When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 138: People's Hearts Are Unstable! Han Guang's Fist Wind Almost Swept Away Namikaz

Konoha Village in the early morning, the atmosphere is extraordinarily dignified.

As everyone knows, Danzo defected last night.

On the street, people were discussing and worried about the current situation.

Hokage office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smashed the desk and the documents fell to the floor.

"Why? Why did Danzo defect?"

He knew the news last night and thought about it all night.

Thinking about it until now, Sarutobi Hiruzen still can't figure out why Danzo defected.

"With status comes power. Danzo defected just because of a sneak attack by Uchiha?" Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't understand.

Can sit at the pinnacle of village power, who has not experienced being attacked or assassinated?

"There must be other reasons for this."

Forced to calm down, Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up the roots of last night's report.

According to Root, Danzo was Root's base that arrived last night.

Upon entering the base, Danzo ordered all root members to defect.

Then, the righteous root ninja refuses and fights with Danzo.

Danzo was defeated and escaped from the village.

"The root ninja chased to the entrance of the village, only to find that Danzo joined other people."

When his eyes fell on this line of content, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a great sense of crisis in his heart.

"The others, who are they?"

"It must not be from the village."

"Is it Sand Shinobi? Rock Shinobi? Or Cloud Shinobi?"

In his opinion, no matter which side it is, it is a heavy blow to Konoha.

"Come on."

A clansman was summoned, and Sarutobi Hiruzen gave the order.

"Go to the Country of Grass immediately and call back Namikaze Minato and Han Guang.


Seeing the clansmen leave quickly, Sarutobi Hiruzen was restless.

Negotiations are definitely dead, and once Rock Shinobi knows that Danzo has defected, he will definitely raid again.

"Minato is still reliable, at least more reliable than those families."

"After all, he is Jiraiya's apprentice."

Sarutobi Hiruzen completely forgot that before that, he was extremely dissatisfied with Namikaze Minato.

The secret room of the Nara clan.

The patriarchs of several families gathered together.

"First Orochimaru defected, this was followed by Danzo's defection. Third Hokage is fully responsible~々

"One is his apprentice, and the other is his partner."

"Once other ninja villages know the news, they will definitely launch a surprise attack."

"And Danzo's defection, this will definitely hit the ten spirits of the ninjas in our village.

Several patriarchs were aggrieved and denounced Third Hokage.

"Okay, now Minato is not in the village, let's talk about it when he comes back." Nara decided.

Anbu base.

Several people in Kakashi gathered together, looking dignified.

"Han Guang must have followed Mr. Minato to Rock Shinobi to negotiate." Kakashi said.

"Then are they in danger?" Anko looked worried.

"There is definitely a danger! Once Rock Shinobi knows that Danzo has defected, the negotiations will definitely break down."

"Then let's save them!"

Following Anko's words, several people looked over in unison.

"Anko, what Han Guang said is right! You have to recognize yourself." Kakashi was speechless.


Kakashi decided to form a three-person team with Obito Yamato and go to the country of grass to meet Han Guang.

Ministry of Security.

Uchiha Fugaku stood at the window, watching the scene of the village.

"It seems that the village will soon undergo drastic changes..."

God has no adjacent bridge.

Han Guang looked up and watched Master Minato insert a kunai into a tree.

"Teacher, you chose a good way to retreat."

Han Guang couldn't help but praise.

"You acted too impulsively, I must leave a way out." Namikaze Minato looked helpless.

After finishing speaking, he threw another handful of Kunai over.

"Once in danger, I will teleport to you first, and then teleport you here."

"It should not be used."

Han Guang muttered something, and put away Kunai.



The two jumped out and passed quickly on the bridge.

Once across the bridge, Han Guang and Namikaze Minato accelerated again.

"Ten miles ahead, we will enter the Land of Earth."

Along the way, Namikaze Minato reminds.

"According to Kenjiro's information, the nearest Rock Shinobi outpost is at Mound Hill. We will attack Mound Hill."

"no problem!"

Han Guang replied.

After a while.

The two entered the Land of Earth and went straight to Tianqiu Mountain.

The Mound Mountain is the only way to go deep into the Land of Earth. Since the terrain is a dirt mountain, Rock Shinobi placed the outpost here.

The mound mountain is towering and has a natural defensive advantage.

After a while.

Han Guang and Namikaze Minato stood at the foot of the mound, overlooking the outpost on the slope.

"They found us." Namikaze Minato reminded.

"It's normal to be found!" Han Guang said indifferently.

In such open terrain, if Rock Shinobi can't find it, then hell.

"`" Han Guang, I suggest that we..."


Before Namikaze Minato's suggestion was finished, Han Guang charged towards the slope.

"Sure enough, I still can't guess you~~" Namikaze Minato clutched his forehead.

All the disciples got on, but he only Shao followed.

"Enemy attack!"

On the dirt slope, Rock Shinobi sent out a signal.

Soon, a dozen Rock Shinobi ran out of the post and stood on the edge of the hill.

"The enemy rushes up very fast!"

"Don't be careless! Earth Style Ninjutsu is ready!"


More than a dozen Rock Shinobi formed seals one after another, clapping their hands to the ground.

"Earth Style——earth crack!"

"Earth Style——earth crack!"

"Earth Style——earth crack!"

for a moment.

The ground shook, and bandits burst out of cracks.

Cracked rocks and clods rolled down the hillside.

Under the blessing of inertia, the rock and soil clods are rolling down faster and faster.

"Han Guang, pay attention to dodge!"

Namikaze (Li Wang's) Minato reminded loudly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, his expression froze.

I see.

Han Guang's speed didn't weaken at all, he just rushed straight towards the oncoming rock.

Then, Han Guang punched out.


Squeezed by the high-speed fist, the air was directly crushed, causing a terrifying flow.

Namikaze Minato felt a strong suction force that almost rolled him in front of Han Guang.

"What the hell kind of power is this?"

Namikaze Minato is unbelievable.

Han Guang just swung his fist, but the wind of the fist almost swept him over?


The wind is stirring.

The wind of Han Guang's fist hit the rolling rock.

In an instant.

Large pieces of rock were swept away.


Han Guang rushed straight up, and his eyes fell on Rock Shinobi on the slope.

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