, Han Guang was rather surprised.

The news from Class Nine is so fast?

"Han Guang, just now Hokage ordered us to escort Danzo to the negotiation." Obito said.

"Escort Danzo? Let him go by himself." Han Guang directly refused.

Negotiate a deal and return TM escort, are the roots all dead?

Then, his tone sank: ‘Ms. Minato has an accident!


"Ms. Minato is dead?"

"Who did it?"

Class Nine was extremely shocked.

Han Guang had black lines all over his face.

Is there something wrong with the ears of the "650" of this group of people? Laozi is talking about an accident, not death.

"Han Guang, take me!" Kakashi said solemnly.

"Me too." Obito agreed.

"And me!" Yamato shook his fist.

"Master Han Guang, I will follow you to the death. Wherever you go, I will go." White Zetsu also released the transformation, with a firm tone.


"Okay! The rest of you don't have to go." Han Guang waved his hand, interrupting Anko's speech.

With a group of oil bottles, if there is an accident on the way, M will turn around to save you.

Watching Han Guang and the others leave quickly, Anko pouted.

"I'm going to practice hard!"

"Me too." Lin said with a firm face.

"Let's work hard together, otherwise, it will be difficult to catch up with them." Uzuki Xiyan cheered for the sisters.

village entrance.

Standing under the tree, Xia Guang began to communicate with the tree technique.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Mr. Minato is not dead yet.

"How?" Kakashi asked.

"To the west, one thousand miles! On a mountain." Han Guang responded briefly.

After finishing speaking, he walked toward the western Kunan

"Go, keep up."

Kakashi and the others looked at each other and rushed out one after another.


White Zetsu escaped into the ground and also accelerated forward.

Along the way, Han Guang glanced at the properties panel.

Physique: 9126(*) [immortal level]

On the lush hills.

Namikaze Minato was short of breath, and his face was faintly green.

Not just him.

The other three were similarly poisoned.

In contrast, Namikaze Minato poisoning is more serious.

"It's careless, I didn't expect Sand Shinobi to smear poison on his body!"

Glancing down the mountain with a solemn expression, Namikaze Minato regretted secretly.

Originally, with his unstoppable speed, he easily killed dozens of Sand Shinobi sneaking into the army, but it can be deduced that——

There are also a few poisonous people in the Sand Shinobi army.

After using the Flying Thunder God to kill a poisonous man, he was directly smeared with poisonous blood without noticing.

"Minato, the mountain is surrounded by Sand Shinobi." Akamichi Dinobi came closer, panting.

He was also poisoned. But it's not the poison of the poisoner, but the poison gas released by Sand Shinobi.

At this time, Yamanaka released his perception and his face was ugly.

"Sand Shinobi is searching for us, and it won't be long before they will be able to search the foot of the mountain.

Haiyi's meaning is very clear, that is, after Sand Shinobi finishes searching the foot of the mountain, he will head towards the mountain.

"This is troublesome." Nara Lujiu frowned.

"You can't help it?" Several people hurriedly asked.

Nara Lujiu is the team's think tank, if he can't do anything, it will be really troublesome.

Being questioned by several people, Nara shook his head for a long time.

"If Sand Shinobi comes to search closely, we still have a chance to escape the encirclement. Be afraid, they release poison gas directly.

This sentence, Lu Jiu said very directly.

Because their team was forced to retreat by poison gas. Even Namikaze Minato was deeply poisoned, and Chakra was out of ten.

"Minato, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, Lujiu saw Minato touching a tree. This surprised him greatly.

"It's okay, I think this tree is cute." Namikaze Minato smiled weakly.

However, his smile is a bit weird, the green smiling face looks like a ghost, and several people are frightened after seeing it for a long time.

"Minato, are you poisoned too deeply and have hallucinations?" Lu Jiu asked, observing the other party.

"No." Namikaze Minato shook his head.

Not yet?

You said the trees are cute, but this is clearly an illusion...

"By the way, Lujiu, you write this mission into a report. It is very unusual for the Sand Shinobi troops to circle behind!" Namikaze Minato warned.

"Now is not the time to write a report, Minato [I feel that you are also very unusual." Nara Shikajiu persuaded.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Minato was taken aback.

"Don't touch the tree, just rest for a while." Lu Jiu didn't want to talk anymore.


The Namikaze Minato station is unsteady.

The toxicity has been deep, melting his Chakra all the time.

His face was greener, almost the same color as the leaves.

Even so, he still did not rest on the rock, but leaned against the tree.

"Sand Shinobi is halfway up the mountain."

Yamanaka displayed his perception again and whispered to everyone.

"My Chakra is no longer enough to continue perception."

This is the last time he used his perception.

Because, his Chakra was also ablated to see.


Suddenly, a strange voice sounded.

Minato and Hai looked together, and they were all stunned.

I saw that Nara Lujiu was peeing on his clothes.

"Lu Jiu, what is this?"


After a brief explanation, Lu Jiu tore the clothes into four pieces and handed them out to several people.

"Tie it to your face, we'll rush out later." Lu Jiu said in a deep voice.

Namikaze Minato didn't answer.

Yamanaka didn't answer at all.

Only Akamichi Ding 3.5 took over.

Just as he was about to tie it to his face, he was immediately so smoked that his head was buzzing, his hands trembled, and he threw the cloth strip out of the hospital.

"Hey! Lu Jiu, your smell is too strong!"

"Maybe I've gotten a little angry recently." Lu Jiu explained.

Namikaze Minato and Yamanaka looked at each other.

Before the two of them picked it up, they were overwhelmed by the smell. If this is tied, wouldn't it just make you faint?

At that time, there is no need to run, just wait to be stabbed to death by Sand Shinobi.

"My suggestion is that we can be in the first lotus."

Eventually, Namikaze Minato found a reason.

He believed in Han Guang.

He believed in this disciple and set me to find myself.

[Thank you, Big Brother Yanchenzi, for the reward of 1000 points] [Ask for a monthly ticket].

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