When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 141 The Rock Shinobi Group Is Destroyed! Han Guang: Ninjutsu Is Just A Hobby, I Am Actually

The black ball floated out of the pit and quickly lifted into the air.

"What is this?"

Huang Tu looked at the black ball, feeling something was wrong.

"Captain, get it black." A subordinate suggested.

No matter what it is, just smash it up?

"Try it!" Huang Tu nodded.

After receiving the order, this Ming Rock Shinobi bears the mark.

"Earth Style——Earth Ball Cannon Technique!"

A ball of earth condensed from his hands.



Terrible gravity appeared.

This Rock Shinobi had just condensed the ball out of the soil, and before he had time to launch it, he even flew out with the ball.

Not just him.

The surrounding Rock Shinobi couldn't control their bodies one after another, attracted by gravity, and flew towards the black ball in mid-air.

"What the fuck is this?"

Huang Tu was terrified, and felt a terrible gravitational force pulling him to "417".

He tried to forcefully stand on the ground, but he still couldn't get rid of the pull of gravity.


His body floated up and flew towards the black ball.

Click, click.

Under the gravitational force, the ground collapsed.

A large piece of rocky soil broke away from the ground and floated towards mid-air.


Thousands of Rock Shinobi were terrified.

Because they found that they couldn't escape this gravitational force at all, and were completely pulled by the gravitational force.

This is a very strange picture.

The densely packed Rock Shinobi floated into the air, like a cloud of black ants, and flew towards the black ball.

Because there were too many people and too dense, these Rock Shinobi met together in mid-air.

Ever since, they grabbed their companions and held hands, forming a long floating team.

"Captain! What should we do?"

"Think about it."

"Once we get close to the black ball, it's over for sure.

"Mommy! I want to go home!"

A bunch of Rock Shinobi blew up.

They never imagined that the entire army would be wiped out in the blink of an eye even though they were still under a huge advantage the previous moment?

If you want to talk about wit, you have to be Huang Wang.

"Black ball! Everyone attack the black ball together!" Huangtu shouted, his voice extremely anxious.

Hearing the captain's order, many Rock Shinobi jumped onto the floating rocks.

But when they were about to cast Earth Style, they were dumbfounded.

"Captain, the rocks are floating, is it useful for us to cast Earth Style?"

"That's right! Even if we use ninjutsu, it's still these floating stones."

"It's getting closer, we're screwed."

"Huangtu, you are numb!"

Seeing as they are about to be sucked into the black ball, these Rock Shinobi can't hold back anymore. Some people even started to curse.

"Laozi stayed well at outpost No. 1, the bastard Huang Tu, who was brought to death by bandit love.


A Rock Shinobi is attracted to the black ball.

In full view, this Rock Shinobi was shot directly on the black ball, and his entire body turned into a piece of skin.

This scene made everyone's scalps tingle.

"It's over!"

A group of Rock Shinobi are desperate.


Suddenly, Huang Tu's body exploded and turned into a puddle of mud.

"Fuck! The captain has already run away, he is Nitian's avatar!"

Some subordinates shouted in shock.

How come they don't understand now? Captain Huangtu hid the main body from the beginning, leaving only a clay clone.

Baji, Baji, Baji.

More and more Rock Shinobi are attracted to the black ball, followed by a large area of ​​rocky soil.

inside the pit.

Han Guang crossed his arms and looked up at the scene.

"For the first time, the power was not used to the maximum. But the effect can be regarded as tested."


At this time, Namikaze Minato appeared next to Han Guang, full of vitality.

"Huh? Teacher, you fell down?" Han Guang looked surprised.

"Almost, almost, I was sucked away by this technique you performed." Namikaze Minato spat out the soil in his mouth, feeling a burst of fear.

He was going to support Han Guang, but who would have imagined that the black ball flew into the air before he rushed down the hillside.

Originally, Namikaze Minato wasn't worried.

Because he can avoid this gravity with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

But what he never expected was that within the scope of gravity, his Flying Thunder God Technique actually failed?

If he hadn't been far away from the center of gravity and used the aftermath of the explosion of the detonating talisman to escape, he would have lost sight of this student.

"Teacher, didn't I tell you? Remember to run away!" Han Guang looked puzzled.

"I didn't know you had such a terrifying technique!" Namikaze Minato looked helpless.

"You know this technique." Han Guang asked Kaidō seriously.

"What? I know? Impossible!"

"This is Rasengan..." Han Guang said the name of this technique.

Namikaze Minato:

At this moment, Namikaze Minato's expression was dull.


Is this Rasengan?

what are you kidding

"You mean, you practiced Rasengan and ended up like this?" Namikaze Minato asked word by word.

"Yes. It's not what you said, the teacher. The elements of Rasengan are rotation, spiral, stability, and control.

Speaking of which, Han Guang pointed to the sky,

"Look, teacher, doesn't this just fit the four points?"

Hearing Han Guang's explanation, Namikaze Minato took a deep breath.

His eyes are extremely complicated.

Then, he spit out a sentence: "Han Guang, you are a real genius on the way of ninjutsu!"

Being praised by the teacher, Han Guang looked shy.

"Actually, it's okay, it's just my hobby, and what I'm good at is gymnastics.

"You are really humble~~" Namikaze Minato didn't want to speak anymore.

"Wait a minute."

Han Guang made a sound and clasped his hands together.


A thick tree broke through the ground and bombarded towards one side.


After the loud noise, a figure appeared.

"Impossible! My Rock Shinobi technique can't be seen through." Huang Tu looked terrified and couldn't believe it.

His Rock Shinobi technique could not even be discovered by his father, but was discovered by Han Guang?

"You don't roll your eyes, how could 1.7 find me?"

"You talk too much nonsense."

Han Guang flashed out and grabbed Huang Tu's arm.

"What are you going to do? We can talk! We can talk about everything!" Huangtu panicked.

He tried to use negotiations to resolve his own crisis.


"You are not qualified enough! Let's talk about it in the next life.

Han Guang looked contemptuous, and his strength suddenly exploded.


Under the huge force, Jia Ochoku was caught flying.

"Han Guang!!!"

"My father will not let you go!"

With a loud hiss, the loess was thrown into the air and was trapped.

Namikaze Minato opened his mouth, and just about to persuade Han Guang, he was thrown away by him.

"Han Guang, in this case, who should we negotiate with?"

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets] [I kowtow to you].

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