When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 130: Han Guang's Sassy Operation! Danzo's Darkest Hour Is Approaching! (Please Cus

early morning.

Birds chirping endlessly.

The ninth class tidied up and prepared to continue returning to the village.

"Han Guang, did you make the slogan around here?" Namikaze Minato looked at the slogan on the tree trunk and turned to ask.

"Not me." Han Guang shook his head.

Then he said: "The vocabulary was thought of by Obito, and the slogan was nailed by Morino Ibiki.

Obito staggered to the side.

Morinoi Bixi had black lines all over his head, turned his head and went back to the supply station.

"Teacher, your complexion is still recovering." Han Guang joked.

"Really?" Minato touched his face, feeling that he had indeed recovered a lot.

At least the Chakra in the body is sufficient, and the green color on the face has faded a lot,

"Hurry up, you should be able to return to the village at noon." Nara Lujiu urged.


As soon as he finished speaking, he felt his feet stop and he fell to the ground.

"Who? Who tripped me?"

Getting up from the ground with his face covered in dirt, Nara Shijiu looked around.

As a result, no one came close to him at all.

"Lu Jiu, did you accidentally?" Ding Zuo looked puzzled.

"There is no one around you." Yamanaka also responded.

"No, someone grabbed my foot just now." Lu Jiu was very sure.

He looked at Class Nine and found that no one paid any attention to him.

And that Han Guang is the furthest away from him.

"He must have ordered White Zetsu to do it!"

Lu Jiu was sure that it was Han Guang who tripped him just now.

I just reminded myself, is Xiaowei so narrow-minded?

I haven't even complained about what happened last night.

Along the way, Han Guang glanced at the properties panel.

Ability: Ultimate Perception (10,000 meters)

"Now, my perception has finally achieved something."

With a slight movement in his heart, he turned on the perception.

In an instant, the environment within a radius of ten kilometers comes into mind.

At the same time, a steady stream of Chakra is consumed.

"This consumption is so big?"

Han Guang was quite surprised.

In just ten seconds of perception time, Chakra actually consumed one-thousandth of it?

Turning off the perception, Han Guang has a new understanding of this ability.


The group returned to the village.

"I'm going to report on this mission, you guys

Speaking of this, Namikaze Minato suddenly froze.

He almost forgot that Class 9 is no longer led by himself, but belongs to Anbu.

"Teacher, we have chosen.

Han Guang waved his hand as a farewell gesture.

"I'm going back to the family first." Obito's tone seemed excited.

Glancing at Obito, Han Guang didn't bother to tell him.

Back home in a flash.

Han Guang first watered the two trees.



The trees responded kindly and expressed their gratitude.

"White Zetsu."

Sitting on the chair, Han Guang made a sound.


"Master Han Guang."

White Zetsu emerged from the ground.

"Can you create a clone?" Han Guang asked.

Thanks to White Zetsu helping Mr. Minato restore Chakra last night, Han Guang guessed that Rijue can create a clone.

"Yes! But my clone ability will be weakened." White Zetsu responded truthfully.

"Make one and let me see."


White Zetsu's body squirmed for a while, and then, another White Zetsu split out.

Looking at the freshman White Zetsu, Han Guang put his hand on the opponent's shoulder.

After a while.

He understands.

"I see! You're almost a Wood Style clone."

From Han Guang's point of view, White Zetsu's clone is almost identical to Wood Style's clone. The only difference is that the ability has been weakened and remains unchanged.

"Make a few spores!"

"Okay, Lord Han Guang."

Several spores were thrown out by White Zetsu and landed in Han Guang's hands.

"I'll assign you a task now."

While conveying Chakra, Guoguang spoke by the way.

"Split a few more clones, and then let those Anbu gather in the base hall."

"What about Class Nine?" White Zetsu asked.

"Don't call them! Just gather Anbu outside the ninth class."

"Master Han Guang, what do you mean?"

"Get rid of them and replace them all with your avatars." Han Guang looked calm.

White Zetsu looks adoring!

As expected, it is Mr. Han Guang.

In this way, Anbu is completely full of his own people.

0...seeking flowers


Anbu's deputy captain Huozhiliuli issued an order, and all Anbu went to the base to gather.

Except for the ninth class who did not receive the news, all the other newly joined Anbu received it.

Han Guang walked into the Anbu base.

In the lobby.

Except for Class Nine, the other eight Anbu students were all present.

"Huh? Why is there only Han Guang in the ninth class?"

Some people find it strange.

Of course, it's just weird.

After all, Han Guang is the actual controller of Anbu. If he comes, it doesn't matter if others come or not.

After a while.

Liuli appeared.

"Everyone, I have an important announcement to make now." Liuli looked around at the crowd and spoke slowly.

"This thing is—"

"Please die!"

The voice fell.

Several Anbu were shocked.

"You don't keep your word!"

They were already on the same boat as Class Nine, but now, Han Guang turned his face?

Everyone knows that Liuli is just a puppet, and Han Guang is the master.

Puff puff!

Han Guang's figure leaped extremely fast, killing several Anbu's.


At this time, a man named White Zetsu came out from the ground and wrapped the body.

For a short while.

Several Anbu were replaced.

ten minutes later.

Han Guang walked out from the base.

"Congratulations to Lord Han Guang!"

At the gate of the base, the group Anbu respected Tian Sheng.

Hokage office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen wrote a scroll and handed it to Danzo.

"Danzo, this negotiation task is all up to you." Sarutobi Hiruzen said in a solemn tone.

The three major alliances are besieging Konoha, and Sarutobi Hiruzen must win over one of them. Only in this way can the crisis in the village be resolved.

Although it took a day to delay, it was still too late.

Facing Hiruzen's expectation, Danzo snorted coldly.

"Which crisis in the village doesn't depend on me?"

Speaking of which, he continued: "However, I ask all Anbu to escort me!"

Hearing Danzo's request, Sarutobi Hiruzen pondered for a moment.

"Okay! I promise you!"

【Ask for flowers】【Ask for a monthly ticket】【Ask for an evaluation ticket】.

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