When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 185: Pushed To A Dead End By Han Guang! (Please Customize)

Inside Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked a soul-deep question.

Even if he killed the Senju clan, does it have anything to do with Han Guang?

Han Guang, has no contact with the Senju clan at all.

"Third Generation, it really doesn't matter to me if it's changed to before." Han Guang said lightly.

Having said that, he shook his head.

"But now I'm the Fourth Hokage! That's what I have to do with it. What do you think?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless when Han Guang said this.

Although he knew that Han Guang was just looking for an excuse, the problem was that this excuse made him completely unable to refute.

As Han Guang said, now the opponent is the Fourth Generation. Then the reason for the decline of the Senju clan became the best reason for Han Guang to attack the Sarutobi clan.

"So, you must deal with my family?" Sarutobi Hiruzen finally asked.

""880" is right!" Han Guang smiled.

"There is no room for detente?" Sarutobi Hiruzen pressed.

"of course not!"

Han Guang spread his hands.

Then, he approached Sarutobi Hiruzen with a cold smile: "I want you to see with your own eyes how your family is gone! After all, that's how you treated your teacher's family back then."

this moment.

Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to Summon the ape demon and stabbed Han Guang to death with a golden cudgel.

But he knew that in this way, he must be the one who died.

"You will regret this."

Leaving this sentence behind, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around and left.


As soon as he walked to the door, the door of the office was suddenly closed.

"Did I let you go?" Han Guang narrowed his eyes and spoke calmly.

"You want to kill me here?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked in a deep voice.

"No no no! How could I slaughter the previous Hokage? Unless, special circumstances!" Han Guang shook his head.

He took out a blank scroll, picked up the pen again, and waved at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Since you didn't complete the mission last time, the bounty will be deducted! Come on, I'll help you arrange the next map.


Sarutobi Hiruzen felt disgusted.

Laozi just came back from a mission, you fucking want me to do it again?

What worries him even more is, what will happen to his family after the mission returns?

With Han Guang's means, it is absolutely impossible to make his family stable.

Taking a deep breath, Sarutobi Hiruzen had other plans in his mind.

"Just this mission!"

Han Guang put down his pen and finished writing the task.

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at the content, his eyelids twitching wildly.

"You sent my Sarutobi clan to attack Cloud Shinobi Village?"

"What? Is there a problem?" Han Guang glanced at the other party.

According to the mission report submitted by Sarutobi Hiruzen just now, the emperor's baths in Yuno Country were all destroyed when Cloud Shinobi evacuated.

This is something Han Guang cannot tolerate.

Therefore, he wants the Sarutobi clan to go to Cloud Shinobi Village to seek justice.

"Han Guang, you are blatantly asking my family to die." Sarutobi Hiruzen was furious.

"Call me Fourth Hokage!" Han Guang knocked on the table and corrected.

"Okay, Fourth Generation! If you do this, you won't be afraid of other families' worries?"

"I asked your family to fight Cloud Shinobi Village, what are other families worried about?" Han Guang looked puzzled.

Then, he waved his hands impatiently.

"Without further delay, you Sarutobi clan are ready to go, let's go today."

"Okay!" Sarutobi Hiruzen responded with a deep voice, showing no expression.

Then, he turned and left.

On the chair, Han Guang clicked his nails and smiled.

"I don't believe it, so you won't betray?"

It is too easy for Han Guang to deal with the Sarutobi clan.

He believes that Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely lead his people to rebel against the village!

If they don't betray the village, the Sarutobi clan will definitely be defeated by Cloud Shinobi Village.

If that's the case, Han Guang doesn't mind letting the remaining members of this clan go. Then take advantage of the trend to destroy Cloud Shinobi Village!

However, he believed—

Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely betray the village with his family!

Exit the Hokage building.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face became extremely gloomy.

He is very clear.

Han Guang has already torn his face, blatantly dealing with his own family.

Send your family to attack Cloud Shinobi Village?

This is not a mission, it is simply to use the hands of Cloud Shinobi to destroy his own family.

Afterwards, this insidious and despicable villain will definitely destroy Cloud Shinobi Village under the banner of avenging the Sarutobi clan.

In this way, Han Guang's reputation will overwhelm the whole village.

And what about his own family? It has become a consumable for the opponent to gain reputation.

"You're only twelve years old! Why are you so insidious?"

With a deeper understanding of Han Guang's insidiousness, Sarutobi Hiruzen hurried back to the family.

"Patriarch, secret letter." Sarutobi Simu came up and handed over a secret letter,


Sarutobi Hiruzen hurriedly took the secret letter.

【Hiruzen, I've heard about it. 】

【Han Guang, that scumbag became the Fourth Hokage and kicked you down. 】

【Oh, you are too stupid to fire him sooner!】

[But you don't have to worry, I have already completed the transplant, and my strength has greatly increased. 】

【Wood Style, just mediocre!】

【Come on, come to Uchiha Madara. His time is really running out. 】

[We join hands again, make a comeback! Create greater glories!]

【Money, I haven't received it yet! Did you forget about it?】

【Remember, the Tibetan bathing pool in Yuno Country, I will wait there for you to approach. 】

【——Your best friend Danzo. 】

After reading the secret letter, Sarutobi Hiruzen crumpled it up and reduced it to ashes.

He looked at Si Mu and issued a mobilization order for the whole family.

"Inform all the clansmen immediately."

"Take all the bank notes, and go to the family square to assemble."

"Huh?" Sarutobi was stunned.

He can understand the assembly, but why only bring the bank notes? Shouldn't he bring the detonating talisman Kunai or something?

"What are you still doing?" Sarutobi Hiruzen urged anxiously.

"Ah, oh!" Simu ran away in a hurry, because he had notified the tribe.

Sarutobi Hiruzen walked to the gazebo, frowning and thinking about 2.0.

It was not difficult for the clansmen to evacuate the village.

He can use this mission as a cover.

But his son is still locked up in the security department.

"Can't save Asuma."

After thinking for a moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head secretly.

He is not an idiot.

The reason why Han Guang locked Asuma in the security department was probably waiting for him to rescue him.

Once you go, you will be counted.

"I can only wrong Asuma first.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up and walked towards the family plaza.

He has no way out.

Han Guang was so persecuted that Sarutobi Hiruzen could only defect with his family.

"Danzo, I'll be looking for you soon."

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