When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 182 Mount MyōBoku Is Destroyed! Jiraiya Was Buried With Him! (Please Customize)

Toad Sage appears.

It jumped behind Jiraiya, and its claws touched Jiraiya's wound.

Suddenly, a bright green light flashed across the Japanese stocks.

The wound on Jiraiya's shoulder healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Jiraiya, use this spell to revive Fukasaku and Shima." With a spell out of his mouth, Toad Sage spoke.

"Okay." Jiraiya nodded, and flashed out with a spell.

But the next moment——

Jiraiya was dumbfounded.

He was clearly holding the spell, but in the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

"Han Guang!" Turning to look at Han Guang, Jiraiya glared.

I saw that Han Guang was stuffing the charm into his arms at this time.

"How do you use this kind of good thing?" Han Guang asked quietly.

"Han Guang, be careful! Your scroll should be on Toad Sage." Namikaze Minato approached and reminded in a low voice.

"Yes, scroll!"

Han Guang patted his forehead and looked at Toad Sage.

"Give me back my scroll." Han Guang smiled.

"I'll give it back to you when you die." Toad Sage blew out a smoke ring, followed by a scroll.

Seeing this scroll, Namikaze Minato's expression became strange.

"It's the scroll of the Birth of the Tree Realm," he reminded.


Han Guang looked indifferent.

He glanced at Toad Sage.

"If you don't do it again, I will do it."

The voice just fell.

Toad Sage moved.

"Since you have come to your door, I will eradicate your cancer."

Saying that, Toad Sage unfolded the scroll and lifted the seal on it.

"Defeat you with your Wood Style! I want to see, how do you block?" Toad Sage's tone was confident.


The Wood Style scroll burst open.

for a moment.

The terrifying Chakra drilled into the ground and spread towards the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

Puff puff puff, puff.

The densely packed trees broke through the ground and swayed wildly.

Toad Sage exhaled a smoke ring and watched the scene quietly.

Han Guang also folded his arms across his chest, showing no signs of moving.

Namikaze Minato looked strange and stood still.

But Jiraiya.

He saw the posture of both sides, the sun face area.

Instinctively, Jiraiya felt that something was wrong and quietly made a mark.


At this moment, Jiraiya felt a tightness on his feet, and a tree emerged from the ground, trapping his feet.


Shocked, Jiraiya was bound into a dumpling by the trees before she could break free.


Toad Sage was taken aback.

It glanced at Jiraiya, then hurriedly looked into the distance.

I see.

Hundreds of toads were hung up by the trees, and there were even huge toads among them.


Seeing this scene, Toad Sage's pipe fell to the ground.

"How is this going?"

"Why does Wood Style only attack our Mount Myōboku, but not Han Guang and Namikaze Minato?"

At this moment, Toad Sage was full of question marks.

The other side.

Han Guang opened his eyes.

He saw an extremely huge toad, which was entangled by several trees and hung upside down under the branches.

"That should be the big toad Suyan." Namikaze Minato guessed.

"Oh? No wonder it's so big." Han Guang suddenly realized.

"It doesn't matter how big it is, your Wood Style is constantly absorbing its Chakra! And it can't move." Namikaze Minato shook his head.

"Damn Toad Sage, actually slaughtered his own kind?" Han Guang also shook his head and sighed.

Hearing Han Guang's words, Toad Sage's face turned green.


It figured out why.


By this time, if it does not understand the reason, it will be an idiot.

"It's your ability! You have the ability to restrain Wood Style!" Toad Sage's tone was full of remorse.

It actually forgot that Han Guang can restrain Wood Style?

It has known this information for a long time.

"Hey, all of your people are going to die, you don't know?" Han Guang looked surprised.

Namikaze Minato almost laughed.


Toad Sage took a deep breath.

"It's only careless once, the second time, you will definitely die!" Toad Sage's tone was filled with strong anger, and he spat out a scroll again.

"Huh? This is?"

Seeing the black ball mark on the scroll, the expressions of Han Guang and Namikaze Minato changed in unison.

"What? Are you scared!"

"How did you catch this Tailed Beast Bomb at such a short distance?"

Toad Sage is confident.

Because, it saw Han Guang's complexion changed.

"Han Guang, I'll run away first, you must dodge." Namikaze Minato said solemnly, and disappeared with a whoosh.

This idiot Toad Sage, this is not a Tailed Beast Bomb at all, but a Planetary Devastation of the sealed Han Guang.

Namikaze Minato believes that Han Guang can avoid it, because this is Han Guang's technique.


Han Guang touched his chin.

To Toad Sage: "I bet you dare not open the scroll."

"Huh? You want to beg for mercy in this way?" Toad Sage's tone was mocking.

Then, it continued: "Unfortunately, I don't accept your beg for mercy! You must die!"


The scroll was opened by Toad Sage.

Strange fluctuations appear.

A black ball floated out from the scroll.


Toad Sage froze.

Why is this black ball so small?

Also, it doesn't look like a Tailed Beast Bomb, does it?

Wait a moment!

Why does this black ball look a little familiar?

"Hey, good luck to you!" Han Guang dropped this sentence, and the figure disappeared with a 'whoosh' sound.

The black ball slowly lifted into the air.


A terrifying gravitational force erupted.

"Vori! This is the Planetary Devastation!"

At this moment, Toad Sage finally remembered what it was.

thousand years ago.

It has witnessed Hagoromo and Hamura using this technique to seal Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Thousands of years have passed, how did this grass come out again?

What's even more tragic is that this TM was opened by himself, and the Planetary Devastation was placed on Mount Myōboku.

".||It's over!"


Toad Sage felt a terrible gravitational pull on him.

It tried to break free, but couldn't get rid of it at all.

Click, click.

The earth collapsed, pulled by gravity, and headed towards the sky.

Toad Sage also flew into the air, and the frog's eyes were full of sadness.

"No! I still have a chance!"

Suddenly, it thought that it still had a hole card.

Opening his mouth, a scroll engraved with a Senju Buddha image appeared.


Without the slightest hesitation, Toad Sage opened the scroll and released the spell!

At this moment, the terrifying Chakra condensed in the air.

A giant Senju Buddha statue is slowly taking shape.

"Quick, send me down quickly." Toad Sage was impatient.


The Senju Buddha pinched Toad Sage and threw it towards the core of the black ball in the air.

Toad Sage: "Vori you sir!"

far away.

Seeing this scene, Han Guang shook his head.

"Toad Sage's combat IQ is really pitifully low."

With a word of emotion, his (Wang's good) figure flashed out, and a figure was caught from the ground.

"You actually found me?" Jiraiya looked shocked.

"This is your last words?" Han Guang looked calm.

"Wait a minute Han Guang, my disciple is your teacher." Jiraiya played an emotional card.


Han Guang was unmoved.

He stared at Jiraiya, and moved closer to Jiraiya's ear.

"I heard you like Tsunade? After you die, I will take over for you!"

Hearing these words, Jiraiya's face changed drastically.

Han Guang, this damn guy, is only twelve years old, and he's thinking about Tsunade Li?

"By the way, you have another disciple, right? Konan? You? Nagato?" Han Guang said surprisingly.

"What are you doing?" Jiraiya's heart sank suddenly.

"What do you think?"

Han Guang smiled.

Then, with a flick of his hand, Jiraiya was thrown into the sky.

"You are so loyal to Mount Myōboku, it would be a shame for your loyalty not to be buried with Toad Sage!"

Watching Jiraiya flying towards the core of Planetary Devastation, Han Guang spoke softly.

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