When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 128 Crushing Fengluo! White Zetsu Set Yamato! (Please Customize)

Han Guang thinks that this Sand Shinobi is very pretentious.

So he decided to crush the opponent.

"Be careful of the opponent's poison!" Namikaze Minato reminded.


Han Guang's figure flashed out, knocking the surrounding air into a sonic boom.

Feng Luo was in a trance, and found Han Guang standing on his face.

"What the hell speed is this?" Feng Luo turned pale with shock.

He knew that the opponent was fast, but this was too fast?

With a movement of his palm, a tube of poison slipped out of his sleeve.

He wants to release poisonous gas to force the opponent.

But the next moment——

Feng Luo noticed something strange.

Because he couldn't feel the poison in his hand. No, I can't even feel my arms.


Blood spattered, and his arm was ripped off.



A huge force slapped his face, making his brain buzz.

Feng Luo was dumbfounded.

His head was dizzy, and he felt as if he was flying.

After a while.

Feng Luo's eyes widened, watching him fall to the ground,


This scene happened too fast.

When a group of Sand Shinobi reacted, Captain Fengluo had already been thrown to the top of the mountain.

mountain top.

Feng Luo was lying on the ground, with blood spattering from his shoulder.

He leaned on his left arm and tried to stand up.

Unfortunately, a foot kicked on the palm of his hand.


The palm of the hand was directly smashed.

"Wood Style Han Guang! Your Wood Style was broken by me, and you actually switched to physical skills?" Feng Luo gritted his teeth, his face full of resignation.

He finally knew why Baki and Hakura were defeated by this person.

It turned out that he was defeated by physique.

"I might as well tell you that I didn't use Wood Style." Han Guang said lightly.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible." Feng Luo screamed.

Just at this moment, a figure of Kou Dao appeared on the top of the mountain.

"I'm late."

"Finally caught up."

Kakashi and the others panted heavily and finally caught up.


Obito rushed over and stepped on Fengluo.

"I see the enemy! Leave it to me々.

"And me." Yamato also jumped over and stepped Feng Luo's head into the soil.


Kakashi looked at Namikaze Minato, and tried to shout.

He found that the teacher's face was green, the same color as the leaves.

"I'm poisoned, don't care about the color." Namikaze Minato explained weakly.

"I'm going up!"

Obito couldn't bear it anymore, and swept over Sand Shinobi a hundred meters away.

After his strength surged, he had never fought a hearty battle.

Now, the opportunity is at hand.


Obito's eyes turned into Sharingan, and he rushed straight down the slope.

At the same time, his hands snapped together.


Under the swoop, Wood Style was cast.

A section of tree branches broke out from the ground and rolled towards Sand Shinobi.

"Senior White Zetsu, fit together!"

At this moment, Yamato called out.


White Zetsu emerged from the ground, his body split open.

Immediately, White Zetsu wrapped Yamato and rushed down the hillside.

Han Guang: "???"

Namikaze Minato: "???"

Ino–Shika–Chō: "???"

Han Guang rubbed his chin with a strange expression on his face.

What is this? White Zetsu set Yamato?

"No wonder, Yamato has been hanging out with White Zetsu lately."

In Han Guang's vision, the combined Yamato, Wood Style is much stronger than Obito. And not afraid of Sand Shinobi's gas.

"White Zetsu can increase Wood Style? What an amazing ability." Namikaze Minato was amazed.

"Indeed." Han Guang nodded.

Immediately, he glanced at Kakashi, "Kakashi, are you upright?

"No." Kakashi shook his head.

He's a little bit battered.

Obito's strength has surpassed himself, even that kid Yamato has surpassed himself.

This makes Kakashi very uncomfortable.

The battle ended quickly.

The two Wood Style ninjas dispatched and completely swept this wave of Sand Shinobi. As for the poisonous gas of Sand Shinobi, it has also become a decoration.

Because, Obito's Sharingan can easily avoid the gas range. And Yamato, wrapped in White Zetsu, was fine after jumping around in the poisonous gas for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Ino–Shika–Chō was filled with emotion.

"I really didn't expect that the strength of these Xiaowei has already surpassed ours.

"Don't forget, they're Wood Style ninjas."

"Yeah, having this kind of ability is indeed incomparable to us."

After a while.

Feng Luo was surrounded by the crowd.

"Why do you have to go around the rear?" Namikaze Minato began to interrogate.

Feng Luo remained silent.

"He probably wouldn't say it." Lu Jiu reminded.

If he can lead a team around the territory of the Fire Country, this person will definitely not easily reveal information.

"Let Obito interrogate him." Han Guang said casually.

"`#暖?" Obito's face lit up.

see? see?

At critical moments, you have to rely on my king!

Sharingan opens, and Obito casts Hypnosis on Funglo.

"Why are you going around?"

"Master Chiyo's order." Feng Luo's eyes were dull.

"What's the specific reason?"

"have no idea."


Han Guang stood up and broke Feng Luo's neck.

"Warm? I haven't found any valuable news yet?" Obito looked depressed.

He only asked two questions before he was crushed to death by Han Guang.

"Han Guang, why don't you let Obito continue the trial?" Namikaze Minato wondered.

"There is no need to interrogate, he will not know the confidential information."

Han Guang shook his head.

His gaze turned towards the direction of the village.

Then said: "We are going back to the village immediately."

Several people were stunned.

Han Guang What does this mean?

Are you in such a hurry to go back to the village?

"I see!"

At this time, Nara Lujiu suddenly realized.

(Wang's) He looked at Han Guang with shock in his eyes.

This student of Minato is simply too smart.

If Han Guang hadn't said this, Lu Jiu would not have thought of the reason.

"Lujiu, do you also feel that you have to go back to the village immediately?" Namikaze Minato asked.

"That's right! The sooner the better!" Lu Jiu's tone seemed anxious.

"No, I'm dizzy! Who can remind me?" Obito looked confused.

"Let's go first! Let's talk on the road."

On the way back to the village.

Seeing that Han Guang had no intention of explaining, Nara Lujiu could only speak for himself.

"Sand Shinobi circles around, that's a signal."

Lu Jiu said in a deep voice.

"Signal?" Several people were suspicious.

"That's right, the signal for Cloud Shinobi and Rock Shinobi to raid the frontier.

Having said that, he heaved a bunch of sighs.

"I am afraid that by now, Cloud Shinobi and Rock Shinobi have broken through the border."

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