When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 157 Royal Sword Flying Version 2.0 == Dancing Kongshu! (Please Customize)

Obito is back.

He carried a gate and ran into the yard.


Seeing this scene, no matter how calm Han Guang was, he couldn't help but swear.

"Obito, why are you carrying an iron door behind your back?" Anko and the others were dumbfounded.

"Although you say you are afraid of heights, that's not the case, right?" Kakashi rolled his dead fish eyes.


When the iron gate was on the ground, Obito looked smug.

"Han Guang, this is what you said, anything is fine.

Saying that, Obito took out the bank note and put it in Han Guang's arms, for fear that the other party would regret it.

Han Guang sighed and put away the bank note.

He looked at the gate, then glanced at Obito.

"Obito, even if I can transform this door into a flying artifact, how will you carry it with you in the future?"

This is a very serious question.

In the future, when Obito goes out, he can't carry the door behind his back, right?

"Hey! You don't have to worry about that. Obito looked mysterious.

Then he urged: "Hurry up, I'm still waiting for the test."


Han Guang has no comment.

After all, Obito is the customer, and the customer is God.

Dual will infusion, output Chakra activation.

In just three seconds, the flying artifact was done.

"Okay! Try it." Han Guang returned to the wooden chair and continued to lie flat.

"Is that all right?" Obito looked suspicious.

It's faster than Kakashi's time, will it work?

Standing on the iron gate, Obito began to test.

The iron gate trembled and slowly floated up.

"It's really warm!" Obito looked surprised, stood on the iron gate and flew a few times at low altitude.

He has a fear of heights, and the height of his flight is only two meters.

After landing, Nao Wang was extremely satisfied.

He took out a scroll from his arms and prepared to seal the iron gate inside.

"You still have the sealing scroll?" Han Guang was surprised.

"This thing is very precious, where did you get it?" Kakashi also asked.

"Hey, of course the patriarch gave it to me." Obito returned with a proud tone,

thump, thump, thump.

Suddenly, there was a sound of hurried footsteps, and Uchiha Fugaku rushed into the yard.

"Obito! You took down the family gate? What are you doing?"


The ninth class was speechless.

Han Guang looked up at the sky and felt that the weather today was fine.

A few minutes later.

Uchiha Fugaku jumped from the iron gate, taking a U-turn in attitude.

"Obito, you're still not smart enough." Fugaku sighed.

"Huh?" Obito looked confused.

"Since Han Guang can say anything, you should tell me earlier, and I will ask someone to build a giant iron gate.

Speaking of which, Uchiha Fugaku looked regretful.

If there is a giant iron gate that can fly, the Uchiha clan can stand on it and use it as a tool for traveling.

"Patriarch Fugaku, you can also find someone to build it now. Then come to me." Han Guang kindly reminded.

Selling flying artifacts is a completely costless business for Han Guang, and——

In every flying artifact, there is the will of Han Guang.

This means that as long as Han Guang is willing, it can be disabled at any time.

Therefore, he is eager for many people to buy it.

"Well, if other people want to ask me to make it in the future, they must go through you!"

Han Guang glanced at several people and talked about a reward mechanism.

"Through your introduction, I can give you a 10% commission for every piece of flying artifact produced."

"Of course, only you."

Hearing these words, the eyes of Anko and the others suddenly changed.

"Doesn't that mean that as long as I introduce ten people, I can get it for free?" Lin calculated with surprise.

"But do we know such rich people?" Uzuki Xiyan reminded.

"It doesn't seem to be true." Anko shook his head.

The three girls began to worry again, while Uchiha Fugaku was overjoyed.

He didn't say hello and ran away.

Han Guang glanced at Anko and the three of them, and there was a gap between their eyes.

The three girls were secretly delighted.

"Here I come, Captain!"

At this time, Yinhe ran in.

He took out a large handful of banknotes, his face excited.

"I'm going to build a flying artifact." Yamato couldn't wait.

"Okay, where are your materials?" Han Guang asked after collecting the bank notes.

"I! I'm the material!" Yamato pointed at himself and said amazingly.

Han Guang was stunned.

This is really a talent.

Didn't think of it myself?


Before he could prevent Ohnoki from flying, didn't he just pour his will into Onoki's body?

"My IQ was surpassed by Yamato?" Han Guang was quite surprised.

"The human body can also be transformed?" Kakashi looked shocked.

"Wori, this kid Yamato is so smart." Obito exclaimed, feeling that the iron door was not good for a moment.

In full view.

Han Guang infused Yamato with the will to 'float' and fly'.

Immediately, he injected a little Chakra, activating these two features.


At this moment, Yamato felt as light as a swallow.

He vaguely felt that he had gained the ability to fly.

Ever since, Yamato followed this will and jumped up.


His body floated into the air.

Then, Yamato tried to fly some distance.

After a while, he became more and more proficient.

Up up, down down, left left, right.

This makes Obito and Kakashi sour.

"If I had known this earlier, I should have done it later." Kakashi's intestines were green with regret.

"Han Guang."

Obito leaned over with a troubled look on his face.


"Can I return it? I also want to engrave my ability on my body." Obito looked hopeful.

"Refund is impossible! You (Zhao's good) can pay another 37 million taels, and I will help you engrave your ability on your body." Han Guang said lightly.

Then, he changed the subject.

"You are the only ones who know about it now! I can give you some advice."

"Speak quickly," Obito urged.

"My suggestion is, you can sell your flying artifacts! Then take the money and come to me to transform your body!"

After Han Guang's words fell, Kakashi disappeared in a whoosh.

Obito also fled in a flash.

Yamato flew and flew to the back mountain.

Now, there were only three Ansheng left in the yard.

"Tell me, what do you three want to engrave your flying ability on?"


The three girls spoke in unison.

"Are you sure?" Han Guang looked strange.

At this moment, he suddenly had a bold idea.

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets].

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