When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 187 Mrs. Mikoto's Skirt Fell Off! (Please Customize)

Under the night.

Thousands of Sarutobi people walk through the forest.

They all hurried on their way in silence, as if they realized something.

Finally, one of the clansmen couldn't bear it anymore.

"Patriarch, are we really going to perform a classified mission?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped in his tracks when he heard the clansman's question.

He looked at Simu and gave an order: "Simu, take someone to investigate around and see if you are being followed."


Sarutobi Yotsuki took several clansmen and dispersed.

Not for a while.

Simu returned to the queue and reported that there was no sign of being followed.

"That's it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen heaved a sigh of relief.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, he looked around at the crowd and spoke in a deep voice.

"Now, I want to tell you that the Fourth Generation is going to destroy our Sarutobi clan.


"How dare he?"

"Is Fourth Hokage crazy?"

"So we're not performing a classified mission, but running away?"

A group of clansmen fried the pot.

The Fourth Hokage wants to wipe out their family?

No wonder the patriarch asked everyone to bring their belongings, which would be defection at all.

"But patriarch, our family is still in the family residence. Simu's tone is a bit anxious.

Not only he is anxious, but others are also anxious.

The patriarch only took those capable people out of the village, but there were still old and weak women and children in the family resident.

Facing the eyes of the clansmen, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed.

"I also want to take them away, but have you ever thought that once we take the old, weak, women and children with us, can we still leave the village?"


Everyone knows the reason given by the patriarch. indeed so.

The elite of their family has already attracted attention. If you bring the old and weak, women and children with you, any fool will know that they will run away.

"Don't worry, everyone, Fourth Generation still has a bottom line and won't embarrass them." Sarutobi Hiruzen comforted.


His persuasion was useless, and the group of people were still depressed.

"Patriarch, why does the Fourth Generation deal with our family? Is it just because of Asuma`~?" A clansman said suddenly.

"No!" Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head.

"It must be because the patriarch has purged the Second Generation's family, so the Fourth Generation will also purify our family." Someone jumped out.

"Huh? Who? Who said that?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face sank, and he scanned the crowd of people.

How could such words come from the people of his own family?

A group of people looked at each other with different expressions.

Although they don't know which clansman said it, but it makes sense!

If the patriarch doesn't set this precedent, the Fourth Generation probably won't do the same.

"Yoki! Check the identity of the tribe immediately." At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered.

He seriously suspected that Han Guang had sent people to infiltrate his own people.

If this is the case, then the trouble will be big.

After more than an hour.

The identities of thousands of people have all been checked.

What makes Sarutobi Hiruzen hard to understand is that the identities of these tribesmen are all okay?

Then who said that sentence just now?

"Go ahead."

A little uneasy in his heart, Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered to continue on his way.

He couldn't stay here for too long, he had to get away from the village as soon as possible.


This time on the road, a group of clansmen were all preoccupied.

They didn't know where the patriarch was going to take everyone.

After defecting to Konoha, where should they end up?


Some clansmen couldn't bear it anymore.

"Patriarch, where are we going?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his head to look at this clansman, sizing him up carefully.

He seriously suspected that this clansman was a traitor.

But the problem is that he has no evidence, let alone interrogate him face to face.

Because of this, it will cause panic and dissatisfaction among the clansmen.

After thinking about it, Sarutobi Hiruzen gave a vague answer.

"Let's go to Tang Country first."

"Soup Country?"

A group of clansmen all looked suspicious.

If they remember correctly, the patriarch once promulgated the five major ninja village treaties, which clearly stipulated that large ninja troops could not enter neutral countries.

"Other ninja villages have violated it, so I can't violate it?"

Seeing the doubts of the people of this tribe, Sarutobi Hiruzen made it clear.

He is not a Hokage anymore, and his family is also being targeted by Han Guang, so he still cares about the treaty?

"Patriarch, is our family going to join the Tang Dynasty Daimyo?" asked Yotsuki.


Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head.

He doesn't intend to tell his clansmen about this kind of thing at the moment, and he will only reveal it to a few trusted clansmen when he arrives at the Tibetan bathing pool in the country of Tang.

Konoha Village.

The banquet on the second floor of the security department is over.

The patriarchs of various clans left one after another, leaving only Han Guang and Uchiha Fugaku.

Not surprisingly, Chief Fugaku was drunk again.

Of course, Han Guang is not interested in sending him off.

He stood up and left the security department.

As soon as he walked out of the security department, Han Guang stopped in his footsteps.

He turned his head to look at the shadow of a tree, a playful look flashed across his face.

Mrs. Mikoto, what are you doing hiding behind a tree at this late hour?"

Han Guang's voice sounded slowly, startling Mikoto behind the tree.

"Keep your voice down." Mrs. Mikoto bared her head and whispered.

"What are you doing?" Han Guang looked surprised.

This is outside the gate of the Security Department. As the wife of the Fugaku clan chief, how can Mrs. Qin be sneaky?

"I'm waiting for you." Mrs. Mikoto blushed.

"Wait for me?" Han Guang touched his chin.

Stepping to the back of the tree, he hit the opponent.

At this time, Mrs. Mikoto was wearing a purple camisole and a purple dress with slits to the waist.

Wearing this outfit, no wonder he had to hide behind a tree.

"Is Fugaku drunk?" Mrs. Mikoto asked.

"That's right." Han Guang nodded.

(of it) "Then you come with me." Holding Han Guang's arm, Mrs. Mikoto walked towards the depths of the alley.

"Where are you taking me?" Han Guang was curious.

"You'll find out soon." Mrs. Mikoto was mysterious.

After a while.

The two walked into an empty room.

In the room, dim purple lights bloomed.

Han Guang stood at the door and touched his chin.

Massage table, essential oils, RMB.

"So, you turned this room into a massage room?"

"Yes." Mrs. Mikoto smiled.

Then, she pointed to the massage table.

"I prepared this specially for you! Only for you."

"Then I'm going to try your massage technique."

Han Guang lay down on the massage table, indicating that it was time to start.

"let's start."

Just finished.

Mrs. Mikoto's skirt fell off.

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets].

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