When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 160: The Seven People Of Mist Ninja: We Are Surrounded By Konoha Back Mountain! (Please Cust

It's not that hard to get around the battlefield.

Thanks to the massive destruction of Three Tails, at this moment, all the ninjas on Konoha's side were attracted.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the seven Mist Ninjas successfully bypassed the battlefield and headed towards Konoha Village.

Excited, excited, greedy.

The seven of them walked through the forest at an extremely fast speed.

"Soon, our Mist Ninja Seven will become famous in one battle!"

"I'm really looking forward to it. When we appeared in Konoha Village, those villagers must have been terrified.

"My broadsword is already hungry and thirsty."

Several people enjoy it in their hearts, and the speed does not slow down.


The expressions of the seven people all paused.


No need to remind, people hid under the tree one after another.

"what is that?"

Looking up, they were dumbfounded.

I saw, in the sky in the distance, a huge iron gate was flying "483".

There are hundreds of ninjas standing on the iron gate.

"Looking at the clothes, it should be a ninja from Uchiha." Loquat Juzang said.

"Is clothing the key point? The key point is the iron gate! How can it still fly?" Xiguashan puffer ghost looked serious.

During the time when Kirigakure closed the village, has the technology of Konoha Village been so advanced?

"It's possible that Konoha got it from Kuronin Village!" Suddenly, Ye Shoukushimaru said.

After being reminded by him, several people suddenly realized.

During the Second Ninja World War, Konoha Village destroyed Kong Ninja Village. Combined with the scene just now, it is not surprising.

After the Uchiha ninja in the air flew away, the seven continued on their way.


The current group of seven obviously lacked the excitement they had before.

They are more cautious.

"Someone is flying again!"

Not far away, the seven people discovered the abnormality in the sky again.

Hiding under a tree, they gaze high into the sky.

"How can this be?"

When they saw the two teenagers flying through the air, the eyes of the seven people almost popped out.

"These two brats didn't step on anything at all!" Loquat Shizang said in horror.

"How should this be explained?" The black hoe Lei Ya looked at Li Shuangwan.

"What do you think I'm doing? How the fuck would I know!" Ye Shuangchuanwan said in a bad tone.

"There is only one possibility for this kind of flying out of thin air." The Xiguashan puffer ghost thought for a moment and muttered to himself.

"What's possible?" Several people hurriedly asked.

"Dust Escape!"

Hearing this answer, to be honest, the other six people didn't quite believe it.

"Chen Dun, it seems that only the ten shadows can do it?"

"Yeah, those are two brats! And they must be from Konoha Village."

"Are these two brats Tsuchikage's illegitimate children?"

Several people let go of their thinking and speculated one after another.

"Don't guess! Whoever he is. Now that they've all left Konoha Village, isn't it our great opportunity?" Tsutsukasano Baito curled his lips.


The spirit of the seven people was greatly lifted.

Without the burden of thinking, the seven continued on the road, approaching Konoha Village.

"Huh? I found three little ghosts!"

"Just right, my Heavenly Knife is very hungry.

At this moment, Might Guy panicked.

He and Shiranui Genma and Ebisu had finished the escort mission, and they were about to return to the village. As a result, he was surrounded by the Xiren Seven.

"It's over, look at their weapons, it should be the Seven Mist Ninjas." Ebisu was so frightened that he trembled, whispering.

"Are they strong?" Guy asked.

"Very strong." Shiranui Genma Kaidō.

"How strong is it?"

"One person can hang and beat the three of us."


Might Guy panicked suddenly.

He originally thought about opening two doors in a row.

"Little Konoha, why don't you try to resist?"

The owner of Explosive Sword Spray, Wuli Jinba, has a smile on his face.

"It's really boring, seeing how you are trembling, let's just end your lives.

Raising the explosive knife, Wuli Shiba looked contemptuous.



The tree next to Might Guy moved.

More than a dozen branches on the tree swung quickly, binding the three of Guy together. then--

The trees sprang up from the ground with a 'pop', and the dense roots scratched the ground fiercely, and Sa Yazi ran away.


Before Wuli Jinbachi's explosive knife landed, he saw the tree wrapping up the three little ghosts and running away.

"What the hell is this?" Loquat Shizang was dumbfounded.

"Am I dazzled? Just now, that tree ran away?" Xiguashan puffer ghost rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"You read that right! They did run away. 0" Heihe Leiya said in a solemn tone.

At this moment, the seven people only felt that Konoha Village was extremely weird.

First there is Uchiha who flies by stepping on the gate, and then there are two imps who fly through the air. And now there is a tree that jumps out and can run away?

That is to say, the psychological quality of the seven people is strong. If they were replaced by other ninjas, they would have run away long ago.

"I think this is an opportunity!" Li Shouchuanwan said excitedly.

"Huh? What chance?" Several others asked.

"That tree hasn't gone far, as long as we grab that tree, maybe we can discover some secrets." Li Shuangwan affirmed.


When he said this, several people deeply agreed.

What's wrong with being weird? At best, it's just a tree. How can it be weird?

Do you really think that the Mist Ninja Seven are vegetarians?

"Go, chase!"

The seven people looked at each other, and then chased after each other.

Jujube runs very fast.

But no matter how fast it is, it is just a tree, far from the speed of a ninja.

After a while, the seven people were less than ten meters away from the jujube tree.


The jujube tree jumped out, ran directly into the back mountain, and mixed into the dense forest.

"Want to run?"

The seven people chased to the foot of the back mountain and rushed into the woods one after another.

at this time.


The seven people paused one after another, and looked up at the top of the mountain suspiciously.

I saw that a large number of stones fell from the top of the mountain, just above the heads of several people. 4.6

"Get out of the way!"

Seven people jumped to avoid.

"There are people on the top of the mountain!"

"Someone threw rocks at us from the top of the mountain."

"Rush up! Kill him!"

The seven were outraged.

If it weren't for the falling rock on the top of the mountain just now, they would have grabbed the tree.

"Wait a minute! Look ahead." Suddenly, Li Shouchuanwan pointed forward with a serious face.

The other six people looked at it one after another, dumbfounded.

I see.

It was clearly in front of the forest just now, but at some point, it turned into a stone wall!

"Where's the road?"

"There's no way back!"


The seven people hurriedly turned their heads and found that it had also turned into a stone wall.

"We're surrounded by rock walls! We're surrounded by the back hills of Konoha Village!"

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