When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 171 Han Guang's Plan! Seventh Woman! Danzo's Determination! (Please Customize)

Konoha Houshan.

Han Guang let go of the hand resting on the tree.

"It seems that the idea of ​​Wood Clone is somewhat different from that of the main body.

Knowing what the avatar was doing, Han Guang couldn't help but laugh.

If you insist on describing Wood Clone, it is a slight lack of IQ.

Of course, it doesn't hurt too much.

It's nothing more than killing some Rock Shinobi.


Han Guang's expression changed.

With a random grab with his palm, he caught a stone that fell from the sky.

Looking up to the top of the mountain, Han Guang was speechless.

"Houshan, your way of greeting is very unique."

Shaking his head, he walked towards Anbu.

Anbu Base Hall.

Han Guang holds the pen, writes and draws on the paper.

White Zetsu stood aside, observing seriously.

After a while.

The character portrait is drawn.

"White Zetsu, now I give you a special task. Han Guang looked at White Zetsu with a solemn tone.

"Master Han Guang, White Zetsu is always at your service."


Han Guang was taken aback.

He looked suspicious and asked, "Where did you learn this sentence?"

"My doppelgänger girlfriend, that's what she said." White Zetsu explained, with a 'quick compliment me' expression on his face.

Han Guang: "???"

You, a guy who doesn't even have a penis, can still get a girlfriend?

According to Han Guang's judgment, this girlfriend of White Zetsu's is most likely dark and purple.

To be on the safe side, he said a word.

"What's your girlfriend's name?"

"It's not my girlfriend, it's my alter ego's girlfriend." White Zetsu corrected.

Then, White Zetsu spit out the origin of this woman.

"Her name is Mu Zi. She used to go out to work in the service industry. She just returned to the village recently. The ninja who pretended to be my clone is a childhood sweetheart."

"That's it."

Han Guang nodded.

It turned out to be ashore, which is no wonder.

Next, Han Guang explained the content of this mission.

"Remember the man in the portrait!"

"I remember." White Zetsu nodded vigorously.

"Next, your body will continue to use Liuli's identity to defect to the village." Han Guang said surprisingly.

"Huh?" White Zetsu was dumbfounded.

I am loyal to Master Han Guang, how could I defect?

"Pretend to defect, can you understand?" Han Guang reminded.

"I see!" White Zetsu suddenly realized.

"After you defected, don't reveal your real body, and keep Liuli's appearance. Then, you hide in the Kingdom of Rain!"

Speaking of this, Han 15guang pointed to the portrait.

"When you meet the person in the portrait, contact me through the avatar.

After assigning the task, Han Guang poured his own will into White Zetsu.

There are two characteristics contained in the will, which are ground escape and illusion resistance.

Afterwards, Han Guang helped White Zetsu infuse several spores, allowing White Zetsu to replenish Chakra at any time.

"Master Han Guang, then I defected?" White Zetsu applied.



White Zetsu went underground and disappeared without a trace.

In the hall, Han Guang grabbed the portrait on the table with a smile on his lips.

"Nagato, Nagato, don't blame me. I won't kill you, I just cut out your eyeballs.

Mumbling to himself, Han Guang squeezed the portrait into molecules.

He let White Zetsu defect, the purpose, is to find Nagato.

Because Han Guang knew that Uchiha Madara had already secretly transplanted Rinnegan to Nagato.

"I'd like to see, what expression will you have when I pull out Nagato's Rinnegan?"

In Han Guang's eyes, Uchiha Madara is full of flaws.

Before, he was obsessed with tasks and had no time to deal with Madara. And now, light has a lot of time.


At this time, Kakashi returned to the Anbu base and saw Han Guang standing in the lobby.

"Warm? Aren't you sleeping in the office?" Kakashi looked suspicious.


Han Guang has black lines all over his head.

"That's my Wood Clone."

"No wonder." Kakashi suddenly realized.

No wonder Han Guang in the office is sleeping on the table, he is a lazy clone.

"You came just in time."

Han Guang just wanted to go to Kakashi when he came back.

"Is there something wrong?" Kakashi's face straightened.

"Assemble the ninth squad immediately and hunt down Liuli symbolically." Han Guang gave the order.

Kakashi was lost in thought.

He knew Liuli's true identity, so he was understanding the meaning of Han Guang's words.

"Symbolic pursuit, which step should be done?" Kakashi asked.

"Just show it off."


Kakashi left in an instant.

Han Guang also walked out of the Anbu base and glanced at the dim sky.

"It's dinner time again."

Happy soup bath.

When Han Guang walked into the store, he saw a strange scene.

Kushina, Minako, Hyuga Suzune, Mrs. Mikoto, Rin, Anko, Uzuki Yuyan, and Yuhi Kurenai.

Eight women sat at the dinner table.

Among them, there is still a vacant position.

"Han Guang!" Lin was surprised.

"Master Hokage!" Anko corrected.

"I think he should be called a well digger!" Uzuki Xiyan muttered.

Fortunately, the voice of Uzuki Xiyan's words was so low that no one noticed.

"Our Hokage-sama is here and has been waiting for you for a long time." Kushina waved with a smile.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Han Guang sat down with a look of surprise.

Is this a women's conference? Why are there so many women?

"You must be very hungry after working all day." Minako handed over a bowl of rice with a soft tone.

"Your chopsticks." Hyuga Suzune handed over a pair of chopsticks.

"Drink water before eating." Mrs. Mikoto picked up a glass of water.

Han Guang opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Mrs. Mikoto had already brought the water to her mouth.


After taking a sip of water, he took the bowl and chopsticks.

"These dishes are delicious, I'll help you pick them up." Lin's eyes were quick, and she picked up the dishes and put them into Han Guang's bowl.

"This sweet meatball is also very good, I made it." Anko picked up a bunch of meatballs and put them into Han Guang's bowl as well.

"I also made a dish." Uzuki Xiyan directly picked up the plate, and pulled the inside of it into Han Guang's bowl.


There were so many dishes that they fell on the floor.

Han Guang took a deep breath and put the bowl down.

He looked around and cleared his throat.

"I still like you in the past! Keep your original nature, okay?" Han Guang said seriously.

"Tch, I knew he didn't like this." Anko pouted.

"But you are already the Fourth Hokage." Lin whispered.

"It seems that he hasn't changed, it's still the same yellow light as before." Mao Yue Xiyan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah." Xi Hihong echoed, feeling a bit stuck.

Han Guang had a hard time eating this meal.

He wisely kept silent and began to pick up the food.

And the few girls around him have already started chatting.

"Do you remember? Back in the ninja school, Han Guang's shuriken and kunai couldn't hit the target."

"Of course I know, this is the way of the whole school!"

"His theory classes were even worse."

"Three Body Technique, he doesn't even know it now?"

"Who would have thought that he could become Hokage Nuan?"

Listening to the discussion of these girls, Han Guang turned a deaf ear and continued to eat.

But Kushina and the others listened with gusto.


Putting the bowls and chopsticks on the table, Han Guang was full.

"Your mouth is full of oil."

At this time, Xi Hihong took out a handkerchief and wiped Han Guang's mouth.


Her actions attracted the attention of all women.

Are you familiar with Han Guang? Why do you wipe his mouth?

Han Guang looked around and saw that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"Ahem, Mei Naizi! I have something to tell you." Han Guang broke the stiff atmosphere.

"What's the matter?" Minako smiled.

"Estimate the loss of Tang Country during this period and report it to me. Raikage has promised to compensate you Tang Country."

"Ah?" Minako covered her mouth and exclaimed.

She never imagined that And Guang would ask Yunhu for compensation for herself?

So happy.

Mei Naizi's heart fluttered, but she couldn't show it too much. In fact, there are too many women here.

"Minako, you don't have to worry about it now." Kushina looked envious.

She knew that Minako was having an affair with Han Guang, but the facts proved that Minako's original choice was correct.

"By the way, Han Guang, when will your succession ceremony be held? There is also the Hokage Rock, which should also be engraved." Kushina reminded.

"The ceremony should be kept simple. For Hokage Rock, just let someone notify you tomorrow.

Han Guang said casually.

He didn't have any pursuit of the ceremony, it was too troublesome.

As long as you sit in a Hokage seat, other people will naturally know.

after dinner.

Yuhihong bid farewell.

"Han Guang, I'm leaving first." Hong whispered.

"Shall I see you off?" Han Guang asked Kaidō politely.

"Okay, okay." Hong said happily.

"I'll see her off!" Anko stood in front of Han Guang with a vigilant look.

Want to seduce Han Guang, where did you come from?

Saying that, Anko pulled up Kurenai Yuhi and walked towards the outside of the store.

Several other women nodded, appreciating Anko's approach.

It was already the limit of their patience that Yu Hihong came to eat, and they wanted to seduce Han Guang again?

Is it your turn?

After Xi Hihong left, Han Guang was surprised to find that the senior doctor had prepared a separate room for himself?

Tonight, you will sleep in this room alone. ’ Kushina laughed.

OK. "


Han Guang has no objection.

It wasn't until he lay down on the bed that he realized something was wrong.

Turning on the perception, Han Guang swept across the crowd.

"There are so many of them, these two rooms?"

With a suspicious look on his face, Han Guang felt very strange.

It is not surprising if two women sleep in one room. But the problem is, now there are four women squeezed together, and in the other room there are three women squeezed together.

Han Guang really wants to ask, isn't it hot when you are so crowded?

With his perception turned off, he didn't bother to think about it.

After all, it is difficult to guess a woman's mind.

In a dark room.

Han Guang closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Suddenly, he felt himself hugged by a softness.

There is no need to guess, Han Guang also knows that there is a high probability that it is Minako.

After a heavy blow, Minako left.

Han Guang continued to sleep with his eyes closed.

After a while.

He opened it.

At this moment, he found himself hugged by a softness again.

"Who is this again?"

Han Guang was stunned.

Dealing another heavy blow to the opponent, Han Guang repelled the enemy.

This time, instead of sleeping, he waited

to meet the next enemy.

as expected.

A third enemy appeared.

After a stalemate battle, Han Guang repelled the enemy again.

Fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh.

Fighting until midnight, Han Guang finally repelled all the enemies.

In the dark room, Huang Guang fell into deep thought.

"Why seven? Shouldn't it be six?"

He couldn't figure it out.

"Could it be that someone came twice?"

Han Guang made a guess.

It's not impossible.

After all, the technique of digging wells by oneself is superb, and it is normal to have repeat customers.

Early the next morning.

Waking up from the bed, Han Guang glanced at the properties panel as usual.

Name: Han Guang

Age: 12 years old

Power: 7328【Immortal level】

Physique: 18432(*) [secondary Six Paths level]

Agility: 742【Super Kage-level】

Spirit: 40960【Time · Six Paths Immunity】

Amount of Chakra: 67462

Skills: None

Ninjutsu: Planetary Devastation (Level Six Paths) [Quality Evolution]

Ability: Wood Style god-level control (characteristic: loyalty), ultimate perception (100000 meters)

Comprehensive Strength Evaluation: Genin

"It's the physique attribute that doubles today."

Muttering to himself, Han Guang is in a good mood.

Walking into the hall, Han Guang found that Senior Kushina seemed to be in a good mood?

With a suspicious look on his face, Han Guang pulled Kushina aside.

"Senior Kushina, didn't you last night?" Han Guang tried to ask a little.

"What are you talking about?" Kushina looked innocent.

Han Guang looked at the other party carefully and found nothing unusual.

"it's okay no problem."

Kushina left angrily.

Han Guang touched his chin and narrowed his eyes.

He swears that next time, he will definitely activate his perception all the way.

110 When the time comes, it will be clear who is who.

In a barren cave.

Danzo squatted in the corner, silent.

Uchiha Madara stood in front of the operating table with an ugly face.

"Danzo, if you don't accept the transplant, you won't be able to become stronger." Madara's tone was old and majestic.

"The probability of surviving is too low, I don't accept it." Danzo shook his head and continued to squat in the corner.

What are you kidding?

Transplant White Zetsu's arm, then Transplant Sharingan. As a result, Madara gave a 20% success rate, who would dare to do this?

If it is Orochimaru instead, Danzo thinks he can give it a try.

But the old Uchiha Madara even shakes his hands from time to time. In this case, Madara didn't perform the operation himself?

This is not a joke what is it?

"Danzo, don't force me to use illusion." Uchiha Madara threatened with a cold voice.

"Illusion? You can try it." Danzo turned his head and confronted him.

As the former root leader, Danzo has long hidden the spell to break the illusion.

It's just that he wasn't used when he was attacked by Madara Hypnosis.

He wants to use this spell at a critical moment.

Now, Danzo feels the time has come to use it.

Just then, Black Zetsu popped up from the ground

"Master Madara, the latest information on Konoha Village."


Madara picked up the scroll and scanned it quickly.

After reading the content, Madara's face was full of solemnity.

"This Han Guang has a big secret in him~~"

With emotion, he was full of strong curiosity about the secret of Dianguang becoming stronger.

"At the age of twelve, you can actually suppress five kages? This kind of talent is far inferior to Hashirama and me."

"Unfortunately, I didn't notice this kid in advance!"

Shaking his head, Uchiha Madara was extremely regretful.

If I could have noticed Han Guang earlier and captured him to study, I would definitely be able to break through the great secret.

But now, Han Guang's strength has grown to an extremely strong level, unless he returns to his peak state, otherwise

Cannot deal with Han Guang.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara threw the scroll to Danzo.

"Check it out for yourself. After reading it, you can decide whether you want to be transplanted or not."

Grabbing the scroll, Danzo hurried to the contents.

Then, Danzo's face became dull.

"He dethroned Hiruzen? Became Fourth Hokage?"

"And killed Fengying?"

"Forcing the Four Great Ninja Villages to compensate Konoha?"


Everyone in Danzo was dumbfounded, and couldn't help bursting into swearing.

Han Guang, that's his gold medal undercover! How could this guy grow to this point?

What makes Danzo even more confused is that Han Guang's growth rate is too fucking fast, right?


At this time, a White Zetsu also emerged from the ground.

"Master Madara, just received news that a Wood Style clone of Han Guang has wiped out the Sand Shinobi army."


The scroll in Danzo's hand dropped to the ground.

"A Wood Style clone? Take down the Sand Shinobi army?"

At this moment, Danzo made up his mind.

"Come on, transplant quickly!"

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets].

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