When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 180 What? Han Guang Was Beaten? The Whole Village Of Konoha Is Dispatched! (Please Customize

Hokage office.

Uchiha Fugaku finished correcting a document and stretched his stiff arms.

"Finally, I have lived up to Han Guang's trust."

Looking at the bottomless documents on the table, Fugaku was quite emotional.

Today, Uchiha Fugaku is full of gratitude to Han Guang.

Being able to entrust such a heavy burden to himself is enough to show Han Guang's trust in the Uchiha clan.

With such a Hokage here, why not?


Suddenly, the office door was pushed open, and Uzumaki Kushina broke in.

"Nuan? Why are you the Fugaku patriarch? Where is Han Guang?" Kushina's tone was anxious.

"Han Guang and Minato have left the village." Uchiha Fugaku said with a smile.

"Something has happened!" Kushina said anxiously, and took out Kunai.

"What's the big deal?" Fugaku was taken aback.

He looked at Kunai and knew it was Minato's Flying Thunder God Kunai.

"Just now Minato activated this kunai art, which means that Minato and Han Guang have encountered a great crisis!"


"Twenty-seven" Uchiha Fugaku was startled, and stood up from the chair with a 'crash'.

Han Guang and Minato in crisis?

"Are you sure?" he asked hastily.

"Sure!" Kushina nodded.


At this moment, Fugaku threatened the neighbor next door.


Kakashi appeared instantly.

"Do you know where Han Guang and Minato went?"

"Not sure." Kakashi shook his head.

Suddenly, he stared blankly, thinking of White Zetsu.

"I'll ask White Zetsu."

"Go!" Fugaku urged.


The White Zetsu clone appeared.

Come with Kakashi.

"White Zetsu, Han Guang is in crisis, do you know his location?"

"Know!" The White Zetsu clone responded.

He does know the location of Master Han Guang, because the other party has his own spores on him.


Uchiha Fugaku breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Kakashi again, his tone unprecedentedly solemn.

"Kakashi, I, as a temporary Hokage, order all the ninjas in the village to gather at the square immediately! Hurry up!"

"I'll go to inform right away. Kakashi nodded and disappeared instantly.

Uchiha Fugaku thought for a moment, then looked at Kushina again.

"Kushina, you go to the Nara clan and ask Shikaku to come to the office immediately."


Kushina left in a hurry.

"I will definitely go to save Han Guang and Minato this time! I can only let Lu Jiu take care of business temporarily." Fugaku muttered to himself.

In Uchiha Fugaku's opinion, let the light must be saved!

Because only Han Guang gave Uchiha sufficient trust.

Therefore, nothing should happen to Han Guang.

Uchiha family residence.

"The Fourth Hokage is in crisis! Temporary Hokage Fugaku orders, the Uchiha clan gather at the plaza immediately!"

As Kakashi's voice sounded, a Uchiha tribe appeared.

Whizzing. Whoosh.

"The Fourth Hokage is in crisis? Isn't that Han Guang?" Shisui looked serious, realizing that something big had happened.

"Wori! Han Guang is under siege?" Obito also rushed out, unbelievable.

Then, he said anxiously: "Then what are you waiting for, go to the square!"

Saying that, Obito took the lead and ran towards the village square.

"Han Guang, what did you do? It seems that I have to save you." While running wildly, Obito kept complaining.

The Hyuga clan.

Hyuga Hiashi frowned when he heard the news of Han Guang's crisis.

"You can't die, you haven't realized your flying ability yet, and, besides, Lingyin is having an affair with you."

"You're going to die, aren't I, the Hyuga clan?"

Mumbling to himself, Hyuga Hiashi hastily summoned the tribe.

"Leave one from the Zong family! All the others follow me to the square to gather!"

Families received the news and mobilized one after another.

Not only are the various races gathering, but many ninjas returning from the front line have also received orders.

As a result, news of the siege of Han Guang and Minato began to spread rapidly.

"The Fourth Hokage is under siege!"

"What? The Fourth Generation was seriously injured by the enemy?"

"The Fourth Generation is seriously injured, and there are many enemies?"

"Fuck! Don't we have too many Konoha Shinobi?"

"Assemble! Assemble!"

Accompanied by the loud discussions, a crowd of people had already gathered in the square.

The number of people has already been broken!

After a while.

Uchiha Fugaku appeared in the plaza.


As Fugaku's piercing and sharp voice sounded, the noise in the square gradually subsided.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku cleared his throat.

"Just received the news that the Fourth Hokage Han Guang of our village has encountered a crisis!"

"The record of the Fourth Generation, I think you are already very clear."

"This rescue of the Fourth Generation will be an extremely dangerous mission!"

Just said this.

There was a burst of discussion among the crowd.

"It must have been done by the Sarutobi clan!" shouted a ninja.

"The son of the Third Generation committed many crimes and was imprisoned by the Fourth Generation in the security department. It must be the Third Generation joining forces with outsiders to attack the Fourth Generation!" Someone shouted.

"Wori! It's really possible!" Many ninjas suddenly realized.

Because, the time when the Fourth Generation encountered a crisis was too coincidental.

Yesterday, the Fourth Generation let the police department announce Asuma's crimes, and today the Fourth Generation was attacked.

If it wasn't for Third Hokage, who else could it be?


Uchiha Fugaku shouted again......

Everyone calmed down.

"Our most important thing now is to rescue Fourth Hokage. We'll talk about other things later!" Fugaku shouted.


At this time, Uchiha Obito stepped forward.

"Patriarch, hurry up and lead the way! If you keep talking, Han Guang won't be able to hold on anymore."

"Yeah, save Han Guang!"

"Rescue the Fourth Generation and drive out the enemies."

Prodded by everyone, Uchiha Fugaku nodded.

He bit his finger and slammed his hands to the ground.

"Everyone back!"

Seeing this scene, Obito shouted hastily.

Whizzing. whoosh

In fact, without his reminding, the nearby ninjas have already jumped away.



A giant portal emerges from the ground.

Then, the portal trembled and floated to the ground.

Many ninjas jumped up one after another.

"White Zetsu, you point the way! Let's rescue Han Guang."


The portal lifts off, filled with Konoha Shinobi.

After a while.

The portal accelerated and galloped away in the air.

"Han Guang, you have to hold on. This time, I will finally save you!" Obito clenched his fists and muttered to himself.

"What kind of crisis did Han Guang encounter? Even Mr. Minato can't escape with him?" Kakashi took off his mask and looked solemnly.

"I believe in the captain! He will definitely be able to withstand it." Yamato said suddenly.

As a result, Kakashi and Obito had no one to blame him.

In the team of girls on one side.

A few girls were worried.

"Han Guang2.0, we will rescue you soon, you must be fine." Lin was worried.

"Han Guang, I'm still waiting to show you my new clothes." Uzuki Xiyan was also worried.

"Don't worry too much! Trust him!" Lingyin comforted.

Although she said so, Hyuga Suzune was also worried in her heart.

Mega portal frontend.

Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Hiashi stand together. At the same time, there are several patriarchs of various ethnic groups.

"What kind of crisis do you think will cause Han Guang and Minato to send out a distress signal?" Fugaku said solemnly.

"Probably poison!" Hyuga Hiashi guessed.

Apart from being poisoned, he couldn't think of anyone else who could stop Han Guang.

Mount Myōboku.

With a calm expression, Han Guang stood in front of Teacher Minato.

"Come on! Let me have a look at the strength of you frogs!"

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