When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 143 Onoki: Damn Cloud Shinobi, Actually Concealed Information About Han Guang? (Please Custo


Tsuchikage office.

Third Tsuchikage Onogi looked at the scroll in his hand.

After browsing, he compared the news from Huang Shi again.

"There is indeed a problem."

Mumbling to himself, Ohnoki fell into thought.

What can be judged now is that the news of the joint attack of the tripartite alliance was forged.

Its purpose is obvious, it is to let the three-party alliance attack Konoha.

"As speculated in Huangtu's report, a tripartite alliance as well as Konoha Village can be ruled out.

"Was it Kirigakure's new Mizukage? Or the recently exposed Uchiha Madara?"

Onoki frowned, guessing who was behind the scenes.

After thinking for a long time, he picked up another scroll.

The information on this scroll is the news that Danzo defected from Konoha.

"Why did the No. 2 person in power in a village defect? ​​Could it be that he was kicked out by Third Hokage just like Orochimaru?"

Ohnoki doesn't think Danzo did the forged news.

Because the time is not right.

But if you insist on putting it on, you can do it again.

"Could it be that Danzo of Konoha faked the 347 attack news? Then he was discovered by Third Hokage, so he was kicked out of Konoha Village?"

Thinking of this, Yinyemu felt dizzy.

He couldn't figure out who it was.

However, being cautious, he still agreed with Huangtu's withdrawal of large troops.

"No matter whose plot it is, as long as I, Rock Shinobi, stand still for the time being, I will be the biggest winner.

thump, thump, thump.

Suddenly, there was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a subordinate hurried in.

"Master Tsuchikage!" Tie Yan said eagerly.

"Huh? Tieyan? Aren't you supposed to be stationed at Tuqiushan Post?" Onoki looked suspicious.

You, the captain of the frontier team, why did you run back to the village?

"Something has happened!" Tie Yan gasped.

Continued: "Han Guang and Namikaze Minato of Konoha Village invaded the border and wiped out Captain Huangtu's elite troops."

"What did you say?"

Onogi's tone suddenly rose, and his eyeballs almost fell out.

Two people in Konoha Village? Destroyed thousands of elites led by Huangtu?

What the fuck are you kidding?

"It's true. That Han Guang performed a terrible (aieb) technique, sucking the entire army into the sky." Tie Yan responded anxiously.

"Where's Huangtu? Is he okay?" Onoki asked.

"Captain Huangtu was also sucked up." Tie Yan looked sad.


Onoki smashed the table with a slap and stared at Tie Yan.

"I ask you! Thousands of elites have been sucked away, why haven't you been sucked away?"

"I..." Tie Yan blushed, unable to answer for a while.

He really wanted to say that I just treated the wound at Post No. 1 and changed my clothes again, so I went late.

But this reason, even if he said it, Master Tsuchikage might not believe it.


Onoki flew out of the window and headed towards Tuqiu Mountain.

"Tsuchikage-sama, I'm not done yet!"

Seeing Tsuchikage drop himself, Tie Yan yelled hastily.

As a result, Onoki ignored him.

"It's over, I haven't talked about the negotiation yet." Tie Yan looked remorseful.

He turned over and jumped out of the window, and ran towards Wang Jinshan again.

Mound Hill ruins.

Onoki looked up at the giant soil ball in mid-air with a dignified expression.

"The land with a radius of more than ten miles was sucked into the air and condensed into this ball...

Now, he believed Tie Yan's words.

This is an extremely terrifying technique, and there is a high probability that it is some kind of application of gravity.

"Huangtu must be dead. Wood Style Han Guang? Isn't he Wood Style?"

With the threat level to Han Guang raised to the maximum in his heart, Onoki took a deep breath.

"I want to see how terrifying this technique is."

At this moment, the Chakra in Onoki's body kept surging, and his hands aimed at the pressure ball in mid-air.

"Dust Escape·Primary Realm Stripping Technique!"


A square transparent enchantment appeared in the center of his hands, emitting a bright white light.

next moment.

The white light was excited and bombarded the earth ball in midair.


The dust drifted, and a pit appeared on the soil ball.


Seeing the size of the pit, Yinyemu was stunned.

If the volume of the entire soil ball is compared to 100, then he has successfully knocked out 1% with this dust attack.

"Looks like I need to use the Boundary Stripping Technique."

With an incomparably dignified expression, Ohnoki aimed his hands at the ball again.

"Dust Escape · Boundary Stripping Technique!"

A more powerful white light shot out, knocking off the soil ball by three percent.

Onoki was lost in thought.

After a while.

His body jumped up and flew towards the soil ball.

Flying to the top of the soil ball, Ohnoki took a deep breath and pressed his hand on the soil ball.

"Super Light Heavy Rock Technique!"

Suddenly, the mass of the giant soil ball was greatly reduced.


At this moment, Chakra gushed out from Ohnoki's right hand, and rock and soil emerged to wrap his right arm.

"Drink! Rock Fist Technique!"

Ohnoki let out a loud cry, and punched the soil ball.

The soil ball vibrated and slowly fell towards the ground.


The moment it hit the ground, a huge vibration sounded, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

When Tie Yan rushed to Tuqiu Mountain out of breath, he saw Lord Tsuchikage standing beside a huge pit, dazed in a daze.

"Master Tsuchikage."

"Tie Yan, is this really the technique performed by that Wood Style Han Guang?" Onoki turned his head and asked.

"Yes." Tie Yan glanced at the soil ball in the huge pit, and nodded with difficulty.

"Since he let you go, he must have a purpose, right?" Onogi's tone was extremely low.

"Yes! He said that he came to negotiate! As a result, Captain Huangtu led an elite army to besiege him.

"Get to the point!" Onoki snapped.

"Uh, he said, if Master Tsuchikage agrees to negotiate, go to Konoha Village to find him." Tie Ruo hurriedly said.

"What if I disagree?"

"Then he'll throw the earthball into our village."

After hearing these words, Innoki fell silent.

a long time.

He finally came to his senses.

"No wonder!"

"No wonder the Cloud Shinobi army has been stopping in the soup country!"

"When Han Guang's ninth squad intercepted Cloud Shinobi, Cloud Shinobi must have suffered a lot!"

"Damn it! Cloud Shinobi didn't disclose any information, let this Han Guang come to us?"

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets] [For readers, fathers kneel down].

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