When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 169 The Negotiation Is Over! Fourth Hokage Han Guang! (Please Customize)

Northeast of Konoha Village.

The speed of Third Raikage is extremely fast, heading towards Tang Country.

Killer Bee and Ai followed closely.

"Father, what's the result of the negotiation? Why are you in such a hurry to go back?" Ai Wen expressed his doubts.

As soon as the negotiation was over, the father took the two of them to start the speed rush mode, which made Ai realize that something went wrong.

"Rock Shinobi has circled behind our main force." Raikage said Kaidō briefly.


Ai and Killer Bee were shocked when they heard the news.

But immediately, the two were confused.

"No, Rock Shinobi seems to be an ally with us." Killer Bee scratched his head with a dazed expression.

Logically speaking, shouldn't Rock Shinobi fight Konoha? How did they sneak attack Cloud Shinobi?

"It must be Tsuchikage secretly allied with Konoha." Ai was very angry.

Damn Rock Shinobi, so fucking unreliable.

At this moment, Third Raikage sighed.

"It's not really Rock Shinobi's fault, after all, we are the invaders."

By now, he has figured it out.

In this war, their Four Great Ninja Villages are all invaders.

In this case, Rock Shinobi fought back, and he had nothing to say.

Apparently, Rock Shinobi knew Han Guang's true strength, so they formed an alliance secretly,

Now, what worries Raikage most is whether Tsuchikage and Han Guang will join the battle?

Once these two arrived on the battlefield, their Cloud Shinobi army would definitely suffer a devastating blow.

That's why I was in such a hurry to go back.

"Hey, Bi, listen! I'm in charge, and you must bring the big troops back to the village." Raikage urged with a serious tone.

"Wait a minute, father! The two of us can join the war too." Ai was anxious.

"Yes, my lord! At worst, I'll use Tailed Beast mode! Killer Bee is also full of fighting spirit.


Raikage's tone was flat and he directly refused.

Then, he looked at Killer Bee, the sun was shining heavily.

"Bi, you have to remember that Han Guang can capture tail beasts! Once you join the battle, Eight Tails will definitely be captured by him!"

After speaking, Raikage turned to look at his son again.

"Ai, the village will depend on you from now on, you have to do your best to bring the troops back to the village. This is the foundation of our Cloud Shinobi.

Speaking of this, Raikage gave a last word of advice.

"Remember, Konoha has Han Guang, we Cloud Shinobi don't make enemies with Konoha.


Killer Bee still wanted to persuade, but was interrupted by Ai.

"Bi, listen to my father's arrangement.

Ai has understood his father's will.

This battle, they Cloud Shinobi lost.

They have no reason to blame Konoha and Rock Shinobi. Because, their Cloud Shinobi is the aggression party.

The most important thing now is to preserve the vitality of the nose to the maximum extent.

East of Konoha Village.

Mizukage Yagura and Ao are on their way quickly.

"Master Mizukage, what's the result?" Qing asked.

"Our Mist Ninja was defeated and we need to compensate Konoha Village." Yagura told the truth.


Qing was dumbfounded.

He clearly remembered that when he came, Mizukage had revealed that it was Konoha who compensated Mistnin. How did this become Wu Ninja's compensation for Konoha?

"The Hokage of Konoha Village was overthrown, Han Guang came to power, and the compensation agreement was changed." Yagura told a shocking secret.

"Third Hokage stepped down? Wait a minute, let Guang take over?" He looked confused.

If he remembers correctly, Han Guang should only be twelve years old, right?

At such a young age, he became the Fourth Hokage?

Although Han Guang's strength is very strong, isn't Hokage going back to Konoha Village ageless?

"Master Mizukage, if the people in the village know about this compensation, there may be some turmoil." Qing reminded.

However, Yagura didn't care.

"Heh~~ We Mist Ninja are pretty good! After all, we are compensation for defeat." Yagura suddenly laughed, "Thinking of Michu and Sand Shinobi.

The Cloud Shinobi army was ambushed by Rock Shinobi, so they knew without thinking that they must have suffered heavy losses.

Even Rock Shinobi, who secretly allyed with Konoha, would suffer a lot of losses after attacking Cloud Shinobi.

As for Sand Shinobi? It's even more tragic! Even Kazekage is dead.

In such a comparison, Yagura feels that the loss of Mist Ninja is the smallest.

When he said these things, Qing's face was extremely exciting.

"How do I feel that the loss of our Xiren is much smaller than that of the other three Ninja villages?" muttered to himself.

"Yeah, are you still worried that the village will be in turmoil?" Yagura said with a smile.

"If you explain things clearly, I think the people in the village will understand. Qing has no objections.

But then, he thought of another question.

"What about the seven people? They bypassed the battlefield and raided Konoha Village. But now there is no news at all."

Keep the change, please.

Yagura shook his head.

In his opinion, there is a high probability that the seven people were wiped out by the regiment.

Yagura holds the Summoning scroll, as long as the seven ninja swords are still there, he can train the next seven.

Northwest of Konoha Village.

Onogi took two guards and flew slowly towards the country of grass.

Compared with Raikage and Mizukage, Onoki left Konoha later.

Because, he negotiated a big event with Han Guang.

That is the siege of Sand Shinobi.

You know, there are also part of Rock Shinobi's troops in the frontline troops of Sand Shinobi. And what Rock Shinobi has to do is to fight back and cooperate with Konoha to beat Sand Shinobi.

Of course, Inogi couldn't just pay.

His decision moved Han Guang. So Han Guang gave Ohnoki ten flight places at a very low price.

"Tuai, how does it feel to fly?"

"It's amazing." Tuhe said excitedly.

"Black wood, what about you?"

"I feel like I can handle it proficiently."

"Hehe, very good! After we go back, we will pick eight more people and send them to Konoha.

Onoki was in a good mood.

He has already inquired that Han Guang charges 37 million taels per person for this kind of flying ability.

On the other hand, Ohnoki made an exception and counted a quota for Han Guang at an ultra-low price of 1 million taels per person.

In this way, he saved hundreds of millions.

Moreover, Han Guang also personally revealed that this ability will not be sold to other ninja villages.

not only that.

As an ally of Konoha, Rock Shinobi not only does not need to compensate Konoha, but also received a personal guarantee from Han Guang.

That is, any attack on Rock Shinobi will be regarded as an attack on Konoha!

This is what Han Guang himself said.

Ohnoki doesn't believe in Third Generation, but he does believe in Han Guang.

After all, there is no need for the other party to lie to themselves.

"Yes, Le!"

Suddenly, Ohnogi thought of something.

"You fly to the country of Tang immediately, go to inform the big troops, and accept it as soon as you see it!"


Kuroki nodded, turned around and flew towards Tang Country.

West of Konoha Village.

Baki and Hakura were the last to leave Konoha Village.

Baki is carrying a headless corpse and is in a state of despair.

Ye Cang looked at the content of the compensation agreement, frowning.

"After we go back, how can hundreds of generations of heaven and man explain it?" Shi Ji sighed.

Master Fengying was fine when he came, but he hung up after the negotiation.

The two guards had no way of inquiring about the inside story.

The only thing they know "is that they, Sand Shinobi, will pay huge compensation to Konoha.

"Everyone is dead, how can I explain?"

Ye Cang shook his head.

He continued: "Compared to Fengying's death, this agreement is not quite right.

"Isn't it just a compensation agreement?" Baki said listlessly.

"No, pay attention to the compensation party."

"Huh?" Baki looked intently.

Then, he found that the compensation party had been crossed out and the word Sunagakure had been added to it.

"Is this what you changed?"

"Of course not."

"Then this is?"

"This was changed by Konoha."

Ye Cang was speechless for a while.

He had already guessed the original compensation party of this agreement.

"This agreement should have been originally made by Konoha to compensate us! But Konoha repented, so Lord Kazekage was killed, and the agreement was changed."

Hearing Ye Cang's words, Baki clenched his fists.

"Damn Third Hokage! Did I say that Konoha has a conspiracy? Kazekage-sama still doesn't believe it."

Konoha Village.

Hokage conference room.

Han Guang declined the succession Hokage ceremony proposed by Mr. Minato.

"Teacher, the succession ceremony can be postponed. The most important thing now is the Ninja Force!"

As his words fell, Namikaze Minato could only agree.

The patriarchs of other clans also nodded.

In their view, Han Guang's words showed that the other party took care of the overall situation.

"Among the Sand Shinobi troops, there is a part of Rock Shinobi troops, and Rock Shinobi will cooperate with us to besiege Sand Shinobi.w

"Patriarchs! In this battle, I have only one requirement, and that is to be fast!"

"We want to attack as quickly as possible.

Next, Han Guang started to order.

"Ninjas of all races gather in the square!"

"I will condense a clone and act together with you.

Finally, who can find a giant iron plate?"


Uchiha Fugaku stood up.

"I have a defensive Summoning technique that can summon a door. Is this possible?"

"Could it be Rashomon?" Namikaze Minato looked strange.

"Clan chief Fugaku, go to the square and summon me to have a look." Han Guang motioned.

The plaza outside the Hokage building.

People came to the square.

Uchiha Fugaku stepped out of the queue and put some distance away from the crowd.

Then, he bit his finger.


Under the burst of drinking, his hands slammed on the ground.


Immediately, the ground shook, and a huge blue door broke through the ground.

"This is Rashomon! This is First Hokage's defensive Summoning technique, which has a terrifying defensive ability." Namikaze Minato said with emotion.

"It is said that First Hokage used Rashomon to block Nine Tails' Tailed Beast Bomb!" Nara Lujiu was fascinated.

"Why did Chief Uchiha learn the technique of First Hokage?" Hyuga Hiashi was a little puzzled.

"Is this door okay? It should be enough to stand people of all races." Uchiha Fugaku clapped his hands.

Han Guang nodded and walked in front of Rashomon.

He stretched out a finger, and the strength condensed.

Then, the finger poked on Rashomon.

The power of terror is transmitted.

next moment.

I saw that Rashomon fell slowly and fell towards the ground.

Everyone: "w"


Rashomon fell to the ground, shaking violently.

Dust was flying and filled the surroundings.


Everyone was silent.

……ask for flowers…

"I have engraved flying on the Rashomon. The patriarchs of all clans, don't be dumbfounded, and gather the clansmen.

Han Guang made a sound and gestured.

"Huh? Oh."

A group of people came back to their senses one after another,

They ran away with their respective families.

Only Namikaze Minato stood still, after all, he had no family.

"Han Guang, how did you cultivate your strength?" Namikaze Minato asked.

Really, Xiaguang Lihuang is too exaggerated.

It's pervert to poke the Rashomon with a finger.

No wonder, Han Guang said before that one finger can kill the Third Generation. Isn't this sentence bragging?

"Teacher, my strength is actually very weak." Han Guang said truthfully.

Namikaze Minato: ""

Sure enough, the student's answer was unexpected.

"Fortunately, First Hokage is not in the same era as you." Namikaze Minato was filled with emotion.

That is, Han Guang was born in this era. If this were changed to decades ago, Konoha's First Hokage would not be Senju Hashirama, but Han Guang.

"Teacher, what you said is too exaggerated." Han Guang smiled.

"Really?" Namikaze Minato looked suspicious.

When did Han Guang become so humble?

"Yes, First Hokage, how can you compare with me?" Han Guang said bluntly.

"I knew it." Namikaze Minato had black lines all over his head.

"By the way, teacher! When you come back, I will serve as Hokage's assistant." Han Guang said.

"Me?" Namikaze Minato was quite surprised.

He knew what Han Guang meant by Assistant Hokage.

There is a high probability that it is to help with official duties.

"That's the deal." Han Guang waved his hand and made a final decision.

Ninjas of all races began to gather in the square.

Not for a while.


The clansmen of all ethnic groups have all assembled.

Sweeping through the dense crowd, Han Guang was surprised to find that Uchiha's people were the most.

"Everyone! You should know my identity!"

"Now, all board the Rashomon!"

Han Guang's voice was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears.


He put his palms together to form a Wood Style avatar.

"I'm going." The clone twisted its neck and jumped onto the Rashomon.

"I'll wait for your return in victory!"

Han Guang opened his mouth slowly, and gestured to the Fugaku patriarch.

Rashomon shook and floated into the air.

Then, fly towards the west.


Watching Rashomon disappear into the sky, Han Guang was suddenly stunned.

He looked around and found that there was no ninja around.

thump, thump, thump.

Running to Hokage's office, Han Guang's face drooped.


"Everyone is gone, how am I going to deal with business today?"

Walking to the desk, Han Guang sat on a chair.

He picked up a document and looked at its contents.

【Sarutobi Asuma resists arrest!】

【Asuma bought the bouquet from the florist without paying. 】

【The flower shop owner reports to the security team, Uchiha arrests Asuma, and there is a conflict on the street. 】

[Eventually, one Uchiha was wounded and Asuma fled back to the Sarutobi family settlement. 】

【—— Guard! 】

After reading this document, he touched his chin.

Obviously, this report was submitted by the Ministry of Security, and it should have been submitted to the Third Generation.

However, the Third Generation stepped down, and now it is Han Guang who handles it.

"Come on!"


An Anbu appears.

Han Guang looked at each other, and his eyes fell on Anbu's silver hair.

"Kakashi, you've been hiding next door for a long time."

"I'm not hiding, I'm waiting for your call." Kakashi returned and took off his mask.

"There is an important task for you now!"

With that said, Han Guang rolled up the document and threw it over.

"This is?"

"See for yourself."

Kakashi scanned the above content and understood.

"You want me to catch Asuma?"

"That's right! As the son of the Third Generation, his behavior is very bad." Han Guang settled the tone.

"What happens after you catch it?" Kakashi asked.

"Hand him over to the security department! Let them deal with it seriously."


Kakashi hesitated.

"Difficult?" Han Guang looked surprised.

Kakashi is still hesitant about such a trivial matter?

"One thing, if only I go, I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch Asuma." Kakashi said truthfully.

After all, Asuma is hiding in the Sarutobi family residence. The Sarutobi clan is the most numerous in the village.

"That's it~~"

Han Guang touched his chin.

He picked up a pen, wrote a scroll, and threw it away.

Kakashi opened the scroll and scanned the contents.

Then, Kakashi was dumbfounded.


"Why? This reason is not enough?" Han Guang smiled.


Kakashi nodded hastily, and fled away with the scroll.

at the same time.

Sarutobi family resident.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is sitting in the gazebo.

On the opposite side, Koharu and Mito Danzai tried hard to persuade each other.

"Hiruzen, a new generation replaces the old one. Now that you have retired, don't think about it."

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly ticket three].

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